Ansett airlines in Australia has had a lot of maintenance probs lately, and the other day an Ansett Pilot was Taxiing down the tarmac, the jetliner abruptly stopped, turned around and returned to the gate. After an hour-long wait, it finally took off. A concerned passenger asked the flight attendant, "What was the problem?" "The pilot was bothered by a noise he heard in the engine," explained the flight attendant, "and it took us a while to find a new pilot."
Posts by Loki
Can't think of a Title
by Loki inansett airlines in australia has had a lot of maintenance probs lately, and the other day an ansett pilot was taxiing down the tarmac, the jetliner abruptly stopped, turned around and returned to the gate.
after an hour-long wait, it finally took off.
a concerned passenger asked the flight attendant, "what was the problem?
Englishman Unplugged.
by Englishman ina few posters have asked me questions re my background, so, here is a potted version of my 54 years as an earthling: .
i was born in bolton, greater manchester, in the north of england.. my father was an air-traffic controller and was transferred to london heathrow when i was quite young.
hed flown many missions on lancaster bombers during ww2.
I'm so glad I'm not the only who had trouble with those stupid "wheels within wheels" [8>]
Psychic torture and manipulation
by Norm inbrooklyn has really developed manipulation into a fine art.
you see, i didnt have any feeling of self-worth, so i could not imagine how jehovah could ever accept my service to him.. .
paul and all the other idiots that couldnt have a life because of the lack of time are now dead.
What a thought provoking post. I'd forgotten how much guilt used to play a part in my life.
Funny how they forget to point out the possibility of a connection between poverty and too much time in field service, in not enough in education or gainful employment.
RHW: Good point. I too was a Was never enough, there was always more that I should be doing. I also ended up ill and having to give up, as did as another pioneer in the same cong. Never got any thanks for what we did manage to do.
Lost a lotta guilt -
More Notes from 2001District Conv.---Sunday
by LostMyReligion inhere are some of the spiritual gems i gleaned from sunday's sessions.. symposium on book of malachi:.
points in which we can magnify jehovah.
do not be like priests at mal.1:13 to whom temple service was a burden.
Thank you LMR, you take great notes. Funny thing is, the message in them seems to same as the message given years ago in the notes I used to take. They do seem to be pouring it on about loyalty and treachery, aren't they? Do you think they could be expecting trouble? Wonder why??!!
Someone on one of the other threads asked about reformating of the Theocratic Ministry School - maybe the new release has something to do with that?
The drama had a familiar theme too. Mind you, I always found the dramas easier to take than the talks.
Wouldn't have so many converts huh.
by esther inok, so i got my idea from bugeye's wife's thread.
if the wtbts decided to change its doctrine so that the age for baptism was 30 years, the same age as john and jesus, would everyone who was baptised under that age have their baptism invalidated?
if so, what would happen to any disfellowshipped ones whose baptism was invalid?
Interesting thought Esther. Do you think that could make those of of df'ed who were dunked before we turned 30 could be reclassifed as the "nondisfellowshipped" (Can't be undf'ed - that ones taken)
If they did do it, wonder what excuse they'd come up with????
Keep thinking
Is this how they control people?
by Loki inif religion is, as marx said, the opium of the people, do the borg just have theirs at a better grade than most religions?
is that why it is so hard for people to "kick the habit"?
is that why we feel so strongly about the borg - reformed druggies being the most outspoken and all that?
Hey Frontle, sorry if my questions upset you. I was actually asking about something that had been on my mind for a long time, trying to find explanations for what I see as my being duped by the JWs. I don't think it wrong to ask questions about things which I'm concerned about. The Loki I read about was a shape shifter, so could have been a wolf. I have made a lot of shifts in my life to move away from the JW way of thinking into finding my own way of thinking. You also said
it was just rational people trying to explain things that they didnt understand
- well now I am rationally trying to understand why I was involved with them. Does that answer any of your "questions"?
Francoise, you said
I think there's a lot of truth in the idea that religion is opium for the people. It keeps them insensate, makes 'em docile, keeps 'em from paying proper attention to the competing religion where Marx wanted their attention: communism.
- thats the way I see it too, because Marx was a politician and his view of things political, and a bit more than a tad left-wing. What you said about fundamentalism makes a lot of sense to me. I know a few people who have left other fundamentalist religions, and they are either involved in another fundamentalist religion, or have very strong political views (left-wing, of course) - funny, but those who stay with the religious thing are politically right-winged [8>]. Never thought about that before, thanks Francoise.Thank you Mommy and Thinkers Wife for the welcome, there seems to be some really nice people here.
Zev, I hope you are feeling less confused now. It can be quite overwhelming leaving the borg, at least it was for me and some others I know. They reach into every aspect of your life, because, as we were told, its not just a religion, its a way of life. But like the "light that keeps getting brighter", the confusion does get dimmer. I guess it just hasn't gone out completely for me yet, but enough for now.
Take care all
those NOT raised in the truth
by jurs ini was married with 2 small children (an adult) when someone came to my door.
i can't figure out how i ever got invoved !!!
i can completely see how one can be easily brainwashed being a child and raised as a witness, but i'm angry at myself more than the organization that i was so easily duped... i feel i lost 9 years of my life and missed out on so much for being stupid.
Don't worry about your children Jurs, I should think they'll be fine. I was a child when my mum was "contacted", but don't blame her for anything, not even now that I'm an adult and have left the borg. It all helped to make up my lifes experiences, and has made me really look into things for myself. These JWs are very convincing people, aren't they?
by learning inhi!
could you tell me about the jehovah's witness belief in a prophetess?
Neither is a reliable source of the truth. Both sides are prone to embellishing the facts. Personal research is the best bet.
Well put COMF!
Notes from 2001 District Conv.---Friday
by LostMyReligion inhere are a few notes i took at the friday session of the 2001 "teachers of god's word" district convention.
i thought i would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as i was listening to the program.
1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer!
Many thanks for your notes, reminds me why I don’t go anymore. They are still sprouting the same information as they did before I left.
I found the talk on the warning about Satan very thought provoking, the part of your notes that said “Are we easily provoked, critical of elders and their actions, resentful of counsel? Do we have a complaining self-oriented spirit? These things make us prime targets”. I used to take this to heart, thinking they were trying to protect the “flock”. These days this seems, in my own opinion, to be a way of warding off questions about the way things are being operated in the WTS. That way they can say what they like and the “sheep” follow trustingly.
Please keep it up LMR, it helps to keep us going. Thank you
Perversion of Baptismal Vows
by AlanF inan appendix in the book contains some 120 questions along with hundreds of scriptural "proof texts" that the proselyte is then expected to study.
12 jesus commanded his followers to baptize new disciples in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit.
the following quotation shows what the proselyte is expected to study just prior to baptism:.
Hello Alan
Like Esther, I guess I didn't listen to the questions asked at my baptism either. I was "dunked" at a district assembly at the ripe old age of 14, very nervous, and very trusting in my loving brothers.
Not so trusting anymore