Hi OP, I honestly would contact Child Services, or at the very least, the cops. This actually happened to my family.. the little girl my mom babysat was found to be molested (the little girl's mom claims this, not my mom), and for some really stupid reason, my sibling was thought to be guilty (even though my sibling rarely saw the kid due to school and was always locked in their room up in the second story anyway). There was a huge fallout between families, and the mom, stupid woman that she is, went to the Elders to get some 'justice' for her baby.
What ended up happening was the Elders questioned everybody involved in this situation, they never once contacted any authorities, they reached the conclusion that just because my sibling had openly said they disliked the little girl, that was not enough evidence (that and the fact that my sibling was around ten, and again, she RARELY was home.
I don't get the mom at all. There were other two other people she could've accused that WERE around the baby, that being myself and my brother(it was neither of us. My mom was actually worried about something like this happening, so she never left the baby out of her sight or alone with anybody that wasn't herself. And no, wasn't my mom, because as evil as I think she is, all of her kids were molested as babies. She went to therapy and for a long time, researched this subject. Ironic that it happened yet again and one of her own was accused of it.))Turns out, that after this whole fiasco that affected my sibling deepling and to this day has scarred them emotionally (to the point where my siblings HATES children, never wnats to be around them, doesn't even want to pick their niece), the stepfather might've done it. Might've, because the stupid mom didn't want the authorities involved, so there was no way of phsysically proving it was him (though it was suspected all along). My mom updated me on this situation, and the mom left the stepfather. But that family still resents us, probably because it opened a whole can of worms that they wanted to ignore.
And yes, the stepdad was a JW, baptized, a regular publisher, and was sustaining the mom and her other kid from a failed marriage.
Again, no authorities were ever contacted, no therapy was provided for the abused child or their family. My sibling did get help, and so did my whole family. This thing that happened could've been avoided if there were better suggestions, instead of the whole 'let's not bring the cops into this because it makes the organization look bad'.