Skeletons in the closet=blackmail material.
Easy to control.
If true of course.
will these birthers never give up?.
wnd exclusive a question of eligibility.
obama critic coming closer to social security records?.
Skeletons in the closet=blackmail material.
Easy to control.
If true of course.
edward a. dames, major, u.s. army, is a decorated military intelligence officer and original member of the u.s. army prototype remote viewing training program.. major ed dames served as the one and only training and operations officer for the defense intelligence agencys psychic intelligence (psint) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the matrix intelligence agency.. today, with the secrets of remote viewing developed through a top-secret u.s. military program with the cia, major ed dames has refined remote viewing to an exact science.. youtube his "coast to coast" broadcast may 17th.
2011 and then post your comments.
it will blow your minds.. some of his team of 60 "viewers" (and they all agree) predictions.. 1. many major earthquakes.
3. Massive solar flares for the next 3 years. A early return of the last space shuttle because of this.
At least that one is testable near term, on July 8. I hope to be there for launch.
His old predictions look about as accurate as a roll of the dice.
they came to the rural black belt county of wilcox in alabama, in the year 1970. hailing from exotic places such as new york, new jersey, connecticut, and massachusetts, they were bright, articulate, and persuasive.. they said the end was close, that the year 1975 would probably be the farthest limit for the current "system of things.
" some of us believed them and embraced their theology wholeheartedly.
we wrote letters of resignation to our respective churches and hit the highways and byways, hawking the wt message to stunned families and friends.. 1975 came and went - nothing.
They came to the rural Black Belt county of Wilcox in Alabama, in the year 1970.
They learned Spanish and came to Miami too.
My mother's twin sister answered the door in 1970 and was convinced.
She would not stop talking to my mother about it.
In the meantime, she picked up a believing boyfriend.
Around the same time, my father met my mother.
Their parents though, did not believe, but old fashioned Cuban rules meant daughters from "good families" always dated with a chaperoning adult, and there was only one adult (my mother's mother) that chaperoned, so all dates were for both daughters.
Meetings were Friday nights. So of course, my mother and father had to tag along with my aunt's dates if they wanted to be together too.
They got sucked in as well.
My parents were baptized (and married) in 1972, at the age of 19.
They believed and preached at a fever pitch.
I was born two years later, and at the age of a few months, they gave up good jobs (my father was a lineman and my mother worked for the phone company) we moved to form a new congregation to serve where the need was greater.
My first word was "JEHOVÁ."
The first song I learned the words to was
Makes me tear up Snow.
will these birthers never give up?.
wnd exclusive a question of eligibility.
obama critic coming closer to social security records?.
So what is your theory, Moshe?
the senate voted to have the fee merchants charge for swiping your debit card for that starbucks frappabuccio reduced to .12 cents from .44 cents.
every little bit helps but watch out for your bank making it up with fees on your checking accounts and other services..
Maybe you mean in front of him. LOL.
thought this was a good article to give hope to the "non-religious":.
what would carl jung make of 2011?
carl gustav jung died 50 years ago today.
Great comment BOTR. You encapsulated some thoughts I wasn't sure how to express.
was checking out the aug. 1 public watchtower and the our readers ask... is does god dwell in one place?
think there was something in an awake a few months back about this.
the physical heavens cannot.
Aug.1 WT: God is not omnipresent, independent of physical universe, uses probes
They cite
1 Kings 8:27: But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!
and yet they ignore:
Jer. 23.24: “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD.
Acts 17:28:For in him we live and move and have our being
The Watchtower says God is beyond, but denies He is within.
thought this was a good article to give hope to the "non-religious":.
what would carl jung make of 2011?
carl gustav jung died 50 years ago today.
I love Jung. I've done a bit of reading about him over the past few years. "Man and his Symbols" explores his ideas on a collective unconscious and the primal archetypes that are common across cultures and religions.
Barry once informed me that the language of Pockeestan is Arabic.