Jesus: "whoever shall say, 'apostate wretch!' will be liable to the burning of Gehenna." (Mt5.22-Emphatic Diaglott, cf NJB)
the dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
Jesus: "whoever shall say, 'apostate wretch!' will be liable to the burning of Gehenna." (Mt5.22-Emphatic Diaglott, cf NJB)
if there is no aging in paradise earth,expail something to me.. one of the reasons we age and die is because the mitochondrial cells convert items(food???
) into energy,this produces free radicals/toxins which damage the cells,the cells have to produce these toxins to do their work.. in a paradise earth,how will the body produce the energy without damaging the body's cells.. i am interested in any answers.. .
Easy. God's Plan all along was for us all to be downloaded into a big super-computer. Think about it: no more crying, death, pain... those former things will have passed away. Once man reaches this step biologically/technologically, God will kill everyone else who is evil, including the children of evil parents, and allow only baptized JW's to enter into into the Paradise super-computer. Doesn't Revelations makes a lot more sense now?
i had a fantasy once.
it wasn't so bizarre.
i'm certain that most people have wished that they would never have to die.
IamI - I've felt your sentiments almost exactly. I haven't given up hope entirely (life seems to be here all too conveniently.) But I am searching for something to grab hold of. I begged God so many times to reveal itself to me. Just show me something tangible so I know you are listening! Other people claim to have witnessed "miracles". I never have -- perhaps I am just not worthy of such enlightenment? And it IS hard making decisions on your own. Suddenly things aren't so morally clear without someone telling you the answers.
jjrizo - I like your philosophy! I've slowly adopted that same attitude -- to be happy, and hopefully touch the lives of others while I'm still alive. But because I tend to be very analytical, it's hard for me not to think about the cold, hard truth.
Incense_and_Peppermints - I sometimes find myself hoping that I could be a free spirit too. Then I wonder what the criterion is for becoming such. Being alive? Being human? Being a good person? -- Sometimes I feel sad, but actually I am happier than I have ever been. Not blissfully, but contentedly -- I am alive and have been given so much. (P.S. I love astronomy and learning what makes things tick in general. So thanks for the pic. It was perfect!)
LyinEyes - I am fortunate not to have lost any close family or friends yet. I dont look forward to the day it finally happens. My girlfriend just lost her father, out of the blue. She didn't get to say good-bye or one last "I love you." Shell never see him again. It makes you appreciate what you have. I am certainly trying to enjoy life more fully now, but as you say, there was a certain security in "just knowing" sometimes.
Heaven - I want to believe in something. And ever the one to find the answer to something, I desperately searched for God. Soon after I realized that the JW's were not the absolute truth, I began reading Bibles for the first time. I read scientific, philosophical and religious books and explored spiritual possibilities. I questioned everything I was taught about God and the Bible. My faith in God probably doubled what it was when I was a JW. But as my knowledge grew, so did my acceptance that maybe the Bible wasn't always right. But the deep questions kept coming. Questions, I couldn't answer any longer. I prayed sincerely but I realized no one was answering me back. I thought I could know it all and realized I knew nothing. I lost my faith in a personal God.
terafera - ((((((terafera)))))) Wow. I'm sorry. That's sad to hear. I wonder how many lives were messed up in big and small ways from following JW idealisms. I remember being a kid and thinking that I would probably not reach adulthood before the new system arrived. I wouldn't have to deal with old age and adult problems: Wow!! I was so lucky to be living now -- I wouldn't even have to die!
Undecided - Even at my "tender" age of 27 I thought of your same sentiments. I wondered how I would be in 50 years (if I'm lucky). I watch the actors of my time aging right along with me. I feel fortunate that I have escaped from the Tower when I did.
crownboy - I always had the "unholy" thought as a JW about us running out of things to do after awhile in the "new system". -- What? Aren't there enough bugs around for you to study for eternity? Okay, I tried to reason around that once: Since even a perfect human mind is finite and can only store a certain amount of information, we'll eventually dislodge some of the older stuff. Thus, we'll be excited to re-learn it! LOL -- I'm in line with your closing thoughts. I guess I shouldn't feel sorry for those who will die or even those who have died. I should feel sorry for those who have never lived.
Thanks for your thoughts, All!
Edited by - LucidSky on 2 July 2002 0:43:21
i had a fantasy once.
it wasn't so bizarre.
i'm certain that most people have wished that they would never have to die.
I had a fantasy once. It wasn't so bizarre. I'm certain that most people have wished that they would never have to die. My problem is that I believed it was true. For most of my life, really. I was going to live forever as a perfect being! Friends would be with me, my family -- everyone I've ever loved! All wrongs, all injustices would be set straight. It was truly a paradise...
The realization didn't come instantly (more like in ever-increasing surges): "Is it really so? ...I'm going to die." There will be a time when I am dead and gone, never to return. There will be a time that everyone I know won't be here. There will be a time that none of us on this planet right now will even exist.
Sometimes when I'm alone, I sit on my bed, close my eyes and think. I often find myself reflecting on where my life has been and where it's going. I think about everything I used to believe. Sometimes I cry, knowing it was all a foolish fairy tale that I was told, one that I believed with all my heart. I feel so let down.
I don't want to die. I keep hoping that this life isn't all there is. But how could I ever know something like that? If there is Something Greater out there, it doesn't appear to be perfectly described in any Holy Books I've heard of. Perhaps I could eventually know. More probably, I never will.
Still searching for my lucid sky...
Edited by - LucidSky on 1 July 2002 17:48:41
: i just started reading an article in the june first watchtower: "who is to blame; you or your genes?
" it struck me, i hadn't thought about this since i was young.
why does the watchtower think that adam and eve were white?.
Religions were established to control people.
Sentinel , I'm not so sure that was the original purpose of religions in general (organized or not). Many eventually fell into that role, but I don't think that was the intent. I feel that most of those in positions of power are simply misled, much as I was at one time. Same with the JW's.
22. if the holy spirit is god's impersonal active force, how could he: be referred to as "he" and "him" in jn 16:7- 8 and jn 16:13-14; bear witness (jn 15:26); feel hurt (isa 63:10); be blasphemed against (mk 3:29); say things (ezek 3:24, acts 8:29, 10:19, 11:12, and heb 10:15-17): desire (gal 5:17); be outraged (heb 10:29); search (i cor 2:10); comfort (acts 9:31); be loved (rom 15:30); be lied to and be god (acts 5:3-4)?.
how can this be since if jesus had been created by god, then he would have been with god when everything else was created?
why is the word "other" inserted?
Did that make the apostles false prophets?
Can't be certain. Those that disagreed with them were quickly disfellowshipped...
YK: Actually, I disagree with few things you said in this post. But regarding the use of the divine name, did Jesus and the apostles use the name in public?
if everyone here , or nearly everyone here does not believe the jw's then why waste your time going onto these websites.
when everyone leaves the truth they automaticaly go to jw websites....why?
if you no longer believe it why waste your time?.
lucidentity - I dig your ID.
I was once in your shoes. I believed with all my heart that the JW's were God's only true religion. And I still think they have some things correct, as far as Biblical accuracy goes. But if they have anything wrong, what makes them any better than any other religion? Take Undecided's advice. You will be shocked at what you learn.
man gives affection to get 'sex,' and the woman gives 'sex' to get affection and love.
puffs - You mean we're supposed to be affectionate to "get sex"? Women are so shallow.
do you know any couples that were miserable together?
or maybe just not married to the right persons?
yet they stay together anyway because it was a 'grave sin against jehovah's arrangement'?.
Beck and zev: Sorry to hear that, zev. I agree with you. I always used to have the notion that if Jehovah was first, that the marriage would always work out... It does seem sad that persons should have to spend the rest of their lives either alone or in "torture", just because the first marriage isn't working out. You don't really get to practice actually living together as a couple when you are a JW. That was basically akin to "fornication".
I'm sure a lot make the mistake of getting married early just so they can have "legalized" sex. It happened to a close friend of mine and eventually they separated. She was convinced that she couldn't get a divorce, however, unless he cheated. So, guess what? He cheated to get the divorce and then got reinstated. Meanwhile, many avoided her because she was an outsider to that congregation.
Sorry, Beck. Haven't gotten your foot fetish for the day?
Edited by - LucidSky on 25 June 2002 9:15:47
do you know any couples that were miserable together?
or maybe just not married to the right persons?
yet they stay together anyway because it was a 'grave sin against jehovah's arrangement'?.
You might be right about that, Prisca. But I seem to recall that the ones who remarried (or at least one of them) was put on reproof. I was too young though to remember if it was private or not. (You know how gossip travels even on "private" reproof, though!)
do you know any couples that were miserable together?
or maybe just not married to the right persons?
yet they stay together anyway because it was a 'grave sin against jehovah's arrangement'?.
Do you know any couples that were miserable together? Or maybe just not married to the right persons? Yet they stay together anyway because it was a 'grave sin against Jehovah's arrangement'?
Two couples in one hall I knew, married and divorced. Then one of each of them got married. They were never disfellowshipped. I thought that the Society viewed this the same as adultery because they were to remain only 'seperated' or 'get back together'?