There is a lot of anticipation about it. Hopefully it will also air in Europe on CNBC 1st June.
i received a fwd of an email stating the the dateline program would air may 28th.... from: "silentlambs" < [email protected]>.
>to: < [email protected]>.
>subject: dateline may 28th.
There is a lot of anticipation about it. Hopefully it will also air in Europe on CNBC 1st June.
ok- lately i have been reading more and more posts and i see hildabinger and mystikool replying to posts supporting the wts.
are they active jw's counting time for repling to posts... am i correct?
is that why hilda's name is crossed out?
If you don't have access to a news server, then you can look it up in Google Groups:
ok- lately i have been reading more and more posts and i see hildabinger and mystikool replying to posts supporting the wts.
are they active jw's counting time for repling to posts... am i correct?
is that why hilda's name is crossed out?
Gozz - Contradiction - too true - any stalwart witness who thinks that it's a good idea to start countering the arguments here is a brave person indeed. There seems to be more of these on alt.religion.jehovahs-witn - this guy called Jabriol - well, he's a legend - he seems to have (1) a lot of time on his hands and (2) a very thick skin!
SYN, I was totally unaware of all the stuff that had happened to the Watchtower until recently. I was a real "speak to the hand" type. I didn't even know who Ray Franz was!
Thank you so much for that cyberhug (((((((((Prisca))))))))) - bless you !
I'm glad you are OK gypsy, I know we have a laugh here and take the piss a bit, but I know a lot of us are going through some tough stuff at the moment.
This 4 posts concurrently thing - isn't this just an easy way of getting high up on the "Most active posters in the last 7 days" list? I know if I aint on it I start sending pointless fluff like this out.
arrivederci tutto!
ok- lately i have been reading more and more posts and i see hildabinger and mystikool replying to posts supporting the wts.
are they active jw's counting time for repling to posts... am i correct?
is that why hilda's name is crossed out?
The problem I always have here is just as the US posters are starting to get going, it's time for me and all the other Europeans to get some sleep - I seemed to have hijacked this thread without knowing it. I guess I need a little right of reply!
Why are you an active JW and how is it that you can go around to people's homes and tell them lies and upset them?
Bang, guilty as charged - I give no excuses. The ministry - I hate it, but it is what I'm expected to do and I dutifully do it to keep up appearances. Basically the situation is that I was born and raised a Jehovah's Witness. ALL my family are Jehovah's Witnesses. Without exception. This forum is my only voice.
I have had doubts pretty much all my life, but begun to have very serious doubts around about five years ago, and after this time I have slowed down considerably, from being very zealous to being pretty token in my service - but nothing too serious to get much unwanted attention from the service overseer. I have only really made up my mind seriously in the last couple of months. Nobody in my family suspects that I have any problem with "The Truth". My family are looked up to as some kind of Theocratic Dynasty. Members of my family have regularly had parts in Circuit and District Conventions. I used to be the kind of guy that you heard in the "Experiences" section of the circuit assembly that made you physically sick.
But, whether I like it or not, the religion is so deeply ingrained into me, I'm finding the thought of leaving petrifying. I cannot yet envisage where I can go with my life after "The Truth".
Matty: Your a dude? What's with the name?gumby - Is Matty a girls name in the US? How many Matildas do you know? I've never met one, I've met a Mathilde though. Matty is short for Matthew in the UK. Just for the record please bear in mind that Robin and Sidney are also dude's names in the UK.
some of us *have* to be "active" witnesses because our situations do not allow us any other - yes, that's me, you've got it right. When you think about it. If you genuinely think that the world is going to end any minute, I guess it's inevitable that you would emotionally blackmail your children into staying in the religion. My parents have destroyed my life up to now, but I can't bear any grudges - I love them.
When I was just lurking I didn't notice as much as I do now. It really makes a difference when you post and correspond with people.Janiece, That is so true. It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to start posting, and now I do it, it has really helped. All I can hope is that there are enough people out there in the same situation as me that I can help and support.
i've been a member of this board since summer of last year.
i'm also a member of several jw groups on yahoo.
i love posting stories on the pedophilia scandal or the un stuff just to see what everyone else says.
Oh, the Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook - soon to be replaced - I shall miss it.
When I'm at work, myself and my co-workers sometimes have to do presentations at meetings. When I start saying stuff like "Coherence through connectives" "Logical development structure" and "repetition for emphasis" and other weird school guidebook buzzphrases, they think I've been to some kind of business school!
When I say that it's because of something small and purple that I've been been getting out regularly all my life - that kinda scares them for some reason!
Whoh there Dakota, so there’s life in the old dog yet!!? Being a Jehovah’s Witness is no life, and anything else, however tedious, is an upgrade. Just be glad you all got out! Gypsy, you haven’t fallen asleep on your keyboard have you? Captain Morgan is the best boyfriend a girl can have!
ok- lately i have been reading more and more posts and i see hildabinger and mystikool replying to posts supporting the wts.
are they active jw's counting time for repling to posts... am i correct?
is that why hilda's name is crossed out?
Well, going to any anti-JW site used to scare the hell out of me – I almost saw the demons floating out of the screen – and I couldn’t dare look for a second!
I don't think that it is this site's sole intention to be anti-JW; it simply reflects it’s members – it could have turned out like great crowd net couldn’t it? It just kinda worked out this way over the last two years. I would say that any staunch JW that signs up here will find themselves realizing pretty soon that they have been fed a lie by the Watchtower propaganda machine - so it's no wonder the r&f are dissuaded from coming here.
ok- lately i have been reading more and more posts and i see hildabinger and mystikool replying to posts supporting the wts.
are they active jw's counting time for repling to posts... am i correct?
is that why hilda's name is crossed out?
You must think I'm stalking you! Truth is, it's a bit quiet at the moment.
This thread seems to bring out more-or-less all the issues that you are querying:
When Simon deletes a user, all their old posts have a line through their name. And of course not all active JW's are trolls - I'm one! An active JW, not a troll that is!
Whoa, girl - four in a row – that doesn’t happen often - are you slightly inebriated by any chance?