JoinedPosts by Joepublisher1
The Pope believes "All religions are true"...
by Joepublisher1 inwell, here's the latest hoax going around the jw community and many jws are irresponsibly passing along this multi-faceted hoax about the new pope, as fact!
it's disturbing that a jw will buy into these hoaxes if it's received by a brother/sister.
they just don't seem to learn there lesson either (i.e.
The Pope believes "All religions are true"...
by Joepublisher1 inwell, here's the latest hoax going around the jw community and many jws are irresponsibly passing along this multi-faceted hoax about the new pope, as fact!
it's disturbing that a jw will buy into these hoaxes if it's received by a brother/sister.
they just don't seem to learn there lesson either (i.e.
I agree Phizzy... but, beyond that and more on point, JWs are shameless in the manner/method that they spread gossip and hoaxes. The Pope NEVER said this! I'm sure this is an effort by some JWs to spread doubt about the Pope's leadership - remember how they teach the wild beast will turn on false religion(?). It's just wrong to spread hoaxes as "fact" and most JWs never do any vetting about the accuracy of these stories. Just pass it along and if you get one of these hoaxes from a bro or sis, it must be true - NOT NECESSARILY!
The Pope believes "All religions are true"...
by Joepublisher1 inwell, here's the latest hoax going around the jw community and many jws are irresponsibly passing along this multi-faceted hoax about the new pope, as fact!
it's disturbing that a jw will buy into these hoaxes if it's received by a brother/sister.
they just don't seem to learn there lesson either (i.e.
Well, here's the latest hoax going around the JW community and many JWs are irresponsibly passing along this multi-faceted hoax about the new pope, as fact! It's disturbing that a JW will buy into these hoaxes if it's received by a brother/sister. They just don't seem to learn there lesson either (i.e. demonized smurfs from the 80s!) and to research things before accepting it as fact. It's sad...
For details about this hoax, check out:
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-13-2013 WT Study (ENRAGED)
by blondie inwt publications (old).
enraged against.
enraged against.
Ya, it really seems like the WTS is suggesting that the rank-and-file are responsible for all their problems. Truth is, the WTS takes no responsibility for their false hopes and scandals (pedophilia mis-handling/cover-up, UN NGO involvement, etc.). The WTS leaders have convinced people to ignore/avoid higher education and jobs that take us away from meetings. As a result, most JWs are near or at LOW-INCOME levels, without a good education and as a result suffer the consequences of this. So, who is to blame for this? You mean, the WTS takes no blame at all for pressuring/coercing their members to follow their leadings on these matters? It's so typical that the WTS assume/accepts NO BLAME for the bad advice that they give to the rank and file in order to perpetuate the lie that the WTS is God's organization - it's not! It's run by men and all of us exJWs know that - some of the current members strongly believe that, too! The WTS (JW religion) is a sham, a hoax, a digusting fraud.
BiIG AWAKE CHANGE IN THE 90's and past changes.
hello all this is my first post i've been having many doubts with all this "bright light" not changes lately... and with past changes such as this one not sure if i can post this but i guess i'll find out :.
The wording in the masthead was something that I took very seriously! I mean, in part, it calls this promise: "God's promise"! Well, after I realized that this organization [run by men I now know] changes "core and long-taught doctrines" and HOPES that no one will ever notice or think the worse of them. Now that I'm out, I do think it's absolutely wrong what this man-made organization does - it misleads people and THAT IS FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG! With the internet, more-and-more JWs are awakening to "TTATT" (the truth about the truth). btw: Thank you for posting this for the benefit of newer JWs who are completely oblivious to these changes and more importantly, their deception! Hopefully, they'll investigate these things for themselves. JWFACTS.COM is a great resource for any JW who wants to learn about their religion's history - the one that the WTS glosses over and re-writes for their own selfish interest! Knowledge is [indeed] POWER!
1975 coverup! Compare the '68 and '81 Truth book scans
by JimmyPage inthe wt society pointed to 1975 as the date for the end of the world.
when the date came and went they changed their publications to remove themselves from the fiasco.
need proof?
The omission of these quotes in the 1981 Truth book say alot! It proves that the WTS was hyping the year 1975! Yes, they have always been pretty careful about saying outright, "The end will come in 1975", but they talked about it (and printed statements) in just about every other way so that the only conclusion the rank and file should reach is that the end is indeed coming in 1975. And, believe me, the rank and file GOT THE MESSAGE! Many of the older JWs out there became JWs because of this hype! And there are a few of those older JWs who will tell you outright that the WTS believed the end was coming in the fall of 1975!
So the people with the REAL truth are apostates!
by ILoveTTATT ini have been on this site for around two months.
in those two months, i have learnt a ridiculous amount of jw history and i now have insight on how humongous of a scam the jw's are.
at first, maybe even a year ago, i would have thought, yeah... the apostates have half-truths and they utilize some truths and then lie about the rest.. well, for the benefit of all the lurkers in here: trust the apostates!
Phizzy, I e-mailed Paul Grundy about this:
"As to the web site, the most telling thing about it, for JW's is that, if you can show that something on there is wrong, factually, doctrinally, or whatever, Paul promises to change it.
I really must e-mail the wonderful chap and ask him if he has ever had to change anything of substance, I very much doubt it."
Paul responded that he mostly doesn't hear from any JW with any valid corrections. I mean, how could a JW correct Paul's web-site (unless it was a type-o) concerning quotes taken directly from WTS literature. Of course, the whole web-site doesn't contain only WTS quotes, but JWs don't seem to be able to find anything of substance to discredit. No lies, no mistakes, no objections, unless you consider the "new light" doctrine to be an explanation/rebuttal to Paul's JWFACTS web-site. Of course, Paul even deals with that man-made doctrine on his web-site (JWFACTS.COM).
On a related point, I have challenged some JW apologists that I have engaged in conversations on YouTube to prove one lie or one mistake on the JWFACTS web-site and not ONE JW has ever been able to do that! (So much for the WTS caution that apostates are liars who speak half-truths. Also, as mentioned by someone else on this thread, the WTS never speaks about the details - they just blanketly call apostates liars and then provide NO PROOF of that statement.)
As a side, I'm sure Paul Grundy would love to hear from you. I have written him (more than once) to thank him for his web-site and all the work that he put into it. (You can go to his web-site to find his e-mail.) Paul's website has helped me immensely to draw my own conclusions about the WTS/Jehovah's Witnesses!
So the people with the REAL truth are apostates!
by ILoveTTATT ini have been on this site for around two months.
in those two months, i have learnt a ridiculous amount of jw history and i now have insight on how humongous of a scam the jw's are.
at first, maybe even a year ago, i would have thought, yeah... the apostates have half-truths and they utilize some truths and then lie about the rest.. well, for the benefit of all the lurkers in here: trust the apostates!
I want to make a couple of comments about ILoveTTATT's admission below:
"No, we don't have all the answers. We don't know if there IS a God or there isn't. We don't know what TRULY happens to us when we die. But here's a newsflash: NEITHER DO THE JW'S!!"
As JWs we're taught, 'Where are we to go, if we leave JWs?' So, many JWs adopt the viewpoint, 'If you can't show me something better, why should I leave?' Well, I can't answer that for your personally. For me, it was my conscience that prompted me to leave. I mean, how can I preach to people that 'we have the truth' when I know that is simply not true. Worse than that, how can I support a religion that has not been completely forthright with its members about TTATT! I can't... I won't belong to such a religion.
Knowing what I know now, I've had to accept the fact that there are answers in life that I just don't know, nor do I believe that religion does either (including JW's religion). I remember in the beginning of my association with JWs how they seemed to have an answer for just about everything. That should have been a red flag to me back then, but I was too involved (brain-washed) to see the error in accepting that notion. (I thought they answered everything from the Bible, but in reality it was the WTS's (men's) interpretation of the scriptures and we know what happens when imperfect men "interpret" the Bible. (btw: The Bible on its own is full of contradictions and weird stories - esp. the Hebrew Scriptures - so trying to find God through the Bible alone is a waste of time. As many times as I have read it, it produces more questions than I can document.)
The reason I'm not sure there is a God is a simple one. In every religion, there's some sort of clergy class (leaders) who are necessary to explain what God teaches and wants (even in the religion of JWs they are called the Faithful and Discreet Slave). If there was a God, certainly there would be a method where he could communicate to us and in such a fashion that we know it's him and that he can be trusted. Of course, most religions teach that we can't approach God because of our sinful condition. Well, first of all, if the only sin I committed was being born than that doesn't seem fair at all! Second of all, why do the teaches seem to get a free pass and are the only ones who seem to have a "special" relationship with God? In every religion, one thing is constant. It's lead by imperfect leaders that make mistakes and can't be trusted with your life's goals and life itself. Life is too precious for that!
Finally, if there was a God and people (like us) were mentally/emotionally trapped in a false religion (like JWs), why didn't God - if he is real - do anything about it? So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't trust religion anymore and don't especially believe that God exists.
So the people with the REAL truth are apostates!
by ILoveTTATT ini have been on this site for around two months.
in those two months, i have learnt a ridiculous amount of jw history and i now have insight on how humongous of a scam the jw's are.
at first, maybe even a year ago, i would have thought, yeah... the apostates have half-truths and they utilize some truths and then lie about the rest.. well, for the benefit of all the lurkers in here: trust the apostates!
I also want to state, whether the WTS leaders are guilty of "group-think" or outright fraud, I'll let others decide for themselves. However, for me if something isn't the truth YET claims to be, that is fraud - simple as that. It does bother me that there are no modern-day Ray Franz's amongs that group. I mean, isn't there at least one of those leaders whose conscience is stricken by TTATT?
So the people with the REAL truth are apostates!
by ILoveTTATT ini have been on this site for around two months.
in those two months, i have learnt a ridiculous amount of jw history and i now have insight on how humongous of a scam the jw's are.
at first, maybe even a year ago, i would have thought, yeah... the apostates have half-truths and they utilize some truths and then lie about the rest.. well, for the benefit of all the lurkers in here: trust the apostates!
I have to say, that I love your posts ILoveTTAT! I'm going to repeat what you said:
"It makes it really hard to know the truth (about the JW's) if the liars (the JW's) are calling themselves "the truth" and that same liar calls the ones who say the truth (apostates) liars...
And when we (apostates) try to tell your families, your wives, your children, your husbands, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, etc... that you are in a SCAM and you need to GET OUT... we are called names, insulted, shunned, etc.
Do you now see how FRUSTRATING it is?? But we must keep on... telling the TRUTH about "the truth"..."
Here's why I'm repeating this. Most (if not all) exJWs used to blindly buy-in to what the WTS told us about ex-members (aka Apostates). Of course, all of us would have to admit that we NEVER gave the exJWs a chance to explain themselves. We were simply told to avoid them and above all, "To not listen to them."
It takes a determined individual to not allow themselves to be bullied by the leaders of the WTS. It also takes a "humble" JW to want to investigate what ex-members are saying. After all, if what ex-JWs are saying is true, the only conclusion is that the religion of JWs is a hoax and to admit that after years (decades) of membership requires humility!!! Unfortunately, some JWs will NEVER embark on learning TTATT (The Truth About The Truth) because they "can't handle the truth"!
All I know is this. If the WTS really was "the Truth", nothing could be shown to members that would convince them otherwise, unless of course, if the Truth is NOT "the Truth"! And, that's why the acronym TTATT has so much meaning. Once you investigate and study things outside the walls of the Kingdom Hall/WTS, you see/understand things that you didn't see/understand before. You also see how the WTS leaders/writers employ "logical fallacies" to cover-up their mistakes/errors/etc. in order to "play" with your mind.
I'll tell you... all of this research (including how the WTS uses Logical Fallacies) really awakens you and allows you to see not only the JW religion without blinders, it educates you in an overall manner not to ever be fooled by anyone (or any organization) again who employs mind-control techiques to convince you of their propaganda.
Knowledge is INEED power and a protection! Thankfully, the internet has opened up a door for all JWs to learn TTATT.