I wouldn't bet on it. Whatever you say about Americans we seem to be inventors and inovators of stuff people want.
Just check out Bella15's post
Although China does appear to be buying a lot of the companies we don't seem to want anymore.
a recent review by misiek piskorski, ( associate professor of business administration, at harvard business school) of internet use in china, makes some interesting points, in harvard business review.
the most striking feature is the sheer volume internet use in china.
close to 600 million users in 2013, and rising.
I wouldn't bet on it. Whatever you say about Americans we seem to be inventors and inovators of stuff people want.
Just check out Bella15's post
Although China does appear to be buying a lot of the companies we don't seem to want anymore.
i just read one of your posts on how the watchtower corporation always focus on the negative side ... then it got me thinking ... we have always have murder, rape, stealing, lying, idol worshipping, hatred, men laying with men, woman layign with woman, but we have never ever ever in the billions of years of the universe and don't know how many of human history have the following (some perhaps are reinventions but nevertheless) -- did i mention facebook people?????
these are only in america, how about around the world.
there are thousands of inventions that have make life better for us, as far as the wicked heart and mind of men, that's old news ... lol ... there is nothing new about war, murder, lying, homosexualist, rape,.
Stirr automatic sauce stirrer
Ronco GLH (Great looking Hair) system (spray on hair )
Hurry cane
3d Printer
Sorry I couln't resist a few of our less notable inventions.
Although the 3d printer looks to be quite life changing. I saw a article on how it could even be used to build a house.
i was just wondering.
say you were baptised and stopped going to the meetings, when the elders and people ask why can you just say you don't want to be a jw anymore without giving a reason?
i mean it's not like they can force it out of you and you aren't necessarily spreading lies or whatever they say apostates do.. if anything they'll have to keep talking to you to find an actual reason to df you so if you're literally as vague as possible then what basis do they have?
If they were already suspicious of you and your motives it might work. But since they are all about love they rightfully should try to do something to get you to stay. If you suprised them with the request I think most would be honestly concerned for you. But when their half assed help didn't work they would quickly change their tune.
original nwt reads: "if any man teaches other doctrine and does not assent to healthful words, those of our lord jesus christ, nor to the teaching that accords with godly devotion, he is puffed up [with pride], not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words.
from these things spring envy, strife, abusive speeches, wicked suspicions...".
2013 revision reads: "if any man teaches another doctrine and does not agree with the wholesome instruction, which is from our lord jesus christ, nor with the teaching that is in harmony with godly devotion,he is puffed up with pride and does not understand anything.
Interesting. I wonder if that might actualy be worse. If you are mentally diseased then it isn't your fault and the dubs might feel bad for you. If you are just obsessed then it is kind of your own doing. Seems almost like a softer term that allows for a wider net to be cast on who an apostate is.
Although being obsessed is really a specific form of a mental disease isn't it?
Stop worrying about dating and concentrate on just meeting new people. Once you get good at that you will start to meet women you like and then you can ask them out.
If you want to practice, go places where you know you won't ever see the people again and practice approaching women. Start with just saying hi to people as they walk by, or maybe even holding eye contact for a little longer than you feel comfortable. Then work your way up to a short conversation. Make it about having a small conversation not about asking someone out. Half the problem when you approach a women is you're already thinking about how she is going to turn you down or worse yet become a chain around your neck.
Practice confidence, good posture, eye contact and minimizing nervous gestures and such.
Remember dating in the real world doesn't automatically equal a permanent relationship. As long as you are honest about what you want up front then you should be fine. Don’t expect a woman to change what she says either. If she says she wants something casual believe her. Thinking she will change her mind once she gets to know you is a great way to get hurt.
Do expect to be hurt now and then.
Don't waste one second or one penny on "dating doctors". You know those guys that train you how to pick up women by being mean. Thats all BS.
The most balanced advice I heard on sex was to only sleep with women you have some affection for. And of course you need to respect her boundries in that area as well. Again honesty is key here.
"hi i'm sorry i didn't find you at home today.
i was calling to invite you to a bible based discourse the subject this sunday is fear the true god jehovah.
the time will be at nine thirty am and it will be held at the xyz kingdom hall which is located at ..... no collections are ever taken.
"Hi I'm sorry I didn't find you at home today. My name is *****. I was calling to invite you to a Bible based discourse the subject this Sunday is fear the true God Jehovah. The time will be at nine thirty am and it will be held at the XYZ Kingdom Hall which is located at ..... No collections are ever taken. We certainly hope to see you and your family there this Sunday. Thank you."
I guess i'm finally off the do not visit\call list.....
Last visit was over 12 years ago.
Very surreal! When I first saw it, I was wondering if I was getting some sort of spam because of visting this site.
im sure this has been discussed before but i was wondering if anyone has any links to pdf or online versions of some of these so called discredited and banned books of the bible...?
the life of adam and evethe book of jubileesthe book of enochdead sea scrollsthe infancy gospel of thomasproto-gospel of jamesthe gnostic scriptures of nag hammadithe gospel of marythe gospel of nicodemusthe apocalypse of petergnostic apocalypse of peterthe gospel of judasor if you have any info on their history (aside from youtube).
i've been doing my own research so far but if anyone can help speed it up or point me in the right direction or even just share what they have discovered i'd appreciate it.
I just learned a new word from Fourth Book of Maccabees
[v. gawr-muhn-dahyz; n. gawr-muhn-deez] Show IPA
verb (used without object), verb (used with object), gor·mand·ized, gor·mand·iz·ing.
1.to eat greedily or ravenously.
It is lunch time, I think I shall go gormandize!
Or is it, I think I shall go gormandize my lunch?
the brooklyn eagle posted a video today exploring the fate of the remaining watchtower properties in the brookyn heights area..
Here's the link without all those anoying pictures blocking half of it
or right on youtube
hey babe, how about you and me doing a -.
generation overlap
You must be one of the anointed because you have a heavenly body.
Wanna go back to my place and partake?
These can be used together or separately depending on the circumstances.
Especially appropriate during this time of the year.
these are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
The most realistic thing about that movie is that it was a fellow JW that stuck it to him.
His brother was a total A@# Hole from start to finish.
If only Robbie (from the JC videos) had watched this video he would have known to say he was sorry for hurting Jehovah first.
If the dubs were even half as loving as the people in this video, without the cheesyness, I probably would still be in.
Interestingly the daily text was about love which the JWs are definitly NOT about. Just watch the JC videos.
He was all upset that he gave his whole life to that business for maybe 6 months?
Whats going to happen when he is 60 and realizes he gave all but that 6 months of his life to the JWs?
Wonder how they are covering their health insurance only working part time?
What about the rest of the JWs that don't have a perfect family that can afford to support them?
I wonder how they prevented the actors from having fun at the fake party?
And it is a good thing god motivated him to go home on trash day.