My favorite is "Holy" crap! It's the "Week"end. ~ Live long and live strong! God Bless!
JoinedPosts by anezthy
Its been a good Holy Week
by designs inmemorial #1979.
3 known cruxifictions (friends doing not so nice religious things with friends).
jesus face appeared on the back of a sting ray this was very coool, tortillas are so passe'.
Does the WTS now teach that the people of Noah's day and the people of Sodom will be resurrected?
by garbonzo indoes the wts now teach that the people of noah's day and the people of sodom will be resurrected?.
Hehehehe... The point is made.
Catholics! Why did u choose your religion?
by umadevi ini went to a local catholic church on good friday with a catholic friend.
i observed that there was a lot of rituals involved.
i am interested to know why you choose this religion.
Ummm...didn't chose...My great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great.....................great grandparents great grandparents were born into the Catholic religion. Which third world country are you from?
Kids being Sent to the Doors Alone
by TOTH ini saw something weird yesterday on my way out the door.
a hispanic jw mom had two kids of about ages 10 and 12 with her carrying invites to the memorial or maybe to the special talk.
anyways she sent the girl up the stairs alone to place whatever and the boy to a downstairs apartment.
No way....
Kids being Sent to the Doors Alone
by TOTH ini saw something weird yesterday on my way out the door.
a hispanic jw mom had two kids of about ages 10 and 12 with her carrying invites to the memorial or maybe to the special talk.
anyways she sent the girl up the stairs alone to place whatever and the boy to a downstairs apartment.
Usualusername... How could we miss that one? Shame on us! Thank you for backing us up in a "Time" of need.
Would you rather....
by anezthy inif armageddon struck right now.... would you rather be:.
the only jw passenger on a transatlantic jet that now has no pilot and will be crashing into the ocean or,.
the only jw person on a high rise elevator that is now stalled on the 110th floor without any food, power, a/c or communication or,.
If Armageddon struck right now.... Would you rather be:
The only JW passenger on a transatlantic jet that now has no pilot and will be crashing into the ocean or,
The only JW person on a High Rise elevator that is now stalled on the 110th floor without any food, power, A/C or communication or,
The only JW "Open Heart" surgery patient who's doctor just dropped dead during surgery, or
The only JW Tenant trapped in a burning building during a fire rescue, or
The only JW driver on I95 (major highway for all who don't live in the US east coast) doing 90 MPH trying to avoid all of the driverless automobiles coming at you very fast...
Armageddon real needs to be very coordinated by God and his angels for all JW to make it safely into the new order of things.
Let's play "Would you rather"... this can be fun...
Kids being Sent to the Doors Alone
by TOTH ini saw something weird yesterday on my way out the door.
a hispanic jw mom had two kids of about ages 10 and 12 with her carrying invites to the memorial or maybe to the special talk.
anyways she sent the girl up the stairs alone to place whatever and the boy to a downstairs apartment.
I agree with Emptyinside... She probably thought the kids were safe since she was nearby but it was bad judgement using the "Kids are so cute" approach. A door slammed in their face and these kids will need major therapy for the rest of their life. BAD MOMMY!!!!
Verses missing from the New World Translation - write a verse to make it complete
by usualusername init has come to my knowledge that a number of verses are missing from the new world translation - so i would like forum members to write me a verse to make it complete.. .
lets start with... rev 23:1. i will never use an organisation to run my religious affairs.
i am way bigger than that.. .
Usualusername... Thanks for the laughs. Who cares what missing in the bible. Live long, never join another organization, accept blood transfusions as they might extend your life before you become cosmic dust, never slap anyone cause you might go to jail, screw marriage (no pun intended), and masturbate everyday. Have a wonderful life cause this is all there is. Saint Peter is not at the Pearly Gates.
Does the WTS now teach that the people of Noah's day and the people of Sodom will be resurrected?
by garbonzo indoes the wts now teach that the people of noah's day and the people of sodom will be resurrected?.
Yes.... No.....Maybe.....What??...Let's see..... I'll get back to you on that one.....What was the question?... Yes... Definitly no.... Positively Yes....Well...Sort of.....Thinking about it, No....But.......Have you turned it your field service report yet?
Anyone have the balls to eat and drink this year and record it for all to see???
by sinis injust wondering for those that go forcefully or want to twist the knife, so to speak... that would be funny to watch... ;).
No. Not really. Not because of belief but only because of the belief of those for whom this is their life. I'll get plastered with my own wine at home. Just say'n.....