Racist and classist ... a great woman who lived about 75 years too long.
JoinedPosts by sizemik
Margaret Thatcher has Died
by cantleave inwhether loved or hated her, you couldn't ignore her.. http://news.sky.com/story/1075292/margaret-thatcher-dies-after-stroke.
Maybe we SHOULD start watching what is going on in Israel....
by Newly Enlightened injust heard this on world news on nbc ,[u.s.a] .
here's the link, it's interesting for those of us watching world events.. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/20/17360084-israel-becomes-a-fortress-nation-as-it-walls-itself-off-from-the-arab-spring?lite.
Don't get too comfortable in your peaceful neighbourhood.
How long do you think the USA can keep this up before the attacks on US soil begin?
Accountability comes in many forms.
Yet another "Shunning is good for you, honest!" quote in the June 15th 2013 Watchtower
by cedars inhi folks.
that's right, the new june 15th 2013 study edition is out now on this link.... http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/28/w_e_20130615.pdf.
the following quote caught my eye, from the final study article on page 28.... .
Robert must be so grateful to his spiritually mature and faithful family for totally fucking ignoring him for sixteen years. What a sterling example to all the other mind-fucked parents in the congregation they've been all that time too. He must be so proud ... maybe he'll take them out to dinner? Now he can get to know his brother who was 15 years old last time he saw him. Trouble is ... he's 31 now, married with three kid's, got diabetes and a bad attitude. Never mind . . . "He who endures" eh?
Robert must be secretly thrilled with himself too, because apart from still being able to recognise his immediate family (apart from his brother), he's also managed to screen his mind completely from Satan's mind-freeing truths for a full sixteen years. Only a true Christian can remain so wilfully fucking ignorant in the face of such a threat.
It must be remembered however, that although Robert never read a single non-fiction book or article for sixteen years, he also never read a single Watchtower or attended a meeting. This clearly demonstrates that sixteen years of being starved of "food at the proper time" means sweet fuck all. This very clever strategy of totally fucking ignoring, which involves doing precisely NOTHING, is all that's required. With the additional proviso, that Robert is a total fuckwit.
I received a vision today!
by Terry ini was peddling my bike along the trinity river in fort worth on busy university drive close to botanic gardens when i spotted.
a holy vision from jehovah!
i thought i would share it with you.. .
That's WWII aircraft livery.
This could actually be the celestial chariot in earthly form. It all adds up.
What was the REAL reason for WW1 in 1914? Hmm
by notjustyet indoes anyone know where ctr was really at on june 28th 1914?
the lengths someone will go through to not be mocked.. njy.
Maybe they hit the wrong guy?
by newdawnfades ini am a long time lurker who has finally decided to post.
i am still in along with my wife, kids and extended family.
i am in my 40s and was raised in the org.
Take your time. Think a lot.
Jehovahs Witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?
by Marvin Shilmer injehovahs witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?.
today i added a new article to my blog sharing information from a 1983 study published in the journal for the scientific study of religion addressing religious affiliation and psychiatric diagnoses.
this article pulls information from an excellent academic study that is often misunderstood and therefore underutilized for its value.
You make a good point erbie, nice post. Here's to your future success.
A lack of purpose is also why some convert, seeking similar things I guess.
On the awakening thing I'm a bit divided and tend to take it case by case. I was first contacted in the D2D 33 years ago by a little old lone sister who had been a JW all her life. Somebody revealing TATT to her would have been traumatic for sure. But I must weigh that against their engagement in recruiting and the pain and trauma that causes, however innocently. Older ones can be less threatening and have good success in the D2D work. It's still a psychologically damaging cult, I believe. For that reason, I'm usually an exposer of TATT if there's opportunity, unless there's a specific reason known to me why I shouldn't.
Found a scripture where Jesus is clearly manipulating people
by cptkirk init's a scripture that is very well known (at least among witnesses) , relatively well known.
it is clearly manipulative, and the irony being that i've seen an elder use it for his own manipulative purposes as well....in a similar circumstance that jesus used it in.
when you look at it again, you may not have seen it this way, but you will now.. i am not trying to put jesus on trial here, simply trying to point out something that is very obvious, and yet most people probably never stepped back and realized what he was actually doing here.. it is mark 6. they are stumbling over jesus (spiritually stumbling), so did he say a prayer for their hearts to be opened?
Jesus was a cult leader . . . and used all the tactics cult leaders use.
Jehovahs Witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?
by Marvin Shilmer injehovahs witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?.
today i added a new article to my blog sharing information from a 1983 study published in the journal for the scientific study of religion addressing religious affiliation and psychiatric diagnoses.
this article pulls information from an excellent academic study that is often misunderstood and therefore underutilized for its value.
@steve2 ...
Your mention of insurance is extremely coincidental. Also, very close to home.
My eldest son was treated for depression as a teenager - about nine years ago now, when he was 17. More recently, he had a nasty experience during the major quakes here. Quite a few did. For both the Sept. and Feb. shakes, he was inside buildings that suffered damage. After Feb., he arrived home 4 hours later reeking of chemicals and shaking like a leaf. Dr visit followed - prescribed fluoxetine, then citalopram. He was off work for a couple of months with the continued shaking. His income and loans insurance all denied claims based on the treatment for depression 7 years earlier, despite the questionable degree of relevance. He now faces the situation you describe. It's interesting (but not entirely surprising), to hear it's a frequent problem. Thanks for sharing that.
Two things stick out. The ease with which prescriptions are used by GP's (with the aggressive Pharma marketing element), and the insurability problem. I have little to no doubt, that there is over-prescribing taking place worth millions; and that there are millions also being paid in premiums for insurance that is basically worthless. You have to be your own consumer watchdog nowdays . . . in everything.