I question why this hasn't been brought out at all the conventions, or has it and no one caught it? Or was it just this bethelite speaking what he thought? None of the ones here who still go to the conventions have mentioned this. But this is a good one. I didn't think of it, Bible example and all!
Anyways, doesn't that info bring up more questions? It does to me. When did the "next generation begin this time? What about the promise of "this" generation not ending without the new system? What about this earth being so polluted that it can't go on without God's intervention? What about all the signs of the end? Does the Bible say that there will be new ones or do the same ones start over again at the "new end" of the "next generation"? How are the "new" ones to believe the "new signs" are the ones, when these signs for the past 100 years were supposed to be the "worst ever"? How bad do the new signs have to be"? Guess we don't need to worry about the world say "Peace, peace, and there will be now peace" anymore. The hurricanes and the tornados and earthquakes will have to
take a breather too. War will have to calm down a bit too, so the "new generation" will be able to see a difference to the past ones!
What about Satan being thrown down to the earth knowing he has little time left? I bet he's happy for the extention! Now he can make the earth even worse and see if the "next generation" can hold up when this one didn't! Demons must be thrilled and looking for even more items to possess to lure JWs away. The Smurfs will have to make a come-back!
What about the annointed numbers dropping down in numbers and how does that work with only 144,000 going to heaven and the fact that the Society says that some will be alive during the end, with so few left now? Life extension for them up to 200? With science pulling off some great things in the medical field and life expectancy taking a turn for longer years which are already reaching up towards 100, and the discoveries extending it up past 120 plus not impossible, how does that fit in the "generation" numbers? Might come in handy to explain things, huh? I thought the "love of the greater number sooling off" was a sign that the end was near and not a sign to extend to the next generation?
Or maybe there is a scripture that will account for "new ones" in that area? What about the field service, already dwindling down, how are JWs going to encourage the "next generation" to be "obedient" when they aren't? With the world getting more "wicked" and "Satan's influence" so great how will the next generation beat him off? And these are just things popping off the top of my head! This "new thought" and possibly "new light" hasn't been thought out very well. If they impliment this, there will be a bigger exit than ever, nothing compared to the one when the end didn't come in the mid 70's!