Is it that fake charity George Costanza was making xmas donations to in other people's names?
JoinedPosts by mynameislame
Great new video from Stephen Fry "How do we know what is True ?"
by Phizzy in
Need advice for asking a girl out
by DuvanMuvan inwell long story short, i've been meaning to ask this girl at school out for a while but i can never do it because her friends are always there in the way and i would prefer to ask her in person.
we've liked each other for a while (i was oblivious until about a month or two ago) and i'm also i bit worried she'll get tired of waiting.. i was just wondering if anyone had any advice or something that they could give me.
yet another thing the all knowing JWs prevent their young people from learning.
Don't even look at a girl till you are ready to marry. Don't maturbate. Then when you are horny and desperate you will marry the first girl that gives you the time of day.
Now here you are, stuck with the wrong girl. You gave up your chance to progress in your job or education and are now left asking yourself "Where else can I go?". (the real meaning behind the statement " whom shall we go away to ")
As for you DuvanMuvan If it is that hard to ask her out you are probably thinking about her in fantasyland. If so that is the first thing you need to stop doing. Stop thinking of her a “the one”. There is no such thing! If you have her on a pedestal before you even know her where has she got to go once you are in a relationship? There are plenty of women out there plenty of which you will be able to get along with quite nicely.
How The Governing Body's Jealous Imaginary Friend/Corporation Sock Puppet Is Really Screwing Up Their Decision Making Capacity As CEOs Of The Watchtower Corporation
by frankiespeakin inlook at the recent videos that this bunch of old out of touch with reality governing body has spent time and money(corporation assets) on.
telling the deaf how disqusting jehovah finds looking at you masterbate(clearly a sign of some sort of childish magical thinking) and the one where they throw a little tots gift toy in the garbage because jehovah(corporation's sock puppet) don't like magic, making the the poor kid feel like he will shrivel up and die of old age like adam & eve did at 900+ years old, if he don't hurry up and get rid of that cheap plastic wizzard toy that might perhaps be demonized or something.. i'm telling you guy these guys are trapped into making bad decision because of this imaginary friend.
expect much more in the way of infantile decision making from these delusional individuals.
Those videos seem a lot like I remember televangelists being when I paid attention to such things. Nice suits, gold rings on each hand. A nice office overlooking the city. It certainly doesn’t make me think of a group that is practicing what they are preaching.
And what's with those african carvings on the shelves in the second video? I can understand that they may not be forbidden but for a religion obsessed with not stumbling anyone they seem unnecessary.
Update of course
by Jon Preston inso my wife is slowly waking up!
but cognitive dissonance is thick indeed!
my wife knows the gb are false in many ways but she still holds to the "theyre more right than others!
Start by researching the references from the literature. Going to the library and reading the books referenced in the creation book is what woke me up. I felt that if it was ok for the FDS to read those books it must be ok for me to as well.
Joining a Church and advice from co-workers!!!!!!!!!!
by Jon Preston inso im obviously out mentally....i havent da-ed but i cant care less! co workers are encouraging me to find and join a church.
this person is particularly "wisdomonian" meaning she seems to solve and assist many an ailing indicidual in my field.
I'm pretty sure church of christ is a cult that uses many of the same tactics as the JWs
Love bombing, we are the ony true religion etc...
Why do you need to jump right back into another church anyway?
Photography and HDR
by ILoveTTATT inas i have mentioned before, i love photography, and specially a technique called hdr.
hdr stands for high dynamic range, and it means the ratio of the "lightness" of the lightest spot in the picture to the darkest.. .
I stole the last one for my desktop background, hope you don't mind
Whiskey and bourbon preferences?
by bluesbreaker59 inlooks like a few of you on here might enjoy brown liquor as much as i, so i thought i'd ask.
neat, on the rocks, with water, with soda?.
my top 5 faves:.
Labrot & Graham Woodford Reserve Distiller's Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
I did a search for it becuase I couln't remember the full name and saw a bottle for sale for $20.
Turns out it was just a $20 painting of the bottle.
Is there anything you could do forever that wouln't get boring?
by mynameislame innot sure when i came to this conclusion but i can't imagine living forever.
after a while i think i would be completly bored with everything.. not saying i wouln't like to live for a few hundred years or maybe even a few thousand if i could travel through space and discover other universes star trek style.
but the thought of living forever sounds like it would eventually become a complete drag.. maybe i'm wrong, maybe after a thousand years or so you would foregt all the stuff that happend at the beginning and just start over in an infinite loop..
Xanthippe , I hadn't considered evolving. That might be a game changer for my opinion.
How many elders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
by mynameislame injust one but he has to be constantly ready to replace it at a moments notice..
I posted my lame joke hoping for some funnier improvements and JWN didn't disappoint!!
Buying a body of elders
by hoser inyes, everyone has a price.
a number of years ago in a congregation i once was in there was a wealthy businessman in the congregation.
he made sure that all of the elders had annual vacations overseas or to the tropics paid for by himself.
I feel like if you had money to buy people off you might want to find someone more useful to use it on.
What's a telly hoser?