There is also this one:
what an amazing year it's been!!!.
biggest scientific breakthroughs of 2011from law-violating subatomic particles to entirely new, earth-like worlds, 2011 was an incredible year for scientific discovery.
There is also this one:
what an amazing year it's been!!!.
biggest scientific breakthroughs of 2011from law-violating subatomic particles to entirely new, earth-like worlds, 2011 was an incredible year for scientific discovery.
Now compare this to the "greatest" accomplishments of the Watchtower Society in 2011, or better yet, of religion in general.
WHAT have these suckers to show that competes with this list?
Science rules!
and it does not disappoint.
the first century brothers are on the cover, going door to door with what look like leather messenger bags.. the first article is entitled, are all "christians" christian.
and you can tell by the picture that anyone with a beard or goatee is definitely not a real christian.. the next article, remain in my word has this quote that condemns catholics but seems eerily close to what jws believe:.
You have a point poopsiecakes!
... but it's really more that we're obedient. If you walk around a KH building site, it's not really that organized but nobody questions the
instructions they're given. If a brother says to a group of people to move this pile of bricks over there, nobody asks why, they just do it.
This reminded me of one branch construction, where I participated. I had this huge, nefilin-like brother in my group and he was responsible to move stuff from one part of the site to another part. I put him in charge of the congo groups that would come in to help on Saturdays (they send out letters to neighboring congos pressing them to "help Jehober" building his new luxury home - this was in a poor 3. world country).
Anyway, one sister came up to me, very ashamed to call my attention to this brother. She was beating around the bushes, saying that she is really, really, really sorry for saying this and that she doesn't want to critizice the brother. I just wanted to hear WHAT THE HECK she wanted, because the construction was stressful.
She mentiones that she came here with her grandmother, 80+ years old and that this overseer brother DEMANDED that EVERYBODY should haul one timber beam from site X to site Y. These where massive wooden beams that weighted around 150 pounds or more. He was that uber-zealous guy that told everybody that Jehovah would help and cite some bullshit stories about Samson and others doing "marvellous things in the name of the Lord"
I went up to him and told him to stop this shit, since the beams where supposed to be hauled away with a Bobcat that we had on site. He was pissed at me, but I was his immediate overseer. I told the young sister to take her grandmother elsewhere, that this was no place for a fragil, old lady (she could hardly walk over the muddy place, let alone haul wooden beams!!!
I forgot about this episode, your comment reminded me again that they do everything out of sheer, blind obedience. The old lady was remorseful, because she should certainly help Jehober do his job. Dumb F%$#s!
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Terry that was excellent research, very well written and presented! Very good work mate. I once worked in Selters (German Bethel) and they where big in their marketing efforts to present themselves as victims of Hitlers regime. Sometimes it was nauseating how they wanted to dominate other WWII events, basically putting all the other groups "in the background", almost giving the impression that they where the main group of persecuted.
One german witness said that Satan started the Nationalsozialism in Germany, because at the time there was a high number of annointed members in Germany and Britain. I think they repeated that idea in the Proclaimers book. I could have
page 13, paragraph 15. do you like to be awakened from a deep sleep?
many do not react well when awakened suddenly.
a gentle approach is usually preferred.
I think I will highlight that paragraph and show it to my mom. She had a way of waking us up that was barbaric. She was just as aggressive with inculcating the "truth" in us.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, serenitynow you made me laugh so hard...I know it's not funny, but the way you phrased this came unexpected and sounded really funny!!! Thanks for that
My mom was aggressive with the "truth" but never bothered waking us up for school (not necessary, all these evil schoolmates). If we missed scool, she never minded, but NEVER EVER miss service and meetings...gawd will came personally down and breath hot air into our we kids, never missed "theocratic" () activities
was there anything truly terrible??
I was a Bethel elder and appointed to assist the circuit overseer in "special cases" (> "wrong doings" of Bethelites and child abuse). I didn't wanted to participate in a specially gruesome judicial committee and was forced to participate. It took 4 hours of "hearings" involving multiple young kids of one congregation. I couldn't sleep for days, had the feeling of being sick all the time and CANNOT forget that night.... conscience and "something" inside of me was broken. After that I started to withdraw myself from judicial matters, avoiding more and more "my elder responsabilities" and started to actually work against the BORG.
any of you math wizards willing to try a guess?
i mean everything -- books, magazines from 1879, booklets, pamphlets, tracts, etc.. it may be an interesting number.
ten feet?
Who cares? But it would make a lovely bonfire!
But I don't think so. One day I was so pissed at the Borg, that I lit my fireplace with a Young People Ask book and a couple of mags. Stuff took FOREVER to completely burn, really nasty to get rid off (I think the printing ink make this more difficult). If you put gasoline into the game, well, then it's another story.
i know that sounds crazy and stupid, but has anyone else ever felt like they always have to be the strong one for others in their life, but you don't feel that strong?
like you have to be the sensible, dependable one, while the people around you have breakdowns?.
two of the most important people in my life had psychiatric emergencies on the same day.
serenitynow: < add more nice things that you like
I am right now not in the best emotional situation to "chearlead" but because of that I wanted to answer to your post. I feel for you and perfectly understand what you mean! I always had to be compassionate to others and help, swallo, help, swallo (was an elder for 10 years, not for the title, would go out on a limb to help...)
I think it is like balancing on a very small, narrow path and sometimes you "feel" that you will fall, but then your body senses this and "counter-balances" and you don't and Life goes on. Some people lose equilibrium / balance and just crash. Go with the flow, if you have to cry, cry, vent, you DON'T have to be the strongest. Martyrdom is some shitty idea that was placed in our minds.
I hope you get on. (I can't believing that I am writing this, because I have been crying my eyes out, missing my little daughter that now lives with the mother, since I DA'ed myself). I have never cried like that and sometimes I don't want to be "the strongest", but after you cry it gets better, for some reason.
recently, since my d/aing, i've heard the same old cobblers has been said to and by my family members.
(more than likely referring to me).. ''jehovah(tm) will judge.
he knows who will survive and be destroyed at armageddon.
Yep. Count me in, making "stuff up" on the fly.
I was a "born in" and with 16 HAD to become a publisher (I pushed it as much as I could, until my mother started all weepy and pushy). I was pissed. So, I often went out in service - alone. Everybody was so proud of me, because of my bravery and such a good training to become pioneer (which I did later). To put as much households against the witnesses (if there weren't enough things), but especially the "nice return visits" that already started visiting the KH and such I would read bible passages about the ressurection, that EVERYBODY gets a new chance and the text that with your death your sins are cleared (can't bother to look it up, you know which one I mean ;-)
...and then, next boom: Adolf Hitler will resurrect and be with us in Paradise, petting lions and stuff. Most people would look at me in shock and disbelief. One woman went to the elders and asked about A.H. in specific, but they said not everybody would make it back and read about cain and adam and eve. But there is NO mention about Adolf..., so she insisted to know if death would REALLY erase ALL sins. Where do you draw the line? By the count of dead bodies you leave behind? Is there an arbitrary number? She came back to me and said the elders are sure Adolf Hitler won't come back, because he killed Witnesses. BUT, BUT...there is Paulus who killed and got a second chance.
Anyway, to make a long story short: I had my fun with this, some people in the territory where disgusted, saying that we where also Nazi supporters and I loved the knee jerk reaction of my body of elders to answer to the questions. They forced me to stop saying that and that I should not repeat this ever again. Mouth shut. Another topic that gets sweeped under the rug.
my reason for leaving or fading is because after actually reading the bible, i began to gain understanding and seeing everywhere what the bible teaches is not what jw's teach.
there is no need to bring up 'apostate' material, the history of jw's, etc, as that sets up a mental block (if you ever were a strong jw you may remember yourself it wouldn't work).
the foundation of the faith is that the bible is the final authority, the bible trumps everything, and that only jw's follow the bible everyone else twists it to their traditions and customs.
OnTheWayOut & Aussie Oz:
There is NO way to do this in that "elegant" sincere fashion you are suggesting OP! I am talking of experience. I was Bethelite (Elder) for over 10 years and this is how this will go down:
1. "Brother Doubter, we have the FDS to direct us, we should not rely on our own interpretations. Please wait for a future WT article that will clarify this issue. Proverbs 4:18 due will go and place more mags please and SHUT UP." (putting fingers in her/his ears and singing LALLALALALALA....)
You must understand that they are in the cult NOT because of the truth, it is because of the "mental crack" that this gives them (a "wonderful" feeling of "aaaaaaaahhhhh, all will be gooooood"....."I don't have to do ANY thinking, solve the worlds problems.....just dozing comfortably, and wait...placing a few mags here and there, sit in the Kindumb Hell and BANG win the lottery...."
The appeal is a fantasy world that CANNOT be destroyed by any means! And your talking and logic and even wielding the Bible like that will make them nervous!
As far as Bible versus Watchtower magazine goes, here is my own little experience that left me bewildered and f&%$# confused at the time: I was an Bethel Elder and would regularly meet with Branch Committee members in the countries I served. In one of these Branches (I will avoid names and places because good people - with DOUBT - are still in high ranking positions and I don't want to rat them out) they had a particular problem that needed to be discussed with the Zone Overseer (representative of the GB). During that discussion we (at the Branch) would come up with Bible verses to argue a certain point and lookup Watchtower articles and get nowhere. The discussion was taking too long and we were "chasing our own tails"...after one of the Branch Committee Member mentioned a Bible verse AGAIN, that was in clear contradiction with the WT articles used by the Zone Overseer, he stood up and YELLED: "I don't care what you say is in the Bible, it is HERE clearly written and if the WATCHTOWER says so it IS SO." (he angrily pointed at the articles and threw them on the table). He ended the meeting after this outburst and left. Matter solved.
Some of the participants of that meeting shrugged this incident off with comments like "yeah, we are all imperfect humans, how great that Jehuba is using these wonderful imperfect humans" "yeah, we are here for Jehober, not for people like him, lets continue with our duties and move on." ..."yeah, lets discuss what we will have as special dinner meal for the last day of the visit" > Everybody agreed on the last one.
I didn't need the Internet to become an Apostate. I spent way too much time being an hardcore witness and way too much time at BET-HELL.
You are "cutting off" the supply and people like him will get very angry if you do this to them: