Good for you.
Go let them have your new lashes.
Give them something to tutt about.
okay so i like dramatic lashes.
and my grandma told me all the women are complaining about them being a distraction.
well all i have to say to them is "kiss my ass".
Good for you.
Go let them have your new lashes.
Give them something to tutt about.
after the daniel book came out, nothing has ben said about it in at least 10 years.
did that prohecy get thrown out the window when the soviet union fell?.
Hiya Vidqun,
'I personally believe the book, or parts of it, to have been written by a Jewish exile, called Daniel. The majority of it contains prophecy and is definitely worth my while to study.'
I think you are on the right track. And you don't ever have to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses to understand that.
I keep seeing images in my head that later happen and it happens time and time and time again. I have no explanation for it other than esp which is probably common to humanity, 'coz I'm no prophet given visions by the Creator, who I'm absolutely convinced actually exists.
I genuinely think Daniel saw what he says he saw. And the other prophets. Can't help thinking that 'coz of what I keep seeing.
I'm waiting for the apocalypse, not because some-one argues the case and details of ancient prophesy but 'coz it's coming.
one behalf of everyone who is mad on this planet i would like to apologise for us being mad and hope we all get better soon.. .
it isn't my fault that i'm mad.
my mum was mad.
Hi. One behalf of everyone who is mad on this planet I would like to apologise for us being mad and hope we all get better soon.
It isn't my fault that I'm mad. My mum was mad. Aparently totally batty.
They told me so when I was young and then she died in the asylum after being there 20 odd years and went and became the last patient to die there
when it shut down. So there is a case history of practised madness to start with.
I met some Mormons and I became more mad. Fair enough, I'm game for anything usually especially if it involves other nutcases. But when they told
me God was a man who lived on the planet Kolob which is north by northwest in the skies over the UK at 3pm on September 19th I began to doubt
their scale of insanity. Never questioned my own, of course, what with my mum and all. I knew I was permitably mad, not that rubbish kind that silly kids come out with just to be stupid.. but properly mad just like my poor old mum. I keep seeing things in my head mad.
Then I met some of Jehovah's Witnesses. And I felt at home. At last I was back among madmen. Ah, the ecstacy, the bliss, the delusions, the
nightmares and that was just page one.
I truly don't have to explain the devotional madness of some of Jehovah's Witnesses 'coz they got the hump with me. I may well be clinically insane but even I can spot overdone fanactical devotion when I see it. And they are scarey, you have to admit. Trying to get you out in all weathers like that getting slowly nowhere.
It's just as well there will be others than the evangelisers, ie, teachers and prophets lots of other madmen on this planet. It would be a shame if the human race was devoid of madmen just before it all goes down the pan.
I know I am currently mad. I must be. I keep seeing things in my head, time and time and time again.
That later happen.
Never failed so far in 30 years. And the apocalypse is coming. Not because most of the witnesses are bonkers but because it always was from the moment we set our dainty little feet on this planet.
I'n not one of Jehovah's Witnesses but they aren't totally nuts. They know that it's time for man to change but it's already too late. The die is cast and the planet is rolling on to the point in time and space where things change. Sound's like there might be a bit of huffing and puffing about who is God, How, is God, Why is God and What Colour Tea Towel Does God Use while we wait but don't panic.
This madness will all be over soon.
Now that's MAD.
i just posted a new article entitled "jw apologists keep commenting".
there seems to be an influx of asleep jws that are trying to fight back against what they perceive to be threats to their faith by trying to refute our websites and forums.. several are currently making the rounds voting down webpage comments and youtube videos, as well as the dissident jw blogosphere.. here's a screengrab from the article:.
here's the youtube video i made to accompany it:.
I don't have to apologise for Jehovah's Witnesses 'coz they got the hump with me. I may well be clinically insane but even I can spot overdone
fanactical devotion when I see it.
And they are scarey, you have to admit.
Out in all weathers like that getting slowly nowhere.
the making of a jehovah's witness.. .
by victor escalante.
What makes one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
Hoping for something better is a start. Then believing in a Creator is step two.
This in no way proves the existence or non existance of God and blind faith has to be programmed, unless some other external paranormal events which cannot be explained by science happen, and are witnessed by the individual involved.
Either way, by blind faith or witnessing a 'miracle' or 'occult' event it usually all goes haywire and common sense goes flying out of the window almost immediately. The human race is in it's mental infancy. The brain of homosapien has evolved into a more complex mind than that of a peanut. Most scientists understand this and can explain in great technical detail the cellular workings of the human brain. But, equipped as we are with this highly complex and evolved brain:
We are all insane in our own little ways, so:
Lots of people who find religion become certifiably insaner, and willing to believe many things without question and in defiance of the facts, logic and reason.
Those who think they are sane are probably not actually sane, rather insane with the odd occurrence of sanity.
The WTBS is quite possibly extremely mad in some areas and from the sound of many posts on this forum the Governing Body aren't too popular and a sense of WT fanaticism seems to comes from many Witnesses. I've seen it as exactly that myself and I've seen it in other groups I've been involved with. People who find religion often do this. People around here phone each other as soon as any witnesses are seen in the area. This is not proper evangelising, It is a lunatic waste of time. What the heck is wrong with email? How come the WTBS is stuck in the 1930's? Maybe 'coz that's when the old Witnesses got bashed and many like to take the symapthy for other people's suffering. The fact that witnesses of old got thumped doesn't mean that current people can use it as proof they are right.
This is also done by those who find politics and decide that we must all become democrats 'coz we all have a say and we all know how to fix the world's problems, don't we. None of us has got a clue 'coz we're living in a whirlpool of crisis management, lurching from catastrophy to next media covered disaster. Most politics are as much fanatical bullshit as the religious stuff. Very few of the people I meet who are politically motivated think for themselves either. But bang bang goes the front door and another idiot is standing there. He is offering to solve the world's problems with a tax hike. So, if I join the party I even get a rosette and ultimately get invited to join the Lords after I've been Prime Minister a while and then be a demi-god among men.
And it's done by the people who have product to sell. It takes a particular mentality to knock on some-one's door and sell them a hoover. It never occurred to me to buy a hoover so the salesman's visit is extremely welcome. He tells me that if I were to sell hoovers for him, and join his pyramid scheme, I could earn a trillion zillion quid an hour after I've also bought the training video and books and mentorship. I'm simply overwhelmed by the man's consideration and generosity. Knowing that I can get a discount on all additional hoovers were I to buy one for each of carpets I've got I'm amazed. Were I to then sell more to all of my relatives and friends I'd be a millionaire like the bloke in the photo on the leaflets. The lifetime seventy year guarantee the salesman is giving as a special offer if i get in quick and buy the leaflets I will need, etc, is especially tempting, so if I'm a really good salesman I may one day get a seat on the board with all the other men in suits. And a yacht in the French Riviera. I'm in heaven.
Simply put, it seems that 666 is driving people to our doors with something to fanatically sell, mindlessly unaware that we sit on a rock tumbling through space.
But, at the end of the day, the fact that we are all insane and blind in our own deluded ways doesn't mean the Apocalyse isn't imminent.
one thing should be brought forward in all respect to truthful honesty is that the wts.
self proclaimed doctrines were fraudulently devised and created to attract the attention from the public eyes and mind.
in a way the wts.
Hiya. I gotta feeling that the salesmen have forgot what they're supposed to be selling.
They're not supposed to be selling as you described so well above. They are way off target at the moment but they have got something important to say but they are well rubbish at doing it.
They's good at getting right up peoples' noses alright. All fanatics do. They have the delusion that everyone has to be a saleman and thats mentally and logically deficient. They are meant to be teachers 'coz some will be teachers and some will be other things. They've completely overlooked that in order to tick boxes.
If the techniques used currently by Jehovah's Witnesses to spread this message were used on a professional basis I'd sack the lot of them. They are rubbish. They display total, utter, unadulterated devotionally deluded madness.
No wonder NO-ONE with the vaguest incling of sanity wants to do that. You have to be beyond human and of the hermit, lets live in a cave forever, mentality to WANT to do that. Anyone who WANTS to do that, be it evangalist, politician, or saleman, has gotta be on some kind of drugs or high on a commission to WANT to do that. When Jesus said to his many disciples 'go and tell them I'm coming, I don't really think He meant go and do that. Who knows, Jesus might have said 'use yer email thingy' since I can't speak for Him and He was so poor and didn't own a laptop.
Hope Jesus ain't offended. One day He may well ask me about it and I'll still find it funny and I'll have to say it to His face 'coz He's probably gotta better sense of humour that the local Presiding Overseer who doesn't get on well with me at all. Just 'coz I can recognise an idiot when I see one he got the hump. Sad really, one carbon based biological technoligical living android getting the hump with another. S'funny really, but he don't think so. Oh well, tuff titties is what I say. He should stop wimping and take it on the chin like a man and stop getting God to do his dirty works as if he has ownership of the creator, eh?
the governing body is like the fella in that small town out west whom everybody agreed was "the best shot in town.".
a new guy rides into town one day.
a gunslinger with a gun strapped on to his hip.
The Governing Body produces 'accurate knowledge' on a sliding scale of madnes.
Loved the on. I'm not a member of the clan because I noticed this and questioned it during 'bible studies' I had with Witnesses which simply were not Bible Studies in the true sense of the word but a series of rigid paragraphs and questions that don't really explain anything nor answer any genuine questions. Very, very sadly this is still true of the WT magazine and associated literature today.
I have to admit, though, that if there is a Creator God, and I am utterly convinced that there is from personal experience of the occult etc, we have all got to wait until the Creator reveals HimHer self to find out the truth. It really doesn't sound like the GB is being fair and honest with its clan members but we may be reading their efforts through a glass darkly.
I hope nobody finds this next sentence offensive because it isn't meant to be: The WTBS society are as bonkers as the rest of us. They are human people who may have gone off the rails slightly and their accounts and interpretations of the prophecies may be off target but wouldn't this world be boring if we were all sane? We absolutely need nutcases because we are all nutcases in our own sweet little ways. This is an unavoidable condition in a young and immature species such as ourselves.
So therefore, using this kind of logic, the accuracy of this knowledge being put forward is bound to be a little off target at times. I knew this to be completely true and accurate from a history of membership of the Mormon Latter Day Saints. I was a saint for a while. And what a saint I was. Gave up the ciggies and everything on the simple basis of 'in for a penny then may as well be in for a pound', (currencies may vary). In hindsight this was an insane but brilliant idea. Taught me never to do that again and I was, and still am, as mad as everyone else on this planet. The accuracy of the Mormon bible knowlegde flounders on page one. As Mormons we were told that the bible had to be true because there are several thousand wars in it. And thus the Book of Mormon had to be accurate because that had even more wars in it. This would be funny if it wasn't actually, totally, utterly true. In real life this isn't so funny because it's downright dangerous. At this point religion starts to border on sane madness, ie, the people who say it think that they are sane. They're not, none of us are. And their accurate knowledge of the bible is a bit dim to say the least.
So here lies the crux of the matter:
1....We are all insane in our own little ways, thus
2....Most people who find religion become certifiably insaner, and willing to believe many things without question and in defiance of the facts.
3....Those who think they are sane are probably not actually sane, rather insane with the odd occurrence of sanity.
The 'accuracy' of the 'knowledge' of the scriptures as explained by the WTBS is quite possibly extremely mad in some areas.
But their explaination of the prophesies in the books of Daniel and Revelations are pretty good. They leave the Mormons floundering 'coz the Mormons truly don't have a clue and the Witnesses truly do. And although I don't go anywhere near Kingdom Halls due to the madness being described on this site, at the end of the day the apocalypse is coming and I hope it isn't long 'coz I can't wait for all of this insanity to end.
a bit of background.
my 6 year old talks about god an awful lot.
well more than i'm comfortable with.
What IS being taught as Scientific Fact?
Unfortunately, as an avid follower of Richard Dawkins, it is obvious that he has no real proof either way in this debate. He stated on TV recently that he was waiting for the age of enlightenment when all religions are proved wrong and mankind developes into an age of scientific enlightenment. This is pure speculation on his part and bears no evidence to reality or what we are seeing on the ground.
Bear in mind that scientists are as much bound by their conditioning and what they want to believe as is everyone else on this planet.
Richard Dawkins cannot disprove the existence of a creator any more than he can disprove the arrive of next monday. Knowledge of a creator is beyond his grasp at present because he shackles himself to an athiestic scientific viewpoint and utterly discards and idea of religion. This alone means that he is sifting his facts and disregarding religion and therefore missing some of the most useful information available.
The old Judaic scrolls stated that the earth was round. And they were right.
And since Richard Dawkins will not entertain the ideas of esp, etc, he has closed his mind to the facts. As someone who repeated sees images of events that later occur I can categorically state from personal experience that these is so much more in this universe that science will never explain because, strangely, science doesn't believe it. You simply cannot discover the truth if you only examine half of the evidence. And remember, scientists are befuffled by the concept of an increasingly expanding universe and are groping for answers, even to the point of building a huge site underground just to check for a smashed atom and its relative particles.
The old Judic scrolls stated that man was dead and oblivious to everything once life had left the body. This doesn't contradict any scientific veiwpoint
Here in the UK last week on TV a group of school leavers were interviewed and all stated that 'nothing' was in existance prior to the big bang yet a recent meeting of the scientists at the cern labs (where the large hadron collider lives) asked those present which of them thought that the big bang was the beginning of everything. Not one scientist at that meeting believed the idea of nothing before the big bang. This is the most current scientific theory, and is utterly different to the stuff being taught in UK schools as FACT.
Overall, it truly does not matter what any child currently believes. All scientific knowledge is being constantly advanced and the veiwpoint that will be prevalent by the time your child is 21 will be totally different. So if the teachers cannot teach the truth then show your children the truth as you see it yourself. Your child's teachers are under contract to teach the current curricullem not the facts.
Perhaps ask yourself this question: Has anybody any true idea of exactly what is happening in this universe?
The answer is a definate 'No'.
Perhaps ask your child's headteacher if they have any true idea of what is happening in reality out there.
Their honest answer also has to be 'No'
Therefore it will have to be the parents of each child who sifts through the school curricullem and the democratic propaganda dished out by the state.
the newish japanese government is conservative in bent, and its finance minister recently raised eyebrows with the above statement.
japan, as you may know, is a rapidly aging society as the long falling birthrate bites into the demographics.. here's how the english guardian reports this tale:.
let elderly people 'hurry up and die', says japanese ministertaro aso says he would refuse end-of-life care and would 'feel bad' knowing treatment was paid for by government.
Can't see the problem. It;s rude to be late, even for the grim reaper.
"did i hear you say tutored or neutered?".
Them's not eyebrows. They are horns.
That cat could do with a shave.