LOL a city that is in the news every day for its efforts to file for bankruptcy probably isn't a great place for a convention.
They probably paid the WT a lot of cash to hold a convention there seeing as how desperate they must be.
we have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit dc's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels.
and the society is pissed!
they are imploring every one to not wait for a new list with new hotels, it is not happening.
LOL a city that is in the news every day for its efforts to file for bankruptcy probably isn't a great place for a convention.
They probably paid the WT a lot of cash to hold a convention there seeing as how desperate they must be.
who is james randi?.
the [james randi educational] foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims.
it both supports and conducts original research into such claims.. at jref, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.
From the FAQ
2.5 Why can’t I submit a religious or spiritual claim?
Because they are, for the most part, untestable. For example, you can look at a series of events – say surviving an automobile crash, surviving a plane crash, surviving a near-drowning and say “This was the hand of God,” but the point of the Challenge isn’t to give anecdotal evidence. It is to give something testable. Most religious people believe it’s impossible to test God. We’re pretty sure they’re right, though perhaps for different reasons.
this is something that's been bothering me for a while.. if god could see into the future, why has he allowed so many bad things to happen?
for example in the garden of eden.
he should have known from the beginning what would happen.if there was even the tiniest chance that they'd eat the fruit then god obviously didn't think it would be benefical to, idk, prevent it from happening?
Yes he can but he waits so that he can save as many as possible at tha big A.
oh wait, every year that goes by means he has to kill more people as the population increases
Never mind!
i have published more than 200 'daily text' comments in german, and will now start translating those into english.
they will be published here:.
Hey Bernd, Is this your take on their daily text or is what you post from a subject of your choosing?
Just asking because it doesn't match the daily text I see on the jw site and was wondering if yours might be different in Deutschland
i have been suffering from fatigue, burning in my stomach, and i have always had canker sore issues as long as i can remember.
whether it's from stress or not, i can't say, but i might be getting an ulcer.
the burning in my stomach and intestinal puffiness is getting to be be chronic.
I think all diets are hard because of the media. I did the master cleans a number of years ago (maple syrup diet) and what I notice the most is how much of TV revolves around eating both in commercials and in the shows themselves. Add to that smell from restaurants, layout of supermarkets, billboards, your peers, etc... and you have a recipe (pun intended) for very difficult time sticking to any diet.
My wife is proof that full fat dairy does not make you fat. Like you she only eats full fat dairy products
I do kind of think that wheat products may be a big cause of being overweight.
I feel like I could eat bread continuously without ever becoming truly full and satisfied.
Check out the book wheat belly which has some fairly lenthgy explanations on why wheat is bad.
dear all,.
could someone explain where it is written that mservants should be doing the congregation average/10 hours minimum?.
I don't think it is a written rule, sort of like the police don't have a quota for writing tickets but if they are doing their job they will likely find at least one person a day that truly deserves a ticket.
if you ever wanted to know why this poster put it best
in reply to: why do jw keep track of hrs?
So odd, it is like they think that by forcing people to preach it will fulfill some prophecy. Like wearing sunglasses can make the sun rise.
I don’t know about everyone else but when I am passionate about something I don’t need someone to tell me to talk about it. Quite the opposite, people get sick of hearing about it from me. This site is a pretty good example of how you don't need to be forced to talk about your beliefs.
i just read one of your posts on how the watchtower corporation always focus on the negative side ... then it got me thinking ... we have always have murder, rape, stealing, lying, idol worshipping, hatred, men laying with men, woman layign with woman, but we have never ever ever in the billions of years of the universe and don't know how many of human history have the following (some perhaps are reinventions but nevertheless) -- did i mention facebook people?????
these are only in america, how about around the world.
there are thousands of inventions that have make life better for us, as far as the wicked heart and mind of men, that's old news ... lol ... there is nothing new about war, murder, lying, homosexualist, rape,.
And what ills will we cure with the invention of the 3d printer?
Find out for yourself
the tetragrammaton ,does not appear anywhere in the christian greek scriptures see the new world kingdom interlinear translation.
the tetragrammaton translated in english is yhwh ( not jhvh) their is no j in hebrew.. the first edition of the book " aid to bible understanding" admits that the proper pronunciation of gods name is not known.. that they have used the name jehovah because it is the more popular name used in christendoms religions.
and they say christendoms religions are apostates / anti christs /babylon the great , can they have it both ways ?.
Just think when they get to heaven and say but we preached about you Jehovah!
God looks a them and says huh who's Jehovah?
I think that might have been one of the things in the back of my mind that always kind of bothered me.
Even the dubs admit that Jehovah may not be the exact translation but they use it anyway. Now if I were the jealous God that Jehovah is made out to be I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be happy about being called by the wrong name for all those years.
a recent review by misiek piskorski, ( associate professor of business administration, at harvard business school) of internet use in china, makes some interesting points, in harvard business review.
the most striking feature is the sheer volume internet use in china.
close to 600 million users in 2013, and rising.