. i thought maybe someone out there would like to see my notes form some origianal WTS books i got hold of .. it's old news to the forum memebrs and not for them but for the lurkers and the newppl and slow ppl (like me) who are wading throught lotss of information and trying to find our whats what. i was mostly interested in finding answers( to accusations of lies and deciet )in print from the WTS its self .you might find this usefull and you might not . it covers basically WTS beliefs in early days though even earlier material i could not get hold off.
the following are notes with some word for word quotes copied from origianal books. ive put the page numbers so you can look it up your self, you can see lots of origiansl books of the WTS at the british library and a few can be bought on line.
The Harp of god printed 1921
page 228
1799 & bonaparte
quotes daniel 12:8-10 and Dan 11:40,41 saying that god caused Daniel to record what would happen when the time of the end should begin."the "time of the end means" a specific period at the end of gentile dominion.". goes on to say the fullfilment of this prophecy fixes the time of the end."...The campaign of ...napoleon bonaparte is clearly a fullfilment of this prophecy..."
says the king of the south = egypt , the king of the north= "great britian ,which was then an integralpart of the roman empire" it says that napoleon began egypt campagin in 1798 was in france on october 1, 1799 and his campiagn is briefly yet graphicaly discribed in the prophecy verses 40 to 44. "and being completed in 1799 marks ,according to the prophets own words, the begining of the "time of the end"
says from "time of over throw of zedekiah ( 606 BC)" that the gentile governments, established by nebucadnezzar, have been designated by gods prophets as beasts. it says the forth beats is the a form of government compose of professional politicans,great financiers, and ecclestiastical leaders.in the saddle of the beats was the papacy /ecclestiastical element directing everything."the date of its begining was at the over throw of the ostrogothic monarchy, which occured in AD 539.
page 229
1799 & 1874
Quotes Daniel 12:5-7 says times times and ahalf means a year of 12 months of 30 days each or 360 days a year EZ 4:6 quoted for a day for a year, this all equals 1260 prophetic days = 1260 years. its says "this would mark the time of the end of the beastly order".... "1260 years from AD 539 brings us to 1799- another proof that that 1799 definitely marks the begining of the
"time of the end". "
Page 230 quotes daniel 12:12 and then says "applying the same rule ,then, of a day for a year,1335 days after 539 AD brings us to AD 1874, at which time,according to biblical chronology , the lords second presence is due."
page 231 (section /paragraph 400)
"the time of the end" embraces a period from AD 1799..... to the time of the complete over throw of satans empire and the establish ment of the kingdom of the messiah.The time of the lords second presence dates from 1874. the latter period is with in the first first named.......and at the latter part of the period known as " The time of the end"
(From WT 95 CD: w90 9/1 11 Trusting in Jehovah Brings Happiness )
"In May 1920 the malaria flared up again, and I was sent up into the hills to recuperate. There I read all the books I could get my hands on, including the Bible. Reading the Scriptures intensified my interest in the Lord's return.Months later, down in Kanpur, I started a Bible study group, hoping to learn more about the Lord's return. It was there that I met Fredrick James, a former British soldier who was now a zealous Bible Student. He explained to me that Jesus
had been present since 1914, invisible to man"
WT 1993 January 15, p. 5 (WT CD 95)
"The Watchtower has consistently presented evidencethat Jesus
presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914. Events since
that year testify to Jesus presence. "
how is the above possible ?
Page 236
says jewish age ended with a harvest ,jesus prepared diciples for a harvest we should expect to find a parallel of this and we do .count 3 1/2 ( half) years from 1874 to 1878 in this time he was making preperation for harvest. the jewish harvets lasted 40 years so we should expect general harvest to end in 1918.after this comes gleaning period
page 237 - 241
lays down evidence to show that 1874 & 1878 are true, and even says that" it is a well known fact that since 1878 there has been a tendancy on the part of all denominations to bind them selves into leagues and combines,assosiations,interchurch world movement, etc," says this is prophetic statement of the lord of binding together the merely nominal christians preparatory to the
great fire.
calls clergy scoffers cause the dont recieve this message, quotes matt 24:37-39 & 2 peter 3:3,4
Page 244
says Zedekiah was overthrown in 606.
says gentile times is fixed as period of 7 symbolic times of 360 or 2,520 years. this period would begin with the year 606 BC and end in 1914.
it says 1914 marks the begining of the end of the world order or order of govenment and that this would take place during the presence of the lord , his presence it says just few sentance before began in 1874. from 1874 he did his harvest work ,but didnt interupt gentile riegn untill that dominion should end.and the begininng of the end stared in 1914.the End of things and prophets arriving soon
Page 333 says that proof cited shows that the old world soical and politiical ended and began to pass away in 1914 and that this will be completed in a few years and righteous ness fully established. furher down page it states " seeing then that we are at the end of the old order and the opening of the new, and that according to the scriptures many must pass over ot the new, it can
be confidently announced that MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE."
page 339 says abraham issac and jacob will be princes and rulers in all the earth and that it is " expected that they will be the first ones raised under the terms of the new coventant.. there fore it is reasonable to expect them back on earth at the begining of the restoration blessings.Hence these faithfull men may be expected on earth within the next few years " book was written in
Knowing the day and hour
page 248 "why should any one decive himslef by being induced to cease investigation of this subject because some self-constituted wise on will say ' you can never know when the lords day will come' ?" goes on to say that even jesus told his followers to watch becuase they dont know when it might come upon them quotes part of Mat 24:42 and mark 13:37. its says that the clear inference is that watchers will recognise the day when it comes."suppose we admit ,for the sake of argument, that no man knows the day nor the hour of the lords apearing. what differacne does that make? the hour and day have already passed .he is here !"
Page 253 says that in 1921 the nations are in distress and the buisness socialy politicaly etc are in perplexity not knowing what to do. men of buisness it says are so fear full there hearts are failing them.
Creation book printed 1927
Page 310 says that "the second coming of the lord therefore is began in 1874 ; and that the years 1914 to 1918 re especially marked dates with referance to his coming" it also says that the begining of satans ousting took place in 1914 and that the time when christ comes t his temple to take account of his people was 1918
Page 312
states "... the clergy would not understand these times an seasons, because they form a part of satans organization , to wit:the ecclesiastical part....."
" to understand the events concerning the lords second presence from 1874 to 1914 requires one to be spiritualy minded; and the clergy are not spiritualy minded" quotes 1 cor 2:10-14
pages 312 - 319 states the stuff on the presence etc as the harp of god
Page 325
" the facts show that 1914 marked the legal end of the gentile times and therefore the end of the world..."
Plan of the Ages printed in 1914
the books talks about gods plan and uses a pyramid to illustrate it. in the frount of te book is a pyramid diagram showing gods plan.
page 164
praises the great pyrmaid of egypt . its says even some of the "so striking and clear are its teachings that some of the foremost astronemers of the world unhesitatingly pronounced it to be of devine origin". "and even if evolutionists in our" brain age"should admit that it is of devine arrangement , and that its wisdom is superhuman , they must stilladmit it is of human origin"
Page 251 says "When the times of the gentiles expire, both phases of the present dominion will terminate:satan will be bound and the kingdoms of this world will be overthrown."
page 258
Beast = rome
The ten horns of the Forth beast are the devision of its power, horn = symbol of power.
The little horn that rose from among the 10 horns = the rise of the church of rome, the papal power, the papacy. The 3 horns plucked up before it = the roman empires powers ,the heruli,eastern excarchate and the ostrogoths. The eyes of the little horn = intelligence
page 259 napoleon captures pope prisioner ppl see that papacy power is with out foundation.the papal horns last great utterance was in 1870 just before it overthrown it made declcaration of infallibility of popes .quotes Dan7:11
page 260 roman empire the foruth and last beast wil loose its dominion and life at once and go into utter destruction and with it the others will pass away also (greece and persia and babylon)." the cause of this will be the establishment of the fith universal empire of the kingdom of god, under jesus christ....." quotes Dan 7:13,17further reading
At the back of this book are pages that list WTS beliefs, ive listed the most important
things all need to know but none of the wicked will understand page at back of book
"the wise shall understand that"
- the gospel age is to close with a "day of vengence"
- it will effect the whole of the world but especially "christendom"
- all political, social,, financial and religious systems will fall.
- preperations for this symbolic "fire" and "tempest"are now well under way and shortly will rage furiously.
things you want to know as christian bible students page at back of book
"there are evidences that "
- six thousand years from adam ended in A.D 1872
- the date of our lords birth was october bc 2
- the date of the annunciation of mary was dec 25th bc 3
- the date of our lords baptism was october ad 29
- the date of our lords crucifixion ad 33
- the "seventy weeks" of isreals favor ended ad 36
- the jewish age "harvest" was 40 years ad 30 to 70
- the christian age"harvest" 40 years ad 1874 -1914
- the "times of the gentiles" will end with ad 1914
things you ought to know as christian bible students page at back of book
"do you know that "
- this is the reason for the begining of the return of devine favour to fleshly isreal-blinded for
- centureis- to permit the
- gathering of an elect class from amoung the gentiles?
- this favor is gradually taking shape and known as zionism?
- the great pyramid of egypt is a witness to all thses events of the ages and of our day-testifying in symbols?
- the pyramids down word passage under "A Draconis" symbolizes the course of sin?its first assending passage symbolizes the jewish age ?its grand gallery symbolizes the gospel age? its upper step symbolizes the approaching period of of tribulation and anarchy,"judegments"upon christendom? etc etc te ct etc
I dont think that The book "millions now living will never die" is exactly the same as the "harp of god." but searching "millions" title does take you to "harp of god" in a book search. how ever i understand "millions contains differant info" so its worth finding the exact book.