They only did that to people that studied for a while out my way. I wonder if it got out of hand and that is why they changed thi policy.
I think you can still be marked as bad association but you aren't Shunned I don't Think
i was remembering the 1980s when it was in vogue to shun children.
they went through a fad when they'd call unbaptized excommunication as "disassociation".
within a short period of time, most of the teens and preteens were "disassociated" or disfellowshipped.
They only did that to people that studied for a while out my way. I wonder if it got out of hand and that is why they changed thi policy.
I think you can still be marked as bad association but you aren't Shunned I don't Think
Flying high now I think your clock comment falls under Illusory superiority
As for the girl I can't quite figure out why guys are attracted to girls with no shape. She has a cute face but no body. I thought her performance was more sexy than her dance.
in the latest october 15th 2012 watchtower (page 13).... "because of what they perceive as defects in the elders, some individuals who engage in serious wrongdoing in the congregation have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them.
this could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctor.".
sounds like they're now trying to stigmatize those who try to avoid judical action.
LOL like there are no doctors you should avoid. I have seen a couple doctors I would think twice about using again even in an emergency.
Why go to a therapist when a good old JC will do.
2 thessalonians 2:11; "so that is why god lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie....".
this scripture has intrigued me for quite a while.
exactly what is "the lie"?
It is scriptures like that that make me think the bible was written by Satan.
this is wide open for all - lets have fun!.
i will start -.
question # 1) why dont my children come see me any more?.
Since i'm too old to take the group out in my car for field service do I still need to buy a 4 door car?
2012 september kingdom the link in the blue box by the blue arrow.. free and then download file in blue letters after clicking here..
I like the section:
"Old people ask --- What did I do with my life?"
this follows on from the other thread on michael jackson and an earlier one this morning.
sufficiently different to start a new thread i thought though.. on the mj thread i had a bit of a poke at glander and used a load of anti-gay terms.
what i thought was interesting was that they were all terms that i used to use as a witness.
We had a talk on using the word fag once. It was pretty lame. The argument was that a fag was a bundle of sticks. Still not sure of the point of that talk. Pretty sure the elder giving it didn't have his heart in it. I have a feeling the right intention was there but they really didn't know how present it. BTW it didn't stop us from saying it. I remember being sensitive to most racial comments. Still made a few jokes now and then but no where close to how openly we used gay insults. I don't think it was a Jdub thing though. I remember the same thing in school. I graduated HS in 1983 to give a time frame.
for years, i've never understood why we read a paragraph, ask a question, and then recite what we just read in the paragraph, and at the wt study, it's an hour long period of severe boredom because, well, how many times can we recite the same stuff over and over?
even new ones who come in have been baffled at this method of teaching.
i have a theory, though.. however, i just read the "what is sacred service?
Funny (not ha ha funny) how so many of the thing the dubs say about others apply equally to themselves.
Strain the gnat swallow the camel frequently comes to mind.
howdy guys and gals!.
aren't jehovah's witness child baptisms lovely?.
The picture does say cult but I don't think it is picture of a JW baptism. Which of course makes it another win for the dubs being able to point the finger at "apostate" lies. That being said I do think it is wrong for a 7 yo to make that decision. I was 18 and don't think I knew what I was getting into.
This is one of the things that helped me leave. I realized that the jws spent way too much time trying to prove something that really doesn't matter.