SaintSatan.....Who are you???
Would you change your name at least it has a very negative message sent with it!!! Maybe it is representative of your attitude....
Can you read and hear the things going on in the world....just because women have been given their rights and calling someone an ugly name is not looked upon favorably...doesn't mean the world is a better place....
This woman that was caught on tape was really on the edge with her actions, that is plain to see. Four years old is cutting it very close for any real discipline , and I counted ten blows witch is pretty brutal.
But if any of you have kids that are unruly and into things that will hurt them in the long run, you need a tool to get their attention. Sometimes kids need some physical wacks to get their attention. I am not condoning beating your kids but they need help sometimes in seeing some immediate response is needed and they will not respond without some pressure.
I don't care to hear your remarks or reply to this, unless they have at least two kids over the age of ten....
Don't misunderstand this women went too far and needs to be punished, but the act of simply hitting a child is not necessarily abuse!!!
The government just like the DUBS need to stay back out of your life a bit, and not dictate things to you in your daily life.......they can control you much more than you want or need.
I have talked to many people over the last few days since I am in sales and see individuals in an office setting all day long, most of them sahre the exact concerns as I do????