Labrot & Graham Woodford Reserve Distiller's Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
I did a search for it becuase I couln't remember the full name and saw a bottle for sale for $20.
Turns out it was just a $20 painting of the bottle.
looks like a few of you on here might enjoy brown liquor as much as i, so i thought i'd ask.
neat, on the rocks, with water, with soda?.
my top 5 faves:.
Labrot & Graham Woodford Reserve Distiller's Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
I did a search for it becuase I couln't remember the full name and saw a bottle for sale for $20.
Turns out it was just a $20 painting of the bottle.
not sure when i came to this conclusion but i can't imagine living forever.
after a while i think i would be completly bored with everything.. not saying i wouln't like to live for a few hundred years or maybe even a few thousand if i could travel through space and discover other universes star trek style.
but the thought of living forever sounds like it would eventually become a complete drag.. maybe i'm wrong, maybe after a thousand years or so you would foregt all the stuff that happend at the beginning and just start over in an infinite loop..
Xanthippe , I hadn't considered evolving. That might be a game changer for my opinion.
just one but he has to be constantly ready to replace it at a moments notice..
I posted my lame joke hoping for some funnier improvements and JWN didn't disappoint!!
yes, everyone has a price.
a number of years ago in a congregation i once was in there was a wealthy businessman in the congregation.
he made sure that all of the elders had annual vacations overseas or to the tropics paid for by himself.
I feel like if you had money to buy people off you might want to find someone more useful to use it on.
What's a telly hoser?
i don't subscribe to anything supernatural anymore.
but i wanted to experience it just for the simple pleasure of it.
since i don't believe anymore it has zero guilt and can just be fun.
I had a GF that used to use tarot cards. When I asked her about it she said she just used them to get a different point of view.
I always thought that was an interesting use for them.
i've read the walsh trial that indicates the societies stance of ' unity at all costs, even if we're wrong ' but that sounds more like conformity to me.
so how do other religions or movements justify the range of beliefs within their respective movements?
for example, the born again movement, a massive range of beliefs, but they don't insist on conformity.
Unity is when you are there by choice. Conformity is when you are forced to change or risk some sort of loss.
i ask because many a time being honest and telling the truth, even with tact is not met well - in my experience.. in the last couple of days i went for an interview with a company and when asked what my current package was i was honest and told the truth.
they came back with the exact same offer - i then asked if we could negotiate considering my experience blah blah blah - they didn't both to respond and after three emails and asking for some sort of curtesy reply, i got a very offish response.
a collegue i work with went for the same interview, lied about what she earns and they offered her a higher salary and were happy to negotiate even higher.
Somtimes I wonder if the JWs weren't on to something with their "it isn't lying if the person is not owed the truth". I'm sure I paraprhased that statement a bit.
I personally tend to be too honest.
Pointy haired boss: Hey so how do you like our shiny new product that we are banking on for making our numbers in the next quarter?
Me: It sucks!
I don't see a problem with creative truth telling. In my opinion a company has no right asking you how much you got paid at your last job so I wouln't have any problems adding in my 401k match, vacation time and rounding to make it look a little better.
Also, although i'm not very good at this, it is possible to answer without actualy answering. Lots of ideas for that on the internet.
In the end you need to live with yourself so I say test the waters to see where your boundries are.
i've talked with some good friends on the board about this before and we seem to be in agreement : one reason ( among many ) that some disfellowshipped jw's go back and return to the wt organization is because they are full of uneeded guilt or uneeded fear because they haven't educated themselves about how the wt society uses mind control tactics to deceive them into thinking they have " nowhere else to go " .
i understand that some dfed ones may go back to the organization for family and friends- however- it's an exrecise in futility because once you learn the truth about the truth you cannot undo what you heard.
so some may just go back and live a fake jw life to appease family- but just think of how that can damage a person's emotional and mental health playing the fake jw game the rest of their lives !
I have thought about going back just to see some old friends and faking it but those meetings are soooo boring, pure torture, worse than a 24 hour Kardashian marathon with my eyes taped open.
But I never quite understood the hypocritical part. If you no longer believe it why would it be hypocritical? I can think of a million reasons not to go back but worrying about being a hypocrite isn't one of them
i have seen this photo several times but never any back story on it.
was this at bethel?
was this before or after the prohibition?
He kinda looks like WC Feilds to me!
LOL his name didn't pop into my head but when I was looking at it I kept imainging someone saying something in WC Feilds voice.
Now I know why
Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite
and furthermore always carry a small snake.
the lives of the people of arcadia, missouri, are forever changed when their deceased loved ones return.. .
so far it seems to be an interesting take on the subject.
Is it just me? It seems like Jacob isn't very confused by how much things have changed since he died. If I went to bed and woke up the next day to a flat screen tv, smart phones and parents that looked more like my grandparents I’d be a bit confused.
When I heard the name Caleb started looking around for sparlock.