Sorry but demonz and spiritz don't seem any more real than God to me.
by now many of you know i'm studying wicca, am in contact with a high priestess of a coven who's graciously answering many questions i have, and i'm also studying tarot cards online.. this past weekend the exercise with lesson three on the tarot was to do some sample readings.
some odd things have happened since then.
i bolded them for easier finding.. since then, my youngest daughter and i have heard a scratching sound that i took to be birds on the spouting, though we couldn't see it.
Sorry but demonz and spiritz don't seem any more real than God to me.
my compultion is locks.
whenever i leave my house i have to turn the doorknob two, three, four and even five times to make sure it is locked.
i have done it so much that my door knob is getting loose.
I can do odd O/C things now and then. But I had a girlfriend with a mild form of OCD:
She sometimes carried hand sanitizer and washed hands as soon as she got in.
Didn't like to touch metal (unless handcuffs ) especially anything rusty.
Didn't like to touch cold, wet foods or any food in the sink.
Arranged movies categorically and alphabetically (of course she had a lot).
Arranged clothes categorically and chromatically.
Liked bottle labels all pointing forward.
Didn't like her routine being messed with and often needed to "emotionally prepare" for certain things.
Drove me nuts sometimes!
ok yesterday i was talking to my dad (moe's thread reminded me) he said something about how bad satan was...and said, yeah but "wasn't it eve and adam's fault?
i mean yeah satan laid out the sales pitch but they could have said no.
you know gone home, talked it over with god, it wasn't even that high pressured a sales pitch.
Joe Alward: If the god described in the Bible exists, then that god evidently just decided not to know the future--all of it, in order to give man free will.
Joe, does knowledge remove free will? What of the prophetic nature of the Bible? Or does God not know the future, but just shape it the way he wants?
Personally, I agree with Funky's 1a, that the Bible suggests:
God is omnipotent and could have created Adam and Eve in a way that they would not sin, and still retain free will but chose not to do so.Not only did he choose not to create them in a way that would avoid sin, he purposely placed a catalyst before them (The Tree) so they would fail soon after. Same goes for Satan.
what is it about american women?.
they sound so sexy!.
i've had a few conversations with american posters lately, and found it to be a highly enjoyable experience, but the ladies voices!
Yowsa! You ain't putting that on my "private bits" E-man! LOL
what is it about american women?.
they sound so sexy!.
i've had a few conversations with american posters lately, and found it to be a highly enjoyable experience, but the ladies voices!
Plus, we all clean our teeth every week, whether we need to or not .Same with our private bits, wire brush and Dettol every time!
Ouch! LMAO! What in bloody hell is a Dettol???
we are easy sluts.
America. Land of the free... and easy. I like those li'l ol' Southern banjo accents, Lyin!
Edited by - LucidSky on 11 December 2002 16:33:58
what is it about american women?.
they sound so sexy!.
i've had a few conversations with american posters lately, and found it to be a highly enjoyable experience, but the ladies voices!
Dental hygene
After all, Brits are just Americans with bad teeth and an accent.
what is it about american women?.
they sound so sexy!.
i've had a few conversations with american posters lately, and found it to be a highly enjoyable experience, but the ladies voices!
American woman. Get away from me--eee.
American woman. Mama let me be--eee.
Hey Eman! How come the women are all calling you? What's your secret???
first, let me say; i am not looking for congrat's, hugs, empathy or sympathy.
this just my thoughts on my life.
today, i am 55 years old.
Downer post for a birthday though.I strongly believe that the meaning to life is what we individually want it to be. If you feel that contributing to the world brings more meaning to your existance, there are plenty of volunteer programs that you can help with.
sub-heading from msnbc story on n. korean ship carrying missles:.
growing tension with pyongyang .
lead story on motley fool newsletter:.
Panda mating fails, veterinarian takes over
Some are just too into their work...
ok yesterday i was talking to my dad (moe's thread reminded me) he said something about how bad satan was...and said, yeah but "wasn't it eve and adam's fault?
i mean yeah satan laid out the sales pitch but they could have said no.
you know gone home, talked it over with god, it wasn't even that high pressured a sales pitch.
I remember thinking about this "omniscient" vs "selective knowledge" thingy as I was leaving the JW's. The main reasons JW's probably adopted this teaching is (1) it removes God from blame and (2) it allows free-will that is unpredicatable.
It seems that the Christian God would have to be completely omniscient though. How can you decide what not to know, if you don't know what it is???