Have you seen the movie, "Office Space", ??? It is sooo funny!!!!! I wouldn't recommend the antics they do in this movie , but I bet you could relate. I just bought the dvd of it and it makes me feel for anyone that has to work in a cube. Hope you find something you like better, maybe you can win the lottery!
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Arrrgggghhh!! Help I'm losing my mind
by Leander ini'm going nuts at my job.
i just feel so freaking trapped in this cublicle.
i feel bad about complaining because at least i have a job, but its like my sanity is slowly leaving me.
Another J.W. Sucide
by moman inanother one of god's wonderous creatures has taken her life, another j.w.
sucide, how sad!.
there will be those (mostly jw's) that say the borg had nothing to do with it & they may be right, but i doubt it.. her name, leah turnbull, formaly leah malik, of omaha nebraska, anyone know her?
I know of two in Louisiana , USA.
My mother, commited suicide when she was 35 years old, 1985. She jumped from a high bridge over the Red River, the fall didnt kill her, she drowned. She was a faithful witness for over 16 yrs and even stood her ground over the blood issue the year before she killed herself. She had a bleeding stomach ulcer and her blood count went down to 2 !!!!!! The best doctors in Shreveport said nothing could be done without blood. We took her to Houston, Tx. and she slowly got better, it is amazing she survived that, and the doctors even took pictures of her when she arrived, to put in medical records of her condition, not many people live with a blood count of 2. She did have emotional problems and had abused prescription pain pills for years, some years she did really well, and would fall back to taking the pills. She had migraines and if you are addicted you are not supposed to even take anything. My dad who was an elder , was alot of her problem, she was sad, lonely and misunderstood and lived in silence to project the view of us having the ideal family. She never received help from the brothers in our congregation and they all knew about her addictions and how much she wanted to get better. They ignored it because dad was an elder and the other 2 were drunks so why would they address it. She went to rehab in Feb of 1985 and began smoking , she got d/f and so did my dad for adultery with a much younger sister in our hall. She was so full of guilt and low self esteem . I will not say that being a JW is the reason she did it , but I will tell you I was there, I lived in that house and I saw it first hand. It is the most uncaring , unloving organization I have even seen. No one would even do her funeral because she was d/f , not a one from our circuit even came to support me and my hub , we were both very faithful witnesses. No cards, no flowers , no phone calls. All the good things she did for those who needed clothes , money, or flowers when they were sick , and not a one of them could even honor her in her death. Very sad. I will do anything to help anyone out there that needs someone to talk to , if my mom would have had this site maybe things would have been different .
Another brother who was in our congregation a few years ago , was basically inactive and his wife was fooling around. He was often depressed even before this happened with his wife. I dont know if being a JW caused him to feel quilt , but he used to have long discussions with my hub, who was an elder at the time . From what my hub told me, this brother also had guilt. He started a fire in his home and shot himself. His kids were at the state fair when it happened, and we had to wait at the burnt down house to support his kids , I will never forget feeling so much pain for those kids.
I have heard about that hospital in Texas, a young sister was taken there by her crazy mom who was such a pioneer fanatic . There was nothing wrong with this young girl , but her mother. She moved back down south to live with her dad, she died within a few months in a mysterious car crash. There has been supeculation that she may have killed herself too.
My email is open if anyone ever needs to talk or if I can help in this fight for helping people to not feel like ending it all, is the only answer .
by crawdad2 inhi bill............. so...... you have the most qualified victims coming to your site........and you give them to attorneys who sue for only................ $ 50.000?.....................as in the case of heidi meyer............. and she has to go through hell ......"again"......and be ridiculed in court, and made to expose her most private sensitive issues on how she got molested........ for a lousey $50,000?............
bill, are you scratching the gov bodys back or something?
Bill Bowen is a hero and I can not beleive anyone would accuse him of anything but being a caring, supportive friend. He has shown alot of courage in what he has done, both publicly and in private dealings with those who have been abused.
Would it matter if someone was awarded millions of dollars in an abuse settlement? Of course making someone pay , and pay out of the ass, does have its benefits. But no amount of money can give a molested person back their childhood innocence , trust, and it will never make the nightmares go away. Going public and going to court is a way to begin your healing, even if it can not be proved and you were to lose the law suit , at least you can stand up for yourself and have your day in court. I truly hope that Bill, can help all of those who were abused and hopefully they can get a good settlement , they sure deserve it. It takes years of therapy to learn to live with a past full of abuse.
This is just the beginning of the eyes of the JW's to see what is happening to the children, in the past , and to be watchful of their children now. I don't think all JW's are evil people who want to ignore that their kids my be pedophile targets. But if they choose to stay in that religion then, at least Bill Bowen has helped many to think about something they thought would never have thought went on in their wonderful little JW world.
Ya Ya Sisterhood
by Mulan inhas anyone seen "divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood"?
princess, one of her friends, and i went to see it last night, and it was great.
anyone with mother or grandmother issues will love it.
I am glad you enjoyed the movie, I havent seen it yet. I read the book and it was like reading about my childhood and my mother. So I am a little afraid to see the movie, the book even brought back memories that I had filed away. I had to put the book down several times to have a bawling fit. The book is a great read and I too found it to be healing , painful in some parts , but some issues have to be faced, you know? I am from Louisiana , the author of the book is also from Louisiana and it is very accurtate on the way things are here. Like the smell of the flowers and trees, the sounds of the crickets at nite, and the heat!!!! LOL
I do plan on seeing the movie, but my sister and I think we will wait for the DVD to come out so we can watch it at home and have a good sister to sister cry feast. I cry very easily at movies about mothers and daughters or any family for that matter. I wish my mother was alive so we could see it together, that would be great. Funny thing is no matter how much you try not to be like your mom , you grow up and realize that you are very much like your mom. Reading the book made me think more of the positive things about my mom, and all the crazy little funny things she said, she did and the things she liked like a good cold coke. It made me think how much we love the same things. I wish she was here so that we could make some peace from our past. I would love to tell her that I know she did the best she could given the circumstances of her life. And that by having children of my own, I know it is the hardest job in the world. I can't even remember how many times my mother had to go to "the hospital that no ones calls a hospital", for some kind of nervous breakdown or just a break. I felt like Sidda , being the oldest and having to take care of my little sister, and thinking that if I could be a better kid, and not cause problems maybe she wouldnt have been so nervous. But I know now, it wasnt me. It just pisses me off that she is gone now and didnt get the help she needed, she had no friends and had been freshly d/f when she killed herself, she was only 35, my age now. I live for her and not a day goes by I dont think of her several times a day. If she is in heaven , I am not sure , I think she has helped me to heal and to see things as they were , I couldnt understand it back then. The book was almost a god send to me. It made me think of what she must have went thru all those years. Sorry for rambling, but I really do recommend reading the book , so many more details. There is also a book written by the same author called "Little Alters Everywhere", that has the same characters and tells more of what happened. I am planning on reading that one next. I think what you and your Princesss have, is one of the most beautiful things , I am jealous!!!!! :) But in a good way. I am also breaking the chain of silence and am more open and close with all of my children.
by Amazing indr. phil gave this test on oprah.
some folks pay a lot of money to find this stuff out.
don't be overly sensitive!
I already know I am crazy. But I love Dr. Phil. He would probably piss me off if he talked directly to me, and then I would break down crying. LOL. He is interesting and very on track on most everything he says.
Yea, Me too....
by flower ini'm grateful for the friends i've made here and hope to continue relationships with them however this board has reached the 'more harmful than good' stage for me as well so i'm going to have to move on.
i've recently began re-question my decision to leave the jw's and have been wondering if we arent all really screwed up as is believed to be the case by jw's.
i need to go back and re-read all the exjw literature to prove to myself all over again that we are normal and ok and victims of a fraudulent cult.
Flower, I will miss you , I know you have been thru alot . Please know that you can email me anytime you need to vent or just talk. I will give you my cell number when I email you. I hope that you can count on me to be understanding , because I know how you feel. I am always questioning if I am doing the right thing leaving the JW, even thou I know it is the right thing. But still it takes time to break all the emotional bonds you have with something you loved so much at one time. It just doesnt happen overnite. I have had trouble with this and would love to chat to a supportive and non judgement friend on this. Take care of yourself and that baby. Love ya, Dede
by musky indid anyone watch slingblade on tv last night?
i thought billy bob thornton was supposed to be a good actor, but what a crap movie!
3 hours wasted time.
I reckon that is a good impression of Billy Bob errrrrurrrrrrrrr Carl. Do you want some mustard with those french fried potators?
My surreal district convention
by RunningMan inwell, i just got back from yet another summer ass-marathon.
seventeen hours of sitting in hockey arena seats that were made for three hour games, trying to stay awake, while not losing contact with my extremities.. needless to say, the program was dull and boring.
in fact, i'm not completely sure that they didnt just re-run last year's.
This was a very funny post RunningMan. I laughed outloud too, the hoagie, the mad rush for the book, and almost running over the parking attendent. I remember my husband would ignore their direction as to where to park, man they were pissed. They would wave their arms like they were directing an airplane to land. I laughed in their faces at how stupid they looked.
We left the JW a year ago, my son was 14 at the time and he was the only thing that made the meetings tolerable. We would write notes, elbow each other when someone said something studid, which was quiet often.
by musky indid anyone watch slingblade on tv last night?
i thought billy bob thornton was supposed to be a good actor, but what a crap movie!
3 hours wasted time.
I love Billy Bob, and that kid actor , I should remember his name, he is also so good in everything he does.
I really thought this was a sad movie, very touching. I cried over several parts of it. Is there a book of this movie? I love to read the books after I see a movie to get more details. Since Billy Bob wrote and directed it, I bet there is not a book. I will check it out when I go to the book store.
This movie just broke my heart really, the little boy reminds me of my little boy, my son is a sensitive, country talking sweetheart. In the movie the little boy says that he is tired,and that a kid should not be so tired of things. This reminded me of alot of things my son has said to me, when he was so afraid . My son went thru alot of pain and suffering to survive when he was born and he still worries too much for a kid his age.
I guess that is why some movies may effect others in different ways. If you can see someone you love, reflected in a character, it touches your heart.
TR, alot of us Americans are quiet upset over some remarks made about us. Some are sitting afar and just watching what is going on, they are not like us living in fear . And I think there are a good many from other countries that support us. It just shows you how insensitive some people can be .
But I have always enjoyed your post and the way you see things. I hope you reconsider leaving this site, because there are so many that benefit from what you have to say. It would be a shame to lose such a funny, bright person. Hope you will stay, or at least come back after you smash some watermelons with a sledge hammer. That seems to work for me when I get really pissed off!!! LOL