He’s in college and average college age, I assume. Isn’t it his job to do a bit of rebelling at that age? That is exactly why the dubs don’t want you going to college in the first place. I’d pat him on the back and say, when your kids are in college you can come back and tell me what a great job you did. Until then just know I did the best I could with what I had. I don’t think you owe him any sort of an apology over and above that and you definitely don't need to feel guilty. He should feel lucky he got out in time to take control of his life.
JoinedPosts by mynameislame
Argument with my Child "Why did I stay in the Organization so long?" Anger and Bitter Feelings.
by RottenRiley inlast night my third oldest child wanted to know why we stayed in the organization so long.
child is a third year college student enjoying all the classes this "wicked system" has to offer, the insatiable appetite for learning makes him want to argue and debate, i don't have the energy to debate because i don't feel good with all life has thrown our way.. .
"the only reason i went to meetings so long was because grandma and grandpa needed somebody to take them to meetings and cobe aunt and uncle and secretary aunt and uncle refused to talk to grandma for years, otherwise i would have stopped attending the kingdom hall because the kids were assholes and i was always the one who had to make "first contact", "i was the one who had to go around and meet and greet newbies while the regular jw wall-flowers (calebs) ignored all the visitors and new persons visiting our kingdom hall.
The music that moves you....
by FlyingHighNow inonce when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
No love for embeded videos for lame
Syncis....sounds like another MLM scheme
by whathehadas inmy sister who is 26 and a jw, recently quit her job to join this "company" that helps people invest for retirement.
she has a masters and was working in education.
now she's sold on syncis.
Looks like the one I stuck my toe in when I was a dub (Melaluca) is still around and doing resonably well. I remember liking at least a couple of the products. Don't think I ended up selling too much of the stuff.
Little did we know it was run by a Mormon. Wonder if that would have mattered?
Syncis....sounds like another MLM scheme
by whathehadas inmy sister who is 26 and a jw, recently quit her job to join this "company" that helps people invest for retirement.
she has a masters and was working in education.
now she's sold on syncis.
Found one bad review
Even the good reviews sound sketchy
UN vs. The Vatican - Ex-JWs, are you sure?
by gold_C inso about a few years ago, thanks to this site i became convinced that everything that the jws have been saying is a bunch of nonsense and that i shouldn't worry about it.
it gave me some comfort, since there are several things i disagree with when it comes to the way one has to live in order to be a witness.
however, this business with the un attacking the vatican seems a little too much like what the witnesses have been preaching about to simply ignore:.
When I was a JW i tried my best to be a good JW. I wasn't perfect but I know I was sincere. I got no help from Jah, the elders or anyone.
So I came to the conclusion that if the JWs were right and God wanted to kill me because I wasn't one of them then I didn't want any part of him anyway.
If the JWs are the one true religion then god is crazy and you are better off dead than living forever with that dysfunctional JW family.
That is what comforts me when I see some prediction of theirs that seems to have some validity.
Honestly I feel a stronger spiritual presence in my life after leaving the JWs and I'm not even a believer in god or at least the bible.
I am open to god leading me back to him but it will need to be a very spiritual experience.
1914 - "A Turning Point In History"?
by Bobcat inthe february 2014 public wt has a cover series of articles dealing with world war i, and by inference 1914. the articles describe wwi as 'causing the world to be changed' and as "a turning point in history.".
setting the wt's defective 1914 chronology aside for a minute, how do these statements about wwi coincide with the view of the nt?.
certainly wwi was a big war.
I'm not directly affected by anything that happend in 1914 at least not any more than I am by other events in history. Of course 1914 has some sort of effect on us today but no more than any other historical event. 9-11 was the turning point in history for me. Maybe in a few years that will be the new light and it will be that generation where millions now living will never die.
Marriage Consummation - emailed question has me stumped
by jwfacts ini received an email from a jw that got married, but the wife never had sex with him.
they were together for a period of years.
he told the elders, but they said there was nothing that could be done.
I consider his situation a win win, rid of a cold wife and out of the cult.
If he wanted to stay he should have cheated for the legitimate divorce then repented after marying the new woman.
His wife was the one that wasn't giving her husband his due, no elder in the world would hold that against another man.
Although I knew a sister who's husband cheated on her and ended up getting remarried. She protested his being reinstated because she forgave him and that meant he was still scripturally married to her.
Not sure how that one ended up working out, he never came back to her but I don't know if he got reinstated or not.
Spoiled, entitled kids of wealthy JW parents
by sir82 inwhat's your impression?.
recently in our congregation a new family moved in.
youngest son is a high school senior.. dad was speaking glowingly of his post-high school plans.. going to college?
I used to hang out with some wealthy JWs in my area.
They really were different than us regular folks, hard to say exactly how but there were differences. Kind of like the people on the show "Revenge" without the drama. Actualy thinking back it was more like the weatlhy kids from the Veronica Mars show.
This post makes me wonder what ended up happening to them.
jam you might want to edit out the text you posted in your second attepmt to upload the photo.
JW's at my inlaw's door yesterday
by Hillary inhere in the northeast it is freezing.
a father and son team brought over the outside garbage cans from the end of the driveway and offered to salt my inlaws' driveway.
my f-i-l was very impressed and said they're very nice people.
I think many of the RNF are sincere. Sure they have hopes that it will soften you up for conversion but they think they are doing the right thing.
Most of the non-sincere ones would bother to help anyone inside or outside of the religion.
I regularly shoveled out the older people at my hall and also took care of one really old sister's lawn.
She insisted on paying me so I charged $5 for about 2 hours work. One time I tried to go up to $10 and she complained till I went back to $5 :-)
I don't think that type of thing really works to convert anyone. What it does do is give the doer a sense of pride that they are helping with the JWs good reputation.
I think being distressed over something is the primary reason for converting.