Topics Started by lurk
revelation on the conspiracy
by lurk inits worse than anyone thought .
thier in league with the aliens
JW conspiracy
by lurk in.
it's worse than any one suspected
hye look who i found
by lurk inwell i never the net is a big place but look who i found .its whats left of the international bible students.. this is the library addy but you can get to the home page from here and read why they split from wts all that time ago.
they still got their prophecys wrong though :p, i cant believe after all this time they are still preaching the pyramid at giza!!!
do you belong?
by lurk indo you ever wonder if you belong here?
do you ever feel theres something wrong?
i mean on this planet not this forum
1914 and other things ,lurkers
by lurk ini thought maybe someone out there would like to see my notes form some origianal wts books i got hold of .. it's old news to the forum memebrs and not for them but for the lurkers and the newppl and slow ppl (like me) who are wading throught lotss of information and trying to find our whats what.
i was mostly interested in finding answers( to accusations of lies and deciet )in print from the wts its self .you might find this usefull and you might not .
it covers basically wts beliefs in early days though even earlier material i could not get hold off.. the following are notes with some word for word quotes copied from origianal books.
white teeth
by lurk in.
white teeth by zadie somthing or other was just on tv.. she cant have been a jw can she.. they had crosses on the wall and sung church songs they dont do that at our kingdom hall...was it differant back in 1975?
aslo they threatened ppl with hell fire!
conspiracy theory
by lurk inis ron ranson the conspiracy programe bloke trying to create a world wide conspiracy therpy based on other ppls conspiracy theories?.
that may not really exsist.. is this the conspiracy of all time that a conspiracy of conspiracys.
is clouding our minds to the truth?
is it my imagination /lord of the rings
by lurk injust read lord of the rings it was a great book..but bit reminded me of the i bible obbsessed?
does anyone else see the comparrison?