It is easy to not be a cult if you define what a cult is.
Some think of a cult as people who kill pigs and drink their blood naked in time square on new years eve.
Obviously we are not a cult.
i know this has been rehashed, time and again, but i saw this interesting blip on last night, and did a little thinking about it.... jw.
org answers the important question that so many have... are jehovah's witnesses a cult?.
jehovah's witnesses do not look to any human as their leader.
It is easy to not be a cult if you define what a cult is.
Some think of a cult as people who kill pigs and drink their blood naked in time square on new years eve.
Obviously we are not a cult.
i know that soon, the jws in our area will be out in full force, on their hit and run campaign with invitations to the memorial.
did you ever encounter a householder during this campaign, that made you stop and think about what you were doing?
Absolutely nothing would have made me think.
One day I was in the door to door work and some dudes showed me some scriptures that were quite convincing when I was at their house, but when I went home and read them on my own (probably with the use of the Watchtower) I came to the opposite conclusion.
If and when you are ready to leave you will leave. I don't think anyone can speed that up.
Between Adam, Eve and Satan, (and the mosquito) god doesn't seem to have a very good record in the creation department.
When I was young I was told not to pray/speak my fears out loud so Satan could not use them against me.
Hmm wish someone had told me that so I could have prayed not to be rich or irresistible to attractive women
reading over the woody allen thread i noticed a couple things but didn't want to side track the "discussion".
1) woody allen is creepy.
2) nobody really seemed to care that his ex-wife was abusive towards her children.. an example i think is perfect was the release of twilight where you would see lineups of 30-40 year old women making very inappropriate comments about a 16 year old boy.
I think Hank Hill summed it up quite nicely
It's called the double standard Bobby. Don't knock it — we got the long end of the stick on that one.
Some you win some you lose.
Another one where manly men don't win is custody battles.
The man will most likely lose that battle and then have to pay child support to boot.
In the long run, men probably get more "long end of the stick" situations than women.
How many men were waiting for the Olsen twins to turn 18 before we could admit to o·gl ing
we all know that elders and ministerials are appointed by holy spirit.
i was in the organization for about 25 years and was in 4 different congregations over the years.. in one congregration there was a sister in her mid-50's with an unbelieving husband.
he did not attend meetings.
I'm pretty sure the qualifications for being and elder are being able to preach the expected qualifications without actually possessing any of them
i have not been a sister for the past 19 years, i asked to be da'd as i had started smoking aged 12 and at 19 no longer wanted people to think badly of the jw's over my conduct.. for 19 years my father, an elder, has tried his damndest to bring me back.
he kept contact sometimes more, sometimes less, always under the threat to stop the contact alltogether.
at one point he managed to not speak to me for several months.
First I'm sorry to hear about your situation.
It sounds like he is at least conflicted. I wouldn't bring up anything apostate though. That will only make him more stuborn.
Give it some time, whatever caused this will likely pass with time.
Unless you were baptised then you are not off limits as far as I know. DA is different than DF and if you were baptised and smoking then you might have a pretty good argument for anulling the baptisim.
i thought this artice might be a good read for our friends on jwn, do you see any of the tactics used by the watchtower?
good day!.
..... cults, wonderful on the outside but on the inside are very manipulating.
2014 april our kingdom ministry.
pdf version : press next and download.
So many reminders on how to behave at the convention.
Shouldn't the only true religion guided by God automatically be doing these things?
Just goes to show how so many of the things they do is for show and not an integral part of their personalities.
At least they remind the cheapOs to leave a tip although they don't say a tract is not a tip.
Here's a couple of my faves:
Please Follow Up (S-43) Forms: A Please Follow Up form should be used to provide information regarding any interest found through informal witnessing during the convention
music will begin at 9:20 a.m. all three days.
At that time, all of us should go to our seats so that the program can begin in a dignified manner
When the doors to the facility are opened each morning, please do not rush to the seating area of your preference as if competing with fellow attenders
International Conventions: Some areas will host international conventions. Keep in mind that the branch office has invited specific congregations and foreign delegates after carefully calculating the number of seats, parking spaces, and hotel rooms available.
Overcrowding may occur if publishers attend an international convention to which they have not been invited. If circumstances require you to attend a convention other than the one to which you are assigned, you should not choose an International convention
I say we all show up at an international convention, but instead of protesting we rush in and save hundreds of seats.
Then walk around looking slovenly all day with fake badges on.
can anyone provide steps for inserting a picture here from flickr?
i can get the image url from flickr but when i try to insert it here, it will not display.
as far as a i know, the image is set to public, but i'm not sure how to check.. thanks.. etude..
Etude, If you can't see my plant picture in my first post then I'm not sure what the problem is.
At least it does not sound like something you are doing wrong.
Here's the link to the actual picture you posted the link to above.
Thanks Dis-member, it's my wife's plant and yes it is growing in just water.
Nice part is you can start it from just a single stem and in a short time have your whole house filled with them if you like.
In my case it is where I get replacments for the ones I plant in dirt then forget to water :-)
The picture was just me playing with HDR photograpy.
You take a dark and a light photo of the same thing and merge them (that was the only time I really ever attempted it but it came out quite nicely)
Here are the two originals.