JoinedPosts by cobweb
JWs destroy archaelogical artifacts
by John Doe inthousands of years old.
this makes my blood boil..
The last video in the 2016 convention...
by problemaddict 2 an epic triumph is emotional manipulation.
bringing together all of the stories they told thus far and placing them int he "new world" complete with the little boy who was killed in a car accident coming back from the dead.. i have a good friend who is stuck in with family and plays the role.
he said everyone was crying, and the people next to him rated the videos by how many tissues they needed to dry their eyes.
Music is powerful. The reason I always break down in tears at 'Gladiator' when the woman says 'Who will carry him', almost against my will, is because the music comes in at that moment with its sad refrain and there i am balling again.
It is no wonder they chose to use work from movie composers, it is a very deliberate attempt to overcome and control viewers emotions. They might as well have written in the transcript 'Cry Here' like they would 'Applause' because its inevitable and witnesses will have little choice in the matter. That wouldn't have worked with 'House to house' playing in the background.
I was trying to think of a scenario where you could pretend to recognise the music and say 'Oh i know this track, its on the latest Audiomachine album, they did the soundtrack for a game I like called 'Call of Duty Advanced Warfare' lol. But the only legitimate time to hear the music would be at the actual assembly.
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up....
this one has no dialogue so language doesnt matter.
gotta say, i just saw this video set after Armageddon and even i feel emotional and i haven't been a witness in 18 years. I believe it is the last video played on Sunday afternoon and shows all the people from previous videos, some of whom got disfellowshipped and came back, some who died, some who gave up on their lives to serve etc. I can imagine their will be some serious lumps in throats after it ends and a spring in the step as they go home. set
Building 500 new kingdom halls?
by Coded Logic inthe wtbts has to know they aren't actually going to see their numbers significantly jump anytime soon/ever right?
are they planning on cutting the rbc down to 1/10th the work force so they can actually slow down their kh projects instead of increasing them?
or do they think their little website scheme is actually going to bring in more people?.
could it be a way to make money by using the free volunteer labour to build, incentivise the jws to donate all the while making them excited at the prospect of progress and then sell them for profit a little while later? Don't know why the'd be cutting down workforce tho.
just noticed this is a year old thread lol
scholarly lectures on bible history or evolution
by cobweb ini recently enjoyed this series of yale lectures on youtube about the hebrew bible..
i really liked the woman doing them and she had a lot of knowledge.
it does seem quite rare to have such university lectures available.
I recently enjoyed this series of Yale lectures on Youtube about the Hebrew Bible.
I really liked the woman doing them and she had a lot of knowledge. It does seem quite rare to have such University lectures available. There is a series of Yale lectures about the Christian Bible but I wasn't that keen on the lecturer's style.
Does anyone have suggestions for other scholarly video series or one offs like this one on the subject of Bible or Evolution. It is nice to be able to watch this information sometimes rather than read it. I've watched the odd debate between religious person and evolutionists which have been interesting though it is hard to stomach the pomposity of the staunch religious literalist.
I am an atheist myself but I have recently found it quite interesting to look at what is known about the origins of the bible, the archaeological evidence etc, the cultures out of which it arose, how it came to be etc, as it offers a very different perspective to one we were taught.
Do you still believe in God?
by FormerlySandL ini never thought i would admit it, but i don't.
i might superstitiously have some kind of doubt but digging a bit deeper in my heart i really don't believe in god.
as a human i could never just sit and watch people be tortured, live years of abuse, suffer from illness and disabilities and all the other awful things people have to endure day after day without doing something about it.
The God of the Hebrew Bible is like an abusive husband. God didn't want Israel to do well without him or be independent of him and punished it when it tried.Amos Chapter 46 “I gave you empty stomachs in every city and lack of bread in every town, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD.7 “I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still three months away. I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up.8 People staggered from town to town for water but did not get enough to drink, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD.9 “Many times I struck your gardens and vineyards, destroying them with blight and mildew. Locusts devoured your fig and olive trees, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD.10 “I sent plagues among you as I did to Egypt. I killed your young men with the sword, along with your captured horses. I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD.11 “I overthrew some of you as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. You were like a burning stick snatched from the fire, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD.12 “Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel, and because I will do this to you, Israel, prepare to meet your God.”13 He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth— the LORD God Almighty is his name. -
BBC Radio 4. 14th February 2016. ''Sunday'' program with article on Witnesses and child abuse.
by ThomasCovenant inthe sunday programme investigates allegations that the jehovah's witness ordered the destruction of documents that could be used during the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse.
was this in contravention of section 21 of the inquiries act 2005 which is punishable by imprisonment?.
radio 4 is my alarm clock so heard this as i woke up this morning. The Jw segment starts in the 33 minute. -
best ex JW sites
by cobweb ini used to visit this site about ten years ago.
i haven't come her in a long time.
i have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the jws and i wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.. back in the day there used to be a site run by a norwegian i think called kent.
Just wanted to say thanks again for all the links. That should definitely keep him busy. I've given him the link to this thread so he can go through them as he wants. -
best ex JW sites
by cobweb ini used to visit this site about ten years ago.
i haven't come her in a long time.
i have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the jws and i wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.. back in the day there used to be a site run by a norwegian i think called kent.
Oh that is a really good one LostGeneration. I was hoping there was somewhere with all those great articles that I remember. -
best ex JW sites
by cobweb ini used to visit this site about ten years ago.
i haven't come her in a long time.
i have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the jws and i wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.. back in the day there used to be a site run by a norwegian i think called kent.
What was great about the quotes site was that all it contained was qoutations from the witness literature. It showed up the way different dates had been given for the end of the system etc so well and the various flip flops.
There was nothing controversial or scary in it and was very powerful for that reason. Does the quotes site live on anywhere. I seem to remember back in the day that there were some issues with take down notices from the society.