anyone now have an aversion to dress clothes?
Not anymore.
But I think I must have had an aversion to dressing well when I was a JW.
~ Nil "80's fashion victim" fun
anyone else have an aversion to dress clothes, now that you aren't forced to wear a suit and tie (women insert their version here) to sit a stadium for 8 hours on a summer day?
being forced to do this as a young child traumatized me pretty good!
anyone now have an aversion to dress clothes?
Not anymore.
But I think I must have had an aversion to dressing well when I was a JW.
~ Nil "80's fashion victim" fun
it was only a matter of time before my uncle nathan passed away.
i wished i had gone and seen him before he died, but i didn't because we had a dustup about a month ago.
he was a sad tale..he had the talent beaten out of him by his abusive alchoholic elder for a father...he played classical cello for a while...except all that talent was robbed from he ran...ran away and joined the navy...left the navy and led a hard life...jail, homelessness, near death motorcycle accidents, etc...he ended up in the va hospital about a year ago...he had fallen into a deep depression after succumbing to the inherited condition anti trypsin(sp?
I hope some of you lurking out there realize what can happen when you beat the life and spirit out of a child.
This is so sad. My condolences, ((Valis & family))
lately there has been threads on family members passing and each time i read them it bring up my grandson devon.
i think of him often but these sad threads of family dieing makes me wonder what he would look like ,what his interest would be.
he would have been 7 the first of march but it was not to be.
I know a woman who still cries when she sees someone who looks to be the same age that her child would have been.
This is something that is never forgotten.
I'm so sorry your family only had Devon for a short while. ((Kls))
the aclu has recently defended the right of a college republican group to issue a "whites only" scholarship on free speech grounds.
even before knowing the aclu (of which i am a proud member) was involved, my sentiments pretty much mirrored their's.
Whew! Good thing he got his $5,000 "minority only" thingie before his club thought up that "whites only" scholarship.
I call that great timing, LoL.
the aclu has recently defended the right of a college republican group to issue a "whites only" scholarship on free speech grounds.
even before knowing the aclu (of which i am a proud member) was involved, my sentiments pretty much mirrored their's.
couldnt believe my luck.
thought id never hear from her again, she was one fit girl who went like a train.
a proper good time girl!!
couldnt believe my luck.
thought id never hear from her again, she was one fit girl who went like a train.
a proper good time girl!!
couldnt believe my luck.
thought id never hear from her again, she was one fit girl who went like a train.
a proper good time girl!!
...or is it??
couldnt believe my luck.
thought id never hear from her again, she was one fit girl who went like a train.
a proper good time girl!!
She teased me, saying she thought tubby bald men were cute!
This is obviously a joke.
couldnt believe my luck.
thought id never hear from her again, she was one fit girl who went like a train.
a proper good time girl!!
so naughty tsk tsk! LoL