Don't know if this would help, but the "1917 Facts For Shareholders", a PDF document, has the bylaws on page 4 of the document at:
a older sister in miami florida has told me that the special pioneer couple who got their walking papers last week said they are also voting members of the watchtower society.
also his stock share is valued at $800,000!.
i did some research and spoke to some longtime witnesses and found out that there are 500 voting members of the society and they are also called shareholders.. has anyone ever of someone selling his share?.
Don't know if this would help, but the "1917 Facts For Shareholders", a PDF document, has the bylaws on page 4 of the document at:
hello, i am sam(samuel).
i am 18 and i live in romania.
my english is not that good and i find it hard to express myself even in my language xd.. i'm not an open person and i would've probaly never talked so open of my life but this "event" had so much impact on my life and it damaged me so deeply that i do now write this.. i came to this site to help myself fight the problem that destroyed my life for the past 2 years.
Hi Samuel. As Zoos said, your English is very good. You should be proud that you realized within two years that you're on a path you'd rather not be on. You're young, and have a long life ahead of you. You can't change the past, but have today, and the future. You don't have to waste any more worrying about a tomorrow that may never come.
Life, and the world, is full of beauty. Babbling brooks, a gentle breeze, a night around a crackling campfire, all the wonders of nature and it's creatures. Each one, getting along, day by day. None worrying. May you find the path you want to follow. Thank you for sharing your journey.
i keep thinking about the time i will "come out" and tell my wife about this sick cult.
i don't know when that day will come, but knowing me i will seat down with her and ask her for 5 minutes to explain to her why we as a family has to get out.
my question is: what will you tell somebody in 5 minutes, that will convince that perdon that this is not a good religion to follow and that we have been deceived?.
i've been df'd for about six weeks one has broken the obligation to "honor the disfellowshipping decree".that's the way notorious co paul kohler describes the "loving arrangement" that is jw shunning.
( just "serving" napa ).
so, my wife's family has been "loving me" ( barf ) when out of nowhere, one of them sends home homemade soup for me.... well, i got super pissed.
Someone who thinks shunning is loving might also think it's loving to cause your demise before Armageddon so you'll have a chance at resurrection. Don't eat the soup. She might wanna love you to death.
we had another letter read this week from the 'slave' that asked for more money again.. it asked for a resolution to be passed by all congregations in support of the circuit overseer to pay their expenses and medical expense was included in there.. a resolution was put on the floor and voted upon and agreed by show of hands that our congregation would send over $2,000 for the year 2016.. the society broke it down to how much it would be per year for each publisher but i do not remember what they suggested.. i was glad i was listening in and not present this week because it would have been obvious i did not support the resolution because my hand would not have been up when the attendance took a count.. has anyone here also had the letter read at their service meeting this week?.
It's as relevant as truth. Maybe a very short children's story will help you decide. It's a classic and you may have already read it. If not, it's very short and can be found here.
the thought suddenly struck me plain and obvious: "these dogs won't stop until i'm good and bloody.".
there were two of them; a mixed breed of boxer and pit bull; clean, white--collared, tagged and--for some inexplicable reason, ferociously intent on tearing me to shreds!.
ah, but i'm getting ahead of myself.
Sail Away, don't know how I managed to overlook your post where you mentioned air horns. Wouldn't have posted my link if better attention had been paid. Sorry.
the thought suddenly struck me plain and obvious: "these dogs won't stop until i'm good and bloody.".
there were two of them; a mixed breed of boxer and pit bull; clean, white--collared, tagged and--for some inexplicable reason, ferociously intent on tearing me to shreds!.
ah, but i'm getting ahead of myself.
In reading, as the story went on, it became my hope that it was truly a story. Sorry it wasn't. As a proud dog owner, it would be my worst nightmare to have something like that happen to anyone. It would be upsetting to happen even if a person were on private property or up to no good. To have it happen on a street, sidewalk or any public area is beyond horrific. I'd have been there eating humble pie with sincere apologies and a phone number to my insurance company. Just horrible.
It's probably not a great time for suggestions, especially one that shows kindness to the animal right now, but sometimes a dog can be sidetracked with dog biscuits or a piece of dog jerky and a kind word. In your case, it doesn't seem like that would have helped and unless you're there, it's hard to know whether it's best to yell a commanding, "NO, go home!" or say, "hi guy, you're a sweetie, want a treat?" LOL.
It would be real hard to get back on and ride now. The fear and pain must be awful. My heart goes out to you. If there's a place on your bike, or even if there isn't, you might be able to rig up a device to fit this clever little gizmo in a water belt worn on your waist, or some other device.
It's a loud siren that it's likely no one would sleep through. At least it might get you help a lot faster. That's just darn dangerous with one dog, much less two. It was a great story though. Just sorry it's true. My thoughts are with you.
portrait of a girl and her dog.
(a true story by terry edwin walstrom).
her name was cheryl ann draper and she was about 11 years old the day she begged her daddy, who worked at a gas station, to let her go with him to work.