BTW, I am NOT serious. There that is better.
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Can Satan create life?
by peacefulpete inthe familiar tale of moses approaching pharoah with the demand to free israelite slaves has always purplexed me.
the account says that yhwh miraculously changed moses staff into a serpant but then just as miraculously pharoah's priests did likewise.
does this not "prove" that satan is equally capable of creating life from nothing?
Can Satan create life?
by peacefulpete inthe familiar tale of moses approaching pharoah with the demand to free israelite slaves has always purplexed me.
the account says that yhwh miraculously changed moses staff into a serpant but then just as miraculously pharoah's priests did likewise.
does this not "prove" that satan is equally capable of creating life from nothing?
So maybe it was Satan that created all the blood sucking critters.Hummmm that would make sense. Since it never seemed logical why God would create them, He just doesnt seem to like the blood eating idea. So vampire bats, fleas, mosquitos, ticks , and many other unidentified creatures (especially down here in the Bayou) who make a living off of sucking blood, must have been created by Satan.
Wow , see how clear things can be if you get those wheels turning??
LOL I think my wheels need a little WD40 please. BTW, I am serious, just in case someone asks. I get that often . :) -
Fangs for the memory; would you become a vampire?
by Abaddon innow, first off, there's no such thing.. but, let's imagine that we live in the same dimension as buffy (most of the guys and a few of the women start paying attention), or the anne rice novels, blade, whatever.. vampires are real.
god is distant and removed.
there is an epic, but drawn out and irresolvable struggle between good and evil.
I had no idea there was so much more to the story Nae. I will get the books, I am very intrigued now. I have to say I always feel some kind of empathy, if you will, for the villian in all stories. I think the reason is that alot of times, they are really not to blame totally for what they become. Not to totally let them off the hook, but I can identify with why they turn evil, alot of times it is human emotions that we are powerless to totally ignore, like jealousy. In fact some of the worst fueds in the bible where between brothers , one was the favorite , one was the villian. Even Satan himself was jealous. I dont want to sound like I am sympathic to the devil , but I wonder if
He ever felt guilt or regret for what he has done. I guess not. I wonder if the devil is totally evil, incapable of any regrets or if he chose to play the villian and play it well. I dunno! -
WT 4-01-02 article
by DB inin the april 1, 2002 issue of the watchtower, an article appears entitled "keep on serving jehovah with a steadfast heart".
paragraph 14 of this article states: "if jehovah's organization knowingly endorsed false teachings, advice to read the bible would never be given to jehovah's witnesses and those to whom they preach.".
i am withholding comment on this statement, because i'd like to hear from any who would like to post a response.
I have always felt that way too ,Hygh, about screaming and rape .
If you dont scream you are guilty of fornication. Bullcrap.
Like you said, what if you had children to protect and you didnt want them to see or hear the horrible event taking place. I know I would rather not scream than for my children to witness something like that.
And maybe you are so shocked, literally in shock that you freeze in fear and can't even speak, much less scream. I know that is not how God sees things. That is why I do wonder if the Bible is inspired ,
maybe it is just a bunch of writers opinions of what God would say and do. Again, I just dont understand why God does what he does. Then again , maybe the bible writers just think that is what God meant. What if they are wrong!!!!!!!!!! Imperfect men writing books, and absolutely no mistakes , kinda hard to swollow that one. The Bible is hard enough to understand, I dont think I will be wanting to renew my watchtower subscription. -
Fangs for the memory; would you become a vampire?
by Abaddon innow, first off, there's no such thing.. but, let's imagine that we live in the same dimension as buffy (most of the guys and a few of the women start paying attention), or the anne rice novels, blade, whatever.. vampires are real.
god is distant and removed.
there is an epic, but drawn out and irresolvable struggle between good and evil.
I have to agree with you Nae about Lestat, he did mourn what he lost.
He was very powerful, because he learned it was pointless to try and be human. So he only really cared about himself, which is probably what we all would do , if ever really given the chance. Once he made realized there was no turning back , he just survived and decided to enjoy it. Just my opinion. I really need to watch it again, and I would rather , read the book. I think if i would have read the book , first, I would sympatize with Lestat more, I just dont like Tom Cruise, he gets on my nerves. But he is a good actor. I really cant explain why I dont like him . Too cocky maybe. -
Fangs for the memory; would you become a vampire?
by Abaddon innow, first off, there's no such thing.. but, let's imagine that we live in the same dimension as buffy (most of the guys and a few of the women start paying attention), or the anne rice novels, blade, whatever.. vampires are real.
god is distant and removed.
there is an epic, but drawn out and irresolvable struggle between good and evil.
Yes, yes I would if all vampires look like Brad Pit and Antonio .
But wait, they were gay , right? Not that there is anything wrong with that. But maybe that is the price for immortality, all the good looking men would love each other. -
by lotus indear people, i posted my first post on anointed witness has no doubt stating that i have the heavenly hope and was seeking others.
many of you responded and i read all your replies.
i am lonely in terms of knowing few other young anointed and being an active witness, so this makes me an oddity among you and in my cong.. mnay also wondered why i was on this website of ex-witness,.
Oh, I forgot to add, that I have known of 3 who claimed to be annointed in my years as a JW. And each and everyone of them
had severe borderline personality disorders. OK, they were just
plain crazy freaks. The sad part was that they were a joke to
all, and I felt sorry for them, because people really did make fun
of those poor delusional people. -
by lotus indear people, i posted my first post on anointed witness has no doubt stating that i have the heavenly hope and was seeking others.
many of you responded and i read all your replies.
i am lonely in terms of knowing few other young anointed and being an active witness, so this makes me an oddity among you and in my cong.. mnay also wondered why i was on this website of ex-witness,.
This angel speaks as he/she already has wings!! I dont want to be taken under your wings, and by the way I am not a prodical daughter.
Please , I think you should be obediant to your leaders and stay away from such apostate sites as this one. If you don't you might get your wings clipped , no matter how good you say your intentions are. Thanks, but no thanks! -
by JWs_suck inyou are all sorry losers you should be pounding the streets and forcing people to take your stupid watchtowers but instead you are sitting on your fat azzes complainging and crying about how you were treated!!
if you had kissed azz a little more in the kingdom halls you wouldn't be here!
This has nothing to do with the subject, but MINDFIELD, are those bound volumns behind you in your picture? Just wondering if you still keep them in your library. If you need to find a good way to put them to use , I have a few good ideas. They make wonderful coasters for mugs of beer. They work very well, to replace the broken leg under the couch. My children uses them in wrestling matches, they make a very loud sound when you get smacked in the back of the head with em. My favorite way to get use out of them is this: when I need to barf and just can't , all I have to do is open one up and begin reading , before long ... well you get the idea. I find the 70's editions to be especially great for this. I hope I have given you some good ideas , let me know if you have any other ideas. LOL
Did you have a "religious experience" ?
by refiners fire inby "religious experience" i mean a moment, an incident, where you felt that god was directly addressing you thru a public talk, a watchtower article.
did god give you a "sign" that convicted you of the truth of "the truth"?.
my mother told me about one she had.
I loved your story kep, touching. Eleswhere you made me bust up laughing with your reply, I think they call that comic releif.
I dont know if this counts , but all I ever saw that was from another realm , was probably demons . Not God. I have seen some freaky things , still dont know if it was JW brainwashing or fear, or actual
evil spirits. I am still waiting for the real spiritual exerience , when I feel that Jesus or God, or whoever , tells me that I am loved and accepted by Him. I hope I have that experience one day.