Congrats Freefalling!!!!!!
Joy - don't worry your great with the faces in Chat!!
Have a bottle of Merlot!!! >>>>> and celebrate!!!
hi all,.
this is my 100th post, and i would like to dedicate it to joy2bfree.. she has helped me greatly by listening to me, and has shown me the joy of freedom.
thank you, joy.. freefallin
Congrats Freefalling!!!!!!
Joy - don't worry your great with the faces in Chat!!
Have a bottle of Merlot!!! >>>>> and celebrate!!!
any day now.. just around the corner.
sooner than you think.
i'm sick of hearing that from my dad.. "as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
an very interesting thought you have there Bang -
Wonder how long they would really listen- they tolerate a 3 day convetion well enough -
and its the same stuff year after year too....
below is my letter to the editor for my local paper.. also, i copied and sent to this paper the "press release" by silentlambs.. the scandal within the catholic church that has been brought to light recently is abhorant.
the sexual abuse of children and it's coverup is inexcusable.
can you imagine the outcry if the catholic church began to excommunicate both those who bring this tragedy to light and the victims for going public?.
Way to go !!
Lets hope the papers and othernews outlets stat to pick this up!!
just a question -.
anyone else here ( i know you do mommydark) have experience with attention deficiet/ hyperactivity disorder??.
i'm just looking for some help onit... thanks... lyd
I appreciate the suggestion to change the thread name - and I will do so ( sorry about that [:|)] )
My son was diagnosed several years ago - and even with behavioral interventions and counciling - we still need the medication ( he is on Concerta) I have found from my own experince that if he goes off the Meds - he is a total mess - unable to walk from one room to do anything in another - he gets distracted 1/2 way there...
I encourage all to really get the testing done..
Thanks for the input!!
just a question -.
anyone else here ( i know you do mommydark) have experience with attention deficiet/ hyperactivity disorder??.
i'm just looking for some help onit... thanks... lyd
Just a Question -
Anyone else here ( I know you do MommyDark) have experience with Attention Deficiet/ Hyperactivity Disorder??
I'm just looking for some help onit..
now i know what "reining in children" means....i thought it referred to getting them to, according to the just jw page, it refers to putting them in reins during field service.
general : field ministry (with children).
recommend (0 recommendations so far) message 1 of 3 in discussion .
How horrible - but I remember others discussing this ...and how much of a burden this was.. Yuck!!!!
i've labored long & hard for the borg.
for honor & for spiritual-riches .
but on these corns too long you've tread.
Nothing Gold can Stay...
by Robert Frost
NAtures first green is gold
her hardest hue to hold,
Her early leaf's a Flower,
But only so an hour,
then Leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden fell to greif
SO dawn goes down to day
Nothing Gold Can Stay...
it strikes me that as witnesses most can find many faults with the world and reasons why they want to be no part of it.. things are often exagerated or demonised in the witneses eyes.. does the same thing happen in reverse when you leave the org?.
do we blow things up out of proportion to how they really are?.
are we really that much happier as people than we were in the org?.
- is what you get when you do things for others that are not done due to some external pressures put on you!
I feel that I am not blowing things out of proportions
- but that the things I do for others no is done for no ulterior motives( gaining a Study ect)
they are done because I choose to do the stuff.
That is called doing things because of free will
- not because I am afraid of what may or may not
happen to me from the Society....
I do things that I lve to do now - and was forbidden to do in the BORG.. such as have family gatherings and celebrations - such was always done with overtones in the borg - Of the "conditional Love syndrome" that they invoke at all things ( you can't invite them..they are "bad associations"..)
Just my thoughts...
In Peace..
i thought someone would post about the movie last sunday, (part 2 tonight, tuesday) "living with the dead", starring ted danson.
it is the story of james van pragh, the psychic who sees dead people.
it reminded me a little of "the sixth sense", especially when he was a little boy.. did anyone else see it?
I watched the Movie and was intrigued as you have been - I have know of several who had contact with those who have passed on - My Grandmother sat up when she was dying and told my GrandFather ( who had been gone for several years) she would go with him the next day - and she did - she died the next morning.
I also had an experience once where an old friend fromschool showed up in a dream one time and calmed me down durring a hard time in my life - I was so releived and calm after talking to him.. when I woke up I finally remembered he had been dead for 13 years! BUt I felt his presence as if he was beside me.
I have no doupt this can happen - nd I look forward to the conculsion of this tonight.
... for the future?.
is it work related stuff, finding out now, what you really want to be doing for yourself in the future?
would you find it useful to receive guidance on this?
I think that we all need a platform for this - but as I am a Puter illiterate person - I'm not sure how one would go about this....
I may have found my "calling" if you will by starting a support group for ADHD in my area. I know alot of worthless stuff.. but I'm unsure how to go about it..
anyway had to respond here, luv.. ~ couldn't pass up an oppertunity to "chat" if you will
Hugs to you!!