Maybe we've all got lost in the confusion that men create by us all having different ideas & opinions. And maybe some folk want to fight over them.
For example a generation that doesn't pass away could perhaps refer to longevity caused by modern medicines. This is just a simple daft idea among the mass of ideas in the madcap brains of 7 billion humans, not any statement of fact.
But imagine what would happen if one country created a pill that enabled people to live for a thousand years. Based on today's standards those without money would be left to rot, just as theyare now, & that would be a prime reason for war since we humans do seem to love a good fight.
This is only one possible interpretation of some of the scriptures & is probably wrong, but who actually knows that it is wrong? Once we start taking the words and ideas so seriously that we fight over them we prove ourselves unworthy of any future life on this planet.
Once we humans start playing with explosives & creating stars on the surface of this planet at the same time as thinking our brother humans from that bit of land over there are less than human it isn't actually the creator who is causing the destruction, it's us lot.
One more thought in the mix....given that no energy can ever be wasted only transformed and the same applies more or less to physical matter this isn't actually destruction. Destruction is a human perpective. We could just as easily say God allows the re-arrangement of matter. That's a far nicer way of looking at it.
Larsinger - you are spot on in your analysis. Not everyone will want to live forever. Not everyone should be allowed to live forever for the sake of those who do want to. Few are good willed enough toward their fellow humans to be able to put up with each other for eternity.
But, someday in the future this planet will be a paradise. And if you want to find out if there actually is a God or not go and buy yourself a OiuJa board & watch the sparks fly. That isn't an opinion, it is a fact. I do know because I've done it. What happened defied all physical laws.
I do believe in God now.