I know this subject has been discussed in several previous threads, but could you summarize the "facts" that are known about this event.
For instance, I seem to recall that certain meeting locations have been identified? Also, which Congs (and their Circ) have been id'ed? I believe someone stated that buses were being chartered instead of folks driving?
I also believe someone indicated that a GB member would be at each location. Is this confirmed? That seem unlikely the day after the annual meeting.
How long is the meeting? Morning? Afternoon? Taking meals?
Common factors may enlighten us.
For instance, are "representative" Congs from each Circ being invited?
Pep rally?
Do all the selected locations have video facilities? Maybe the US dropoff has forced the GB to reconsider use of television, and they want to preview their first info-commercial???
Maybe the WTS is releasing a Kingdom News on the abuse issue, which will be distributed prior to the Dateline program?
With "unbaptised pubs" being invited, that might not indicate necessariy indicate "no big news", but rather that the "big news" is not "doctrinal" in nature, but possibly another type of "big news".
The fact that the GB has had a full year "of concentrating on spiritual matters", without the burden of overseeing the grunt work, creates an opportunity of introducing "new doctrinal light", since Jah would be blessing the new arrangement!
Who knows, the meeting could be earthshaddering, or it could just be another ho-hum pep rally???