And you guys wonder why Wild Turkey and I have stayed married so long. What a prince !!! No, really we can't decide on who gets the
kids. I say he does,, he says no, I do.... So we stay together out
of spite and to bug the hell out of the other.LOL Here's to another
17 yrs.. Wild Turkey... it has been ... interesting, to say the least. Love ya, Dede
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Because I'm a Guy
by WildTurkey inbecause i'm a guy, i must hold the television remote control in my hand while i watch tv.
if the thing has been misplaced, i'll miss a whole show looking for it, though one time i was able to survive by holding a calculator.. because i'm a guy, when i lock my keys in the car i will fiddle with a wire clothes hanger and ignore your suggestions that we call a road service until long after hypothermia has set in.. oh, and when the car isn't running very well, i will pop the hood and stare at the engine as if i know what i'm looking at.
if another guy shows up, one of us will say to the other, "i used to be able to fix these things, but now with all these computers and everything, i wouldn't know where to start.
Raw Pain
by Cassiline inrecently a poster left here, shortly after i found the reason why.
while listening to this person i could not only hear the feelings of raw pain i could feel them as well.
this hurt.. for this person exposed them self on the forum as a silentlamb not only for support, camaraderie, friendship but also to share their own thoughts and views.
Dearest Cass,
I totally agree with what you have said. Many times people come in
this room and really dont even know how to express themselves. It is a whole different format , typing your feelings , pain , ..than to
speak to someone face to face. Sometimes things can be taken in an entirely different way than a poster meant it to come out. LOL This has happened to me, and then felt like an idiot after I read what I posted ,,, I was like ,, that didnt come out right. So I agree we
all should not jump to conclusions on what someone is saying, because this is so one dimensional..we can't read a person, because we are just beginning to know who they are, and how they communicate.
In time it becomes easier and you get to know someones personality by the way they express themselves in here. I think we have all been abused by the WTBS in one way or another, many have been abused in ways that are just unmentionable. So it is good to keep in mind we dont know how sad or angry or hurt someone might be on the other end of the internet. Always better to err on the side of kindness than to speak too harshly... sometimes we all do, but it was a good reminder you made to think about someone who is new and alone needing our help. I dont know if I can help much,, as I consider myself a "toddler" too,!!!! On a personal note, Cass you have my cell number,
I will be leaving home to go to Shreveport, today,, Friday to go out dancing with hubby, we are going to spend the nite. But I will have my cell phone with me,, so if you need me for ANYTHING please call,
or if you come in town. I should be home sat evening or sunday.
I hope everyone has a great and safe weekend. Hugs,, Dede(LyinEyes) -
Losing my religion
by professor innew requirement for a satisfactory religion in which to present to my children as an option:.
1. no murderous medical policies.
2. respect for other people and their faiths.
I feel the need to let my children make up their own minds when it
comes to religion , but with caution. I will always be on guard if they join any organization or religion or whatever,, out of fear for
what we have been thru as a family. My son spent the nite with a friend the other nite , and went to church with him , just because it was there was nothing better to do. I was proud that he wasnt afraid to go.. he was raised JW up unti a year ago,, he is 15 now.
But he has a good head on his shoulders and said he just went for his friend and doesnt care to go again.LOL... I think he will always be gun shy , in regards to church... religion.... But at least he
is open minded and that is what is so wonderful about the freedom we have now,,, it is ok to check things out and see if they are for us or not. It is so much better than being told what we are allowed to do and not do. -
Another Watchtower Lie?
by DakotaRed inapplication of "two witnesses" in the congregation.
"the assertion has been made that jehovah's witnesses take no action when an allegation of child abuse comes to the attention of the elders unless the accusation is verified by two separate witnesses, and that's just simply not true.".
page 108 and 109 of the pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock (elders manual), contains the following instructions:.
Very good point , TDogg!!! Blows my mind... cant think of
any more to say . -
Hearing Kingdom Songs on Dateline.......sickened
by Mulan indid anyone else have the bile come up, when you heard those "kingdom songs" during the dateline show?
it made me feel ill.........and almost like leaving the room.
i wonder why i have such an aversion to anything connected to a kh meeting?
Oh Yeah , the songs made me sick too. It gave all of our ex jw family the creeps. Tell you what eles,,,, the pic of the old wt
or awake of the little in the shadows of a child abuser... I actually had to leave the room. I cant beleive I became so overpowered by a picture of an old magazine.My son and I died laughing at the pictures they used from the Reve.
book,, dont ask why,,, but we have a morbid sense of humor. I think
we were laughing because the pictures are so embarrassing and stupid.As a whole everyone I have talked too about the show, said it was
hard to watch and hard to hear all of the wt terminology again. I havent been in a kingdom hall in over a year and that was just a little too close for me. -
Amazing Survived Major Heart Attack
by AlanF ini just spoke on the phone to amazing (jim whitney) who is in intensive care in a chicago hospital.
on monday he had a major heart attack, had a stint put in an artery to unblock things and may have bypass surgery.
he's comfortable enough right now, but of course will have to make some big lifestyle changes.
Wishing you a speedy recovery , Amazing. Our thoughts are with you
and your family at this time.Please forward our regards to Amazing, if anyone talks to him on the
phone, thanks alot.... LyinEyes and Wild Turkey -
by You Know inhardly anyone has an honest opinion about anything of importance that wasnt craftily pre-packaged and handed to them by someone else whose job it is to craft public opinion.
the intention of the media is to present the illusion of impartially informing, all the while pandering to prejudice and ignorance in order to persuade to a particular point of view.
datelines presentation of the watchtowers child abuse issue was a case study in the black art of media propaganda.. from the very beginning of the presentation dateline was intent on giving the public a negative impression of jehovahs witnesses by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we dont celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the devil and that we want them all to die.
Very well put seven006!!!! Broomstick illustration....good one.
"Pedophile Paradise"
by LyinEyes ini think many wt defenders will try and say , well, all churchs.
have these problems, look at the catholics.
this is true, this is.
I think many WT defenders will try and say , well, all churchs
have these problems, look at the catholics. This is true, this is
an epidemic that is not just in the churchs but in every aspect of
life. But it is just more disgusting for it to happen at
a church, because of the trust issue . But the point I am making , is I think Bill's term, "Pedophile Paradise" , is right on. I came
from a small town, small congregation, and I know of many cases of
child molestation in EVERY SINGLE ONE of the congregations in my circuit alone. Top that off,,, INCEST,,,,not just a few isolated cases either. I mean what is it about the JW organization that attracts such people , so they can carry out their deeds ? Of course
we all know the answer to that question,,,, now the world will understand a little more of what really goes on behind those closed doors. Maybe they will even speculate as to why there are no windows too. I thought it interesting how Dateline brought up all the do's and dont's of being a witness . But I beleive until some harsher
penelties for child abusers are enforced and made public , it will continue to be a breeding ground for a "Pedophile Paradise". I think
Silent Lambs is doing something so wonderful ,he is helping the victims to have the courage and support to come forward . Not only will this help the victim to regain some self respect in what happened to them but it will maybe save some little child from this ever happening to them in the first place. Maybe the dateline story
will open the eyes of JW parents and cause them to have second thoughts about letting their children go alone with any adult , until they have really found out who they are. I think Bill and the others involved in this have done a very noble thing, it may not change the WT in the way they do things , but it will open alot of eyes and save alot of innocence .... I hope. -
Preach More..God will overlook your sins..
by LyinEyes inwe all saw on dateline tonight all the proven pedophiles on camera.
out in the field ministry.
so clean shaven, nice suits, shiney shoes.
We all saw on Dateline tonight all the proven pedophiles on camera
out in the field ministry. So clean shaven, nice suits, shiney shoes
bookbag and bible in hand. Knocking ,knocking on those doors. Do
they possibly in their sick and twisted minds think that if they do
enough field service or the many other forms of "sacred service",
they will be found to have God's favor? I think they do. I personally know of a few, who by all of their "works" , including huge amounts of donations , donations in time and money to kingdom hall buildings etc, who I am sure think this will get them off the hook in God's eyes. Maybe some of the creeps dont beleive in God at all, how could they and do what they do, seems they would fear death
more than they crave the sickest thing in this world. But I know that there are some who think they can cover over sins, not just the child abuse sins, many other sins that would get others disfellowshipped. They are men of position, men of power , and they
hide what they have done , so as to keep their precious positions of power in the congregations. Some put in so many, many hours in the field service, to the point of exhaustion, trying to ease their conscious. That is exactly what I think these pedophiles are trying to do,, make it right to God by excessive service( although we all know this is impossible and not at all what God wants). The real sad part is that they are not sorry for what they have done to the victim,,,, they just got caught.... so many go on to do it again and again. They never try to really apologize to the victim, even once they admit to what they have done. Goes to show you what a real sickness this is... a completely warped way of thinking and acting,
with all due credit going to the WTBS for their way of "handling " these matters. May all the victims know that God is one of love and justice, the WT is not of love and justice. It was mentioned on the dateline show,, one elder said that "Jehovah will take care of matters in his time..... well that is true...... but the victims should be encouraged to go to what ever means they can to prosecute these pedophiles. That is the only way to get any justice right now,
it doesnt make it all go away,,, it never will, but at least the victim can fight back . And that is just the beginning of healing from the abuse from the pedophile and the abuse from the WT. God bless you all. -
Did anyone else notice....
by DevonMcBride inwhile dateline was showing an assembly did anyone else see the woman sitting in the bleachers yawning?
Yep, sure did notice that...... I thought ,,man that is how I
used to feel..