Yes, you are right. The old green 1961 New World Translation did have that on the map on the inside cover. In the 1984 revision that most Witnesses have now there are different maps and hence no dinosaurs.
Posts by Matty
Blood Part 06 - Blood and the Bible, Genesis 9
by JanH inblood and the bible .
does the blood prohibition apply to christians?
ehovah's witnesses say that the basis for their stand on blood is a biblical prohibition against its use.
Edited by - matty on 8 August 2002 19:42:4
Blood Part 06 - Blood and the Bible, Genesis 9
by JanH inblood and the bible .
does the blood prohibition apply to christians?
ehovah's witnesses say that the basis for their stand on blood is a biblical prohibition against its use.
Brilliant as usual Jan, many thanks
Excluded. How did/does exclusion make you feel?
by Celtic inmany of you have felt at the sharp end, quite particularly so, social exclusion.
emotionally, how did it make you feel?
celtic mark - cornwall uk
Aww, ((((((viv))))))
Whatever happened to...
by Inkie ingoodboy?
goodboy from h20?
i was reading down the list and saw badboy and was reminded of goodboy and wondered if he posts here under a different moniker?
I find H2O a mess of a site. Here's the link:
Confession Time!
by kat7302 inforgive me father for i have sinned......
i think its time we all got off our chest all the naughty things we did whilst rebelling against the jw's!.
ive got too many to list but i think somewhere near the top would have to be....... (drumroll........this is actually quite bad and i may get reprimanded by some of you).
I was once late with my service report and so they had to carry it over to the next month making me an irregular publisher for a month.
I lost my personal copy of my speech counsel and so the school overseer had to write me out a new one.
I forgot to close a gate after me on one of the doors a couple of days ago.
I played the wrong song once when I was on the sound.
I used two paper towels in the toilet at the convention last week, when the attendants told us we should only use one each.
by restorebeauty inwhen you all were dating jws, did you have to have a chaperone everytime you went out?
did you always adhere to this rule?
how did you get around it without getting caught?.
A lot of Witnesses seem to start discussing marriage after the second or third date! It's very sad, you almost sense an air of desperation when witnesses get together on a date, the expectations are too high. Their choices are so limited they seem to make do with anyone that shows a little interest!
Fact: The last time I asked a sister out, she said no and she went on to say that she "wasn't interested in marriage at the present time". I thought to myself, "I only asked you out, I didn't propose!"
by restorebeauty inwhen you all were dating jws, did you have to have a chaperone everytime you went out?
did you always adhere to this rule?
how did you get around it without getting caught?.
It's just plain silly having some gooseberry with you when you are trying to get to know someone. Believe me I know, I've been on many many formal dates as a witness, but only as a chaperone! I was that gooseberry!
I seem to be over-using the icon recently!
OK, I was a wuss today.....
by Mimilly ini have seen my share of horrors in my life; my own; others when i worked on the ambulance and in the funeral home.
i've come home covered in someone else's blood and dealt with death on numerous times.
i have been to the dentist five times in the past month.
I wish I was there to hold your hand today Salem!
Matty your fellow wuss
An Interesting PRO-JW Site
by Mister Biggs ini stumbled across this site today.
i wonder who runs it.
has anyone ever heard of this site before?
Jehovah's Witnesses United
Sounds like a football club! Maybe Tony Adams might want to join!