The average newborn today can expect to live an entire generation longer than his great-grandparents could.
Does that mean he\she will live for 200 years?
four years ago i was still in the org.
completly enjoying an extended coffee break when an elderly (80+) brother coyly remarked with a half smile on his face and holding up his third cup as if to salute his revelation "these sure are critical times hard to deal with.
i nervously laughed along and then quickly changed the subject as a dutiful elder should.
The average newborn today can expect to live an entire generation longer than his great-grandparents could.
Does that mean he\she will live for 200 years?
someone told me today that at the annual meeting something was said along the lines that, we do not need to be like the boreans and search that everything is true because we know we have the truth.
can anyone confirm this?.
They have been saying that for years. It even made sense when I was in.
The idea is that you took care of all that stuff when you first studied.
Too bad that never actually happens. Well it might happen but not likely by anyone who went through with baptism.
Sad, you when you are studying you obey the "suggestion" to ignore naysayer. Then later they say sorry, it's too late, you had your chance to verify that this is the truth.
...and no, it is not justin bieber peeing his initials in the snow.. .
seeds of doubt.
what was it about the jw religion that first gave you serious doubts as to its truthiness?.
for me it occurred in late 1984 when we were studying the brochure the divine name that will endure forever which had been released at the summer convention that year.
Donny, looks like we have something in common. I also used the references in their literature and the public library to learn TTATT. I was studying the Creation book on my own and went to the library to look up the references.
While I was DFed I spent my time trying to “make the truth my own”. That was something I never did while I was being raised a dub. While I would never have frequented an apostate site like this I was ok with talking to agnostics and atheists in an aol chat room. Yes I said AOL! I was sure that the truth would triumph so I began reading up on creation using the Creation book and much to my surprise many of the quotes and references they used in that book were from crackpots.
Interestingly (or maybe not) Shortly after my study of the Creation book, the next three public talks at my KH were all the same talk about creation by three different people. It was one of the more spiritual things I remember in my life. By the third talk I was really thinking that somebody had to be trying to tell me something. After that it was hard not to be critical of just about anything that was said from the stage or their literature.
Another time I applied for reinstatement and one of the elders said to me “its the truth, its the truth, its the truth!”. I remember thinking who is he trying to convince? I’m not sure if this was before or after the previous experience.
if memory serves there have been discussions about:.
pressure to donate to cover convention expenses far beyond actual expenses.
obtaining venue subsidies and or sponsorships but not passing on the savings to the flock.
picking on them for making a good business deal makes little sense.
While I agree with that staement, they should be using that good business deal to make things easier on their members not to add cash to their pockets. I have yet to see those comped rooms used to help the less fortunate at the KH.
...and no, it is not justin bieber peeing his initials in the snow.. .
Anyone watch the Michal Moore documentary, Columbine, where he went door to door in Canda opening the front door to peoples houses just to prove nobody there even bothers to lock their doors.
Is that true? Or was he in a good neigborhood?
just a rumour but i guess it makes sense - i've a friend on a circuit committee ( he knows it's not "the truth" but for family & work reasons he stays in ) & he says that the wtbts have told them not to book a swimming pool for next years one day assemblies as the plan is to have only one baptism a year at the main regional ( what they used to call "district" ) convention.. with the drop off in baptisms so that sometimes there isn't anyone baptised or just a handful , i guess this is inevitable.
i remember going to a baptism a few years ago - we had hired a municipal 25 metre swimming pool and only one person ( a rather confused and scared middle aged lady who hadn't been in a swimming pool since her youth ) was being baptised - it was all something of a farce with the "worldly" staff looking on very puzzled at such an elaborate & expensive ceremony for one person.
) also with both assemblies being one day with just short morning & afternoon sessions , i suppose it is sensible to ditch the baptism talk - it tends to be something of a snoozefest anyway at the end of the morning session.
folk getting quite panicky that they havent been dipped and the end is "just around the corner"
Good point, one would assume that there should be a rush to get all on board that ark, especially since this might just be the last memorial. Or is it caluclated? They may use that panick to rush people into making a decision. If this is the last memorial maybe they are pusing this DO as the last chance to get on the ark before the door closes.
Carla also seems to be reading my mind, the disappointment of missing the once yearly opportunity might give someone enough time to cool off and wake up.
The baptism questions are really just a test to see if you can read a question from a book and answer that question by reading the paragraph that follows it. I remember going over my questions with another candidate and half of my answers were “what she said”. If there was anything spirtiual about it there is no way they would have let me get baptised. I only know of one person they made wait because they weren't ready.
if memory serves there have been discussions about:.
pressure to donate to cover convention expenses far beyond actual expenses.
obtaining venue subsidies and or sponsorships but not passing on the savings to the flock.
They need to have a list of aproved hotels even if it does not benefit them. There are some pretty sketchy places and one would hope, at least part of the reason, is to vet out the sketchy ones. That being said my dad always got a better price through his credit card than the dubs were getting through the borg.
I'd be intrested to know how the prices match up compared to the online sites. I bet it isn't that much different, the hotels have pretty much pefected the art of pricing their rooms. Some of the online sites buy a block of rooms at a discount and them sell them for a profit. I wonder if that is what the borg is doing? That would explain why it is so important to only book using the JW secret code.
...and no, it is not justin bieber peeing his initials in the snow.. .
Two things I have against the Candians this year.
Justin Bieber, as was previously mentioned, and I really wish you would keep your damn cold air in your own country.
Us Americans want to wear shorts sometime before August too.
As far as Vandalism this was pretty much all I could find:
they insist you must wear you and whats more it must be placed in clear view for everyone else to see.. i have been challenged before now " sister!
are you wearing your badge!?
" it made me wonder why?
if I saw someone do that, I KNOW they would be a drag on my fun and avoid them like norovirus.
It's funny because it's true