I believed everything from the first time they knocked on my door.
Well, absolutely everything except shunning. That was the only thing that I couldn't get but this was obviously my problem and I needed to work on it, but for everything else if I didn't understand something I made myself study until I did. If I heard of wrong doing those telling it were either mistaken or the ones doing it were on their way out. We were True Christians and therefore, "nearly perfect". Everyone else was, just not me. But I was working on it.
If I wasn't invited to social gatherings it was because I wasn't a good enough association. Every bad thing was because Jehovah couldn't bless me because I wasn't quite good enough.
If there were any niggly doubts I pushed them aside as if they were thoughts from Satan entering me. When I had a string of bad things happen I was told I must be doing something right or Satan wouldn't be attacking me but one sister actually said she didn't want to be too close to me in case Satan attacked her next.
I was never really aware of anything the GB did just everyone's excitement over them if there was going to be a talk by one of them. Even if it was just a recording. I didn't get excited by CO visits or assemblies either. I was in awe of the lady who studied with me who claimed to be anointed. She had much stricter views over most things, even those of the elders and disapproved of almost everyone. She has since decided she was mistaken and is now not anointed!
One elder Dave Dallas always referred to the WT study as a "letter from Jehovah" but I never knew it came from the GB just via them. I never thought men wrote this, or this is just men's opinion. I believed it came from God and never knew the truth about how it got to us at all, ever, until I left. (Ray Franz C.O.C.) This is probably because I was told by "Daphne the anointed sister", the lady who studied with me that all the anointed were contacted by Holy Spirit and given messages which they all then conveyed to Brooklyn where the magazines came from. When all the anointed on earth wrote the same letter at the same time with the same "new light" this was a clear indication to the GB that the message was from Jehovah. It was then passed on to us via the magazines. I never doubted or questioned this was how we got "new light" not once.