Roski, Welcome to the board. You said: Her reasoning and ability to register the 'facts' is far better than mine was. Of course your friend is yet to prove she has truly registered the facts. I think there is a twilight zone where Witnesses hang out periodically playing with the idea of escape and freedom. Many don't make it out and retreat back into denial and comfort. You made it though. :-)
Your comment about registering the facts seems a very significan problem. I told the last callers at my door that there was no point in talking to them because they were unable to process factual information like normal people. I think back to my witnessing days and realise that I came away from many discussions feeling triumphant, when the reality was quite different. It was just my spin on it.
It sounds like you've done a lot of healing? If you want to email me some time I'm [email protected] (I'm in melbourne but was a Tasweign during my dub years).
Marilyn (my real name)