Well, at least one other person here recognizes the significance of this newspaper article. Sometimes the best "stuff" is the simplest, and is thus hiding right under one's nose. (Remember K.I.S.S.-Keep It Simple, Stupid)
Potentially, every homeowner in the US could send Notice (via registered/certified mail) to their local KH forbidding JWs from knocking on their door, with a statement that if the notice is ignored that the police will summoned, and trespass charges filed. In addition to criminal charges, the homeowner will also pursue monetary damages in a civil lawsuit. It would only take a dozen or so homeowners nationwide to follow through before the entire JW community would be leary about knocking on doors, wondering if their elders had properly marked the "don't-calls" on their territory cards.
I think that if one or two large urban churches could be persuaded to have its members do this, it would eventually get media attention, and then other churches would follow suit, with it snowballing all over the country. With the number of possible calls shrinking, JWs would be forced to call more often at homes of those who haven't filed Notice, which would eventually piss off those people until they too filed Notice.
All that we would need to do is put together a "kit" containing the newspaper article, copies of the JWs own materials about recording "don't-calls", copies of local trespass laws, info about civil trespass lawsuits, etc and forward to local churches, newspapers, etc.
It would only take one church here and there to run with the idea to get it going.
This is something that every US citizen on this DB could do. Every church and every homeowner is a "prospect".
Will this Board do anything with this? NO!!! Most people here just like to listen to themselves talk and massage each others ego. Heaven forbid that they would actually have to lift a fnger and do something.
No, lets sit around and discuss how much smarter we are than Federal Court Judges, and how we know more about the US Constitution than they do. (I'm sure Federal Court Judges monitor this DB to pick up legal pointers they missed at Yale and Harvard, and during all their years of practicing law.)
And this Legal Strategy is certainly not as "novel" as the pedo strategy. I mean come on, I stopped reading newspaper articles and watching Television news stories about "pedo priests" years ago. The media wore that one out years ago! Combine that with the public's "could care less about JWs so long as they aren't bothering me" attitude, and you have the perfect formula for a BIG LEAD BALLOON!!!
I hope I'm wrong, because I'm in favor of any idea that shows the Borg's flaws, and the work on this issue evidently has already been done. Soooooo, let's move on to something else.