Was checking out the Aug. 1 public Watchtower and the Our Readers Ask... is Does God dwell in one place? Think there was something in an Awake a few months back about this. But is the most they have expanded on it?
I'll post the page but here are a few weird quotes (bolding mine):
"These verses clearly indicate that Jehovah
God dwells, not everywhere, but only in heaven.
Of course, “the heavens” mentioned in
these passages does not refer to the atmosphere
surrounding the earth nor to the vast expanse
of outer space. The physical heavens cannot
contain the Creator of the universe. (1 Kings 8:27)
The Bible tells us that “God is a Spirit.”
(John 4:24) He resides in the spiritual heavens,
a realm independent of the physical universe.
—1 Corinthians 15:44."
A realm independent of the physical universe? Is this a common god belief outside of JW world? I checked out Corinthians 15:44....seems like a real stretch to deduce this from that scripture. But then again, I'm no bible wizard.
Then this…
"By means of his holy spirit,
God can see anything and exert his power anywhere,
without literally going there or dwelling
there. To illustrate: In recent years scientists
have been able to examine soil on the planet
Mars, millions of miles (kilometers) from Earth.
How? Not by traveling there personally, but by
studying detailed photos and other information
transmitted back to Earth by probes sent to Mars’ surface."
First, strange analogy. God has "probes"? And we've been blaming aliens on the probing. Also, they mention that God doesn't need to be there literally. Is that to state that he can be somewhere literally? Any other believers think God zips around the universe?
Next paragraph…
"Likewise, Jehovah God does not have to be
present everywhere, or omnipresent, in order to
perceive what is happening at any point in the universe."
So if God can "perceive what is happening at any point in the universe" wouldn't that be the same as being omnipresent? What difference does it make? And why is there so many damn syllables in the word phonetically?