to the "inquisition" of these days... that is on may you have peace.. because there seems to be a 'movement' to 'expose' me as false, and judge and condemn me as a 'jezebel' and more... i would hereby like to confess my 'sins' and 'errors'... and repent my actions/inactions... before you... and all onlookers... if you will permit me.
thank you.. i confess... that i am a servant to the household of god, israel, and a slave of christ, by means of an anointing with holy spirit, which i received directly from the person of my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.. i confess... that i have been given the 'free gift' of holy spirit, in the form of hearing spirits, discerning inspired utterances, so that i hear not only the voice of my lord, the but voices of various spirits, so i am able to relate to others that hear, as well as those that do not hear... what the spirit says to the congregation.. i confess... that i have been freely given other 'gifts' of that same spirit, which gifts manifest themselves in me in various ways and which gifts i have not attempted to hide from anyone... man... or god.. i confess... that i have a love for my father and my lord to such an extent that i would subject myself to public humiliation, before all men, bear reproach now... and endure a 'torture stake' for the glory that awaits me, which glory i have nought but faith in, because i have heard of its certainty... and received my 'sealing'... directly from the one the promised such glory, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mishajah.. i confess... that i have agreed to 'repay' my lord for his love and kindness... the undeserved kindness granted me... in the only way that i can... by obeying his voice and going to the household of god, those that go with them, and any others who are 'thirsting' and 'wishing'... and telling them that the same gifts and glories undeservedly afforded me... can be granted to them as well.. i confess... that as a true servant to the household of god, by means of undeserved kindness, i have been granted to know the fruit of my father's spirit that is love... for all of mankind... including my enemies.
a love such it compels me to tell what i hear to those who wish to hear of it, even at risk to my own spirit... whether they hear... or they refrain.. i confess... that contrary to what is 'usual' among so-called professed 'christians' and 'anointed', i have not sought to compel people to follow me, or to join any church, religion or other institution of 'theology', and will not, but instead, have asked and spoken only that any who 'hear'... and any who wish to hear... hear... and follow the voice of the fine shepherd, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.... i repent... that i am but mere flesh and blood, a woman, a 'foolish thing' and 'weaker vessel', so that i do not always have the strength to stand against the opposition facing me, although i have wished no harm, no evil, no malice toward any.. i repent... that at times my forehead is not as hard as flint, and my heart is not so protected so as not to feel fright when facing off with my adversary and his agents.. i repent... that i do not possess in me the gifts of the spirit that grant miracles, such that those who do not believe can have the 'scales' removed from their eyes so as to see the things 'unseen', things almost too glorious for me to utter... with their own eyes... rather than simply ask for and be granted the 'free gift' of holy spirit and see for themselves.... i repent... that i do not possess in me the 'perfect' love that would move me to not feel hurt and pain when derided and ridiculed, but be able to say to my father, as did my lord, "forgive them father, for they do not know what they do.
ok this has nothing to do with being a jw or anything of that nature but it is important to me and i need some help:.
here goes i have been drinking rum and coke (bacardi) since i can remember and finally realized that maybe it is contributing to my severly harsh hangovers.
I am so sorry Doug. I am facing something similar. My grandmother is also in the hospital. She suffered a heart attack this past week, and they are still running test on her. I know she is 85 and I can't expect many more years but I am still hoping for them.
When I first moved here to Fuquay, I became good frineds with one of my neigbors. I told her all about the JW's and my involvment with them.
Not to long after that, the jw's started coming around our area. (They have yet to come to my house) Well, I gave her a few pointers on how to stop them from coming to her house. I am glad she didn't take my advice, as she came up with a much better idea. They came calling again today and she when she opened the door and saw who it was, she said............" You see that dog under the steps? The one that is growling at you? Well, I have been taking him to obediance school and also had them train him to attacks JW's who come to my door." I about peed my pants when she told me that. I think I will use the same if they ever come to my house, and I have three big dogs!
I to can't wait for the segment to air. I know all of us want to see the Borg brought to it's knee's but, I just hope that we will all of us try to help any of the jw's who leave the org (if they leave) after they view it. It will cause a lot of confussion for some.
I was just sitting here thinking about the many times people have asked about the airing of the Dateline segment.
Well, just a thought. How about this? We can move this post up to the top once a week until the show does finally air. This way people will not ask all the time?
It will air sometime this fall but, as of yet a date has not been set. Silentlambs or one of the others in the know will post here when they know the date.
There will be times that you feel like pulling your hair out but, you will never receive greater joy than you are about to experience.
Little girls tend to love their Daddy's most of all. There is a country song that I heard a while back. I think the title is "Daddy's little girl" although I am not totally sure. It always made me cry. Kinda gives you the gist of what it will be like.