Wow , it sure is nice to have someone say they actually like different accents. I have always been afraid to do the voice chat thing, being that I have a very southern drawl. I have been made fun of several times for it(by some better than thou bethelite from NY). I thought it rather rude of him to come down to Louisiana and make fun of our accent , after all we were showing him our best southern hospitality. But I enjoy listening to other peoples accents and the differences in culture we have. My accent is really Texan with a little cajun thrown in for flavor !!! LOL My hubby is from the same area , so we are always picking on each other about our,
"southern grammer". My favorite accent would have to be Austrailian.
Very cool .
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Gee Weez - American Womens Accents - Wowww
by invisible ini'm usually terrified of talking to american ladies on the telephone, then get completely gobsmacked when i hear that gorgeously sexy accent purring down the phone.. does anyone know what i mean?.
if you could specify, which accents from around the world do you enjoy hearing lots of?
can you use words to describe that accent?.
A heavenly hope
by Dawn ini have read a number of posts in the past few weeks from people who felt they had a heavenly hope and struggled with the issue "how do i handle the memorial" or "what will my friends think".. this interests me because i struggled with quite the opposite.
i always believed i was of the earthly class and that is where my hope always was.. when i started going to a new church last year and hearing about a heavenly hope i really struggled with this.
i couldn't imagine myself going to heaven - even if for a short time until the earth is made new.
I too, am struggling with this same thing, heaven or earth? I know that alot of folks say, well what does it matter, when you did you either go or you dont. But I want to have hope , hope of being with my family forever, enjoying life everlasting, and being with Jesus , in some manner . I want to be able to give my children hope. I want to beleive , and have faith that there really is a God . I am very confused by the whole Bible right now, I have been out of borg for about a year. I know it will take years to start from scratch in my learning , plus trying to wipe out WT teachings out. I too, find it so very hard to beleive that I will go to heaven. I just love earth and the things in it. But I dont know what heaven is really like so i might like it better. But I have to agree more on the side of what Justin said. From my new study of the bible , so far, I think what he (Justin said) makes the most sense to me. Either way , I am trying to concentrate on Jesus own words and accepting Him as my savior , regardless as to what my hope is , heavenly or earthly....
if I think too much about it , I think my head will blow off!!!!
So I am trying to make baby steps here!!!!! Maybe in another 30 some odd years I will learn something new.Maybe I will still be as confused. -
I feel I can trust you......
by Tinkerbell4125 init seems there's a buzz about everybody being bi-polar or on anti-depressants.
it seems a lot of people i know are taking anti-depressents.
the doc said i'm *bi-polar 1* or something like that.
Hi Tinkerbell, I might have some info on being bi-polar for ya. I am also bi-polar II , different in severity form bi-polar I. In bi-polar I , you have severe manic episodes that can be very destructive,to the point of hallucinations and pyschosis. In Bi-polar II , you dont get that extreame personaility changes and you you dont nessesarily need to be hospitalized. Many times , you feel great, dont need much sleep, have boundless energy, feel like you can do many creative things. But sooner or later ,you come down from your manic high, and you feel tired and irritated. Then the depression can hit, and when it does you hate it , hate it as much as you loved the great feeling it was before. The depressions in both bi-polars are as severe as in other major depressive episodes.
I have read many books on this and doctors told me many things . I didnt want to beleive that this is what was going on with me. I never sought help for it unless I was in the dooms of depression.
The highs are pleasant , but while they are going on , I seem to forget that what goes up , must come down. I have been on prozac for the depressions, and it helped . I only stay on it long enought to get well. Funny thing is, I havent been on any meds like that for almost a year, and it has been a year since I left the borg!!!!!!!!!
I know I am crazy .... LOL .... but the JW made me think I was worse than I really was, with all of their guilt trips. I am doing great .
I have the mood swings, the ups and downs, but I am doing behavior modification instead of medications. That is important to me, because sometimes the meds can take away your creative edge, and even hamper your personality. Maybe this is not the case for everyone, but for me , I feel better about myself without meds. If I ever need to go back on them , I most definately will go back on them . Plus I have a great family that understands and they keep a good eye on me!!!! It is great to have a good support system. But what helped me the most , is to finally learn to like myself. To accept that being bi-polar is part of who I am. Not always a pretty site to see, I can tell you the truth about that, but I embrace it as part of me. -
I love the songs you all posted , they brought tears to my eyes. As I have said before my mother decided to end her own life when she was just 35 yrs old, the same age I am now. I feel I am just beginning to understand her, even thou she has been gone from my life for so long. One of her favorite movies was "The Way We Were"
with Robert Redford . She also loved the song that went with the movie by the same title. Her favorite verse was......."what's too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget. But it's the laughter , we will remember , whenever we remember , the way we were". Sometimes I think she made me listen to her songs , so she could let me know how she was feeling, when she couldnt say it on her own. She always dedicated the song , by Dolly Parton, "I Will Always Love You" , to me. I didnt understand at the time why she felt so strongly about these songs , now I do. I wish she knew that I finally understand. I too hope she is in heaven, if not , at least we can be together someday , somewhere. I have alot of catching up to do with her. So many more songs I want to tell her about. :) -
*Fluff* I love turtles..what do you love
by LB inmy favorite critters are sea turtles,.
never squat with yer spurs on
I love horses, elephants, and puppies. I'm feeling very fluffy today.
Discovery Channel Has Its Freak On!
by Valis inthey have been doing cool shows all day.... have seen .
body piercings.
LOL Valis, not at your aching back thou. Sorry you are hurting.
Maybe you should watch some Jerry Springer , that would make you get better real soon. At least it would help pass the time , you could even get some ideas for the ex jw episodes ! take care, DD -
Very sorry to hear this about your mom. I lost my mother 15 yrs ago , she was only 35 yrs old. The lose is something that never goes away. My mom never got to see her grandkids either and I get very sad thinking of how my children have been deprived of her love, a love they never got to even see. She too, begged me to have a baby as soon as possible ,so I know she would have loved and spoiled my kids . The only comfort I have ,is to remember her everday and never let her memory die. I tell my kids every little detail about her and at least they feel they know her too. This is one reason why I so despertly want to know what happens to us when we die, I want to have hope that we can be together some day , somewhere. I miss her so much. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Lots of love to you.
Look at my beautiful mom!!!
by bluesapphire innow if this works, you will see how beautiful she is inside and out!!.
btw, she posts here as yadira angelini.
ps, if you like her you should see me
Indeed,,, she is a beautiful soul. Love those cheekbones too. What struck me was the beautiful relationship the two of you have. There is hardly a stronger bond , than between mother and daughter. My daughter is just 9 yrs old and every year our bond grows stronger and stronger. She is my best friend , it is hard to describe the connection , but some how I feel you both know what I am talking about. What are some of your favorite things to do together? My daughter and I love to lay out in the sun together and listen to the radio. Thanks for sharing your beautiful mom with us. Wishing you both all the happiness in the world , hugs DD
BOE 2-15-02 What Does It Really Say?
by silentlambs inin the 2-15-02 body of elders letter a paragraph is dedicated to child abuse issues.
many have claimed this an adjustment for the better with regard to wt policy.
sadly this could not be further from the truth.
I just wanted to say , thank you silentlambs for all the time and effort put into your updates on this subject. My husband and I , are always interested in the legalities of the WTBS, just thought of what the letters WTBS could aslo stand for, WTBullShit!!! Again we appreciate you helping us to see the inner workings and the lenghts the WTBS is going thru to cover their hinds.
Who is Elsewhere and why is Elsewhere here?
by Elsewhere inoh great, now i'm confused.. "as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
believe in yourself, not mythology.. <x ><
I figured this would be funny. You are crazy man!!!! LOL