Ah Nathan, "it is better to be feared than to be loved."
I thought the big E's were supposed to encourage those who are deemed, in JW name calling terms, "weak" and "inactive"...
I must be mistaken.
in january of this year, a prominent elder resigned because he was criticized for continuing to talk to an inactive couple, who had been very close friends.
this couple are being gossiped about, as being apostates, although no action has been taken, and no announcement.
he didn't like the scrutiny on himself and his wife, and thought they were wrong to talk to him about this issue, so he resigned.
Ah Nathan, "it is better to be feared than to be loved."
I thought the big E's were supposed to encourage those who are deemed, in JW name calling terms, "weak" and "inactive"...
I must be mistaken.
another avenue of service that the borg always tries to shove down the mouths of youth/single peeps is that of going to m.t.s.
(ministerial training school).
if bethel isn't your cup of tea, then m.t.s.
In fact this one brother, who I believe was a Bethel elder serving at his hall would say all the time that Bethelites should have been considered first for M.T.S. before any outsiders (outside of Bethel).
It was interesting reading how supposed people who love the whole association of "brothers" consider one an "outsider" and did their utmost to ruin him.
Truly telling how people in Bethel do not have those 'outside' best interests at heart...only their own. Why does anyone listen to those free ride ingrates?
ok everyone....i have noticed that there are a few other religions out there similar to the jw's.....for example...i have a friend who has a sister that who belongs to a non-denominational christian church.....she feels that her church is the "only way" to god...and also too it seems as though she looks down on anyone who does not go to her church....they have weekly bible studies on monday or tuesday nights...they even have a "field service" in which they go out to neighbors trying to get them to come to that particular church....does anyone else out there know about the other ones similar to the jw?
2. The "end" will come within the lifetime of the "1844 generation" (Wow- thats familar! JWs say 1914 generation)3. The initial prediction of Christs return to rule the EARTH in 1844, later changed to an "invisible" presence in HEAVEN. (Same as the JWs only different year)
Actually, those are the exact same dates Russell looked to before changing to 1914, 1915. There is no difference in the time chronology or concepts between the early JW's and Adventists.
They're all from the same 'branch'.
preaching, to a witness is the most important assignment that god gives.as a matter of fact, if you don't preach you are bloodguilty before god.if you don't cover the territory properly, you are bloodguilty.
if you didn't keep proper records, you were bloodguilty.if you didn't do not-at-homes, you were bloodguilty.if you didn't return to talk to a return visit within the week, you were bloodguilty.
obviously, we could never reach all persons with the "truth".
If preaching was held as the utmost import then there would be no Bethel. JR never went door to door and frankly neither has most of the GB. They confuse teaching those already in with preaching to those not in. They will not even condescend to having a conversation with a non-witness. They've lived ans stayed inside a sheltered building their entire lives....nothing like Paul, not even close to Christ. They're pretty bad examples if you ask me.
THEY don't preach, why should anyone else? Guilt?, I think not.
the following is a beginning to something i have been thinking about for a long time.
any ideas or additional thoughts would be appreciated.
Personally, I think the Pharasies thought God's standards weren't high/good enough....so they added their own just like the WTS does.
ie. God says: Wash your hands before you eat.
Pharasies say: Washing your hands isn't good enough, you must wash all the way up to your elbows.
God says: Be neat and clean in appearance for worship.
WTS says: Being neat and clean in appearance is not good enough, you must also wear a white shirt, tie, and suit coat. No beards and you must do your best not to resemble anyone outside of this place.
Christ tells us: You will know my disciples by the love they have amoung one another.
WTS says: We know Christ's disciples are only those who attend 5 meetings a week and turn in 10 hrs of field service. (15 min. exception for the elderly and infirm)
Paul says: ref. to some saying they belonged to Apollos, some Paul, some Cephas, and some Christ seperately. Paul states, they should all speak in agreement as to being Christians and belonging only to Christ. Christ died for us, not Paul, Cephas, or Apollos.
WTS says: Paul said we should all speak in agreement and never say something different than the GB. For the GB is our mediator and speaks for us. When they say jump, we ask how high...forget about Christ dying for you, you belong to the GB.
Edited by - Lieu on 8 September 2002 18:12:42
my watchtower experience ....... .
i came out of the watchtower approx 4 years ago and so did my husband and younger son who at the time was an un-baptised publisher.
hubby and myself were baptised.
People wha are cruel to animals have cruel hearts...they are sadistic in nature and definitely will not treat people any better.
Serial killers have one thing in common....
we don't know what jesus was doing during the period of 1914-1919. contrary to the wt doctrine an elder during tonights bookstudy for no apparent reason made this statement after the last paragraph for tonights book study was commented on .most unusuall don't you think?
People, claiming to be Christians, who base their entire faith in dates instead of in Christ, are a sad bunch.
The GB reminds me of Saul. "We don't really know whats going to happen, I know, let's go ask the friends." Only they are referring to the Psychic "Friends" (Network).
if i recall correctly, jws teach that jesus returned and has been present since 1914. if this is true, then why do they keep observing the memorial?
*** 1 corinthians -26 ***.
keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
Good question. I used to wonder the same thing.
a few weeks ago the pastor at our church gave the sermon from the book of esther.
this sparked some old wt memories.
i looked through my old bound volumes and found this gem of misguided scholarship from the writing department.
If the book of Ruth is fiction...then what is her name doing in the ancestral line up of Christ, later on in the gospels?Since Persians were known to assimilate the practices of those they conquered (Babylonians, et al) and not make "waves". .....why would it be hard to understand that Mordachai and Esther were given foreign names just as Daniel and his friends were when in captivity....seems like the norm of captors in that region to change the names of their slaves.
just wondering - new game out, developed by the us army.
it's based on the unreal tournament 2003 engine, so it looks pretty good.
decent gameplay, a lot of innovative features for shooters.. best of all, it's free.. wondering if anyone else has taken a shot at it yet?
You guys do the airbourne stuff yet?....oh, the white light and leg breakage!!!
The targeted audience, of course, are teenagers...but, it seems that all the TA's think they are playing Doom...."teamwork" isnt in the vocab yet.
Fun game and free.