You are right about John Barr, I have met him too, and I thought he was a thoroughly decent bloke. He must be ancient now, I'm surprised he's still going strong!
PS Whoa - that was my 300th post!
i have noticed that there is a tendency in this group to speak injuriously of glorious ones.
in an attempt to help us be more "balanced" in this regard i invite all to share which governing body members they like.
who is your favourite governing body member?
You are right about John Barr, I have met him too, and I thought he was a thoroughly decent bloke. He must be ancient now, I'm surprised he's still going strong!
PS Whoa - that was my 300th post!
this is a sort of follow up to "jesus- ignored, forgotten & unemployed at wts" posted by metatron.. it strikes me, that since i have re-appraised many of my religious views that my prayers have changed significantly.
and whilst i am still an active jw, i have wondered whether my family has noticed, though they have not said anything so far.. jws prayers are not only very stereotyped (despite what jesus admonition about not using the same words, or by extension the same thoughts, over and over again) but also extremely introverted towards the watchtower society.. for example, a typical congregation prayer will include the following thoughts;.
1. bless our congregation.
Dawn, thank you for your "rambling thoughts", you’ve really made me think. During this time when I really don’t know what to believe, prayer is something that I have to think about seriously. Recently I have stopped saying personal prayers because I feel as if I’m speaking to no one. In my own mind God had changed completely from a kind of big “Circuit Overseer” to a big “who-knows-what”. It’s like finding out suddenly that you’re really adopted and the parents you thought you were a part of are nothing to do with you and suddenly want nothing to do with you. I have spent all of my life pointlessly praying to the god of the Watchtower society, and now I don’t know who to talk to.
a catholic bishop in lancashire has deceided to sell his 1 million mansion to spend more time among his flock and give the money to the poor.. would wt do that?
The bethel in the UK is in one of the most expensive, prime and sought after locations in the whole of London. If they sold their place in Mill Hill it would make enough money to buy the whole of Lancashire, let alone one mansion in it!
bit of background from a previous thread:.
is the bible saying that god cannot physically lie, or that he simply chooses not to?
Bit of background from a previous thread:
Is the bible saying that God cannot physically lie, or that he simply chooses not to? Satan is supposedly the “father of the lie”. Why is a lie spoken of as something material as if it is physically impossible for someone like God to convey any kind of fabrication? How can one person invent something in this way? Hebrews 6:17-18 says “In this manner God, when he purposed to demonstrate more abundantly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of his counsel, stepped in with an oath, in order that, through two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to the refuge may have strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope set before us”
But we all know instances where this statement is stretched to breaking point. What about 1st Kings 22 where it speaks about King Ahab. His own rent-a-prophets guaranteed Ahab success in the war against Ramoth-gilead, whilst God’s own prophet Micaiah prophesied disaster for Ahab. In this circumstance God physically made Ahab’s prophets lie – oh, yes it was the prophets that physically spoke, but there is no doubt that God was the one making them lie, and because of it, Ahab paid with his life. And later Ezekiel 14:9 very clearly says “And as for the prophet, in case he gets fooled and actually speaks a word, I myself, Jehovah, have fooled that prophet”. What is the difference between “fooling someone” and lying? It’s all about playing with words. There are circumstances where God is supposed to manipulate events on the earth to fulfill prophecy. We are all waiting for the supposed “Great Tribulation” where God will get the governments of the world to do his dirty work for him. This will inevitably involve duplicity of some kind, but God will be pulling all the strings.
If a ventriloquist gets his dummy to tell lies, who is actually telling the lies? Is it Keith Harris or is it Orville the duck who is (Who?! Type it in Google) actually calling the shots? Orville could fly if he wanted to – but Harris won’t let him!
All the manipulation and double-dealing by God in the bible really gets on my nerves. Oh, it’s all explained away very nicely by the WTS, - they call it an “operation of error“, but none of the explanations wash as far as I’m concerned.
this is a sort of follow up to "jesus- ignored, forgotten & unemployed at wts" posted by metatron.. it strikes me, that since i have re-appraised many of my religious views that my prayers have changed significantly.
and whilst i am still an active jw, i have wondered whether my family has noticed, though they have not said anything so far.. jws prayers are not only very stereotyped (despite what jesus admonition about not using the same words, or by extension the same thoughts, over and over again) but also extremely introverted towards the watchtower society.. for example, a typical congregation prayer will include the following thoughts;.
1. bless our congregation.
Prayers are very difficult for me now. The prayers I say at the meetings are just the usual spiel - but personal prayers are a different matter now.
It's now like "I don't know who you are anymore God… where are you, who are you - am I just talking to myself?!" I feel very egocentric now and I now want God to do his duty.
If he is the God of the bible, than I don't really want to know him - he doesn't seem to be the sort of person I would want to talk to, or call my friend to be quite honest. He might have been Abraham’s pal, but what kind of friend would intimidate you into attempting to kill your own son, just to prove your allegiance? Why should I grovel and thank him for this lousy world that he created and has allowed to continue, and the abysmal life I've had? As far as I can see he just did this all for a bet. Jesus didn't need to sacrifice himself - what was the point of it?
Well, then after getting all those feelings I then start feeling really guilty for being so selfish and I then apologize to God - and promise to be a good little witness and mend my ways.
...nathan the prophet has just confronted david with his adultery with bath-sheba, and the subsequent cover-up, which resulted in the death of uriah, her husband..... ...whereas you yourself acted in secret, i, for my part, shall do this thing in front of all israel and in the front of the sun.
david reflected for a moment, then said, i dont think so, nate ol boy.
ysee, im the freaking king, and rank has its privileges.
Thanks for that Captain! I'm a huge fan of King David as many know. He is held up as a supreme example to all JWs.
It doesn't matter what you've done, murder, adultery, deceit - anything (he was probably a pedo in his spare time) Well, God will graciously forgive you, providing you are his little pal of course. Anyone else though, well, God will slaughter you for the slightest misdemeanor!
"Why did you strike him down to oblivion oh lord?"
"Oh, he was looking at the heavens toward me in a funny sort of way. I'm on my celestial period today and so I won’t take any sh*t off anyone!"
this in no way condones or encourages people to use or mis-use pills.
it is an observation of how society treats illnesses, and those who have to take prescription meds, will see the humor in it.. the pill song.
by salem reid.....(written in a moment of utter silliness several years ago).
Well, Salem – all I can say is like Moses, you should keep on taking the tablets.
hi to you all.
anybody planned their summer holidays yet,if so where are you all going?as for me and my spouse we are off to cornwall for a week,rented a cottage overlooking the harbour.. get this my son and family are going to the isle of white they are witnesses and they go there every year with a load of other witnesses,and a wonderful time was had by all,sorry i am being a bit naughty there,i have 3 grankids 2 of which are jws i would love to take them away with us one day,i might suggest it for next year do you guys think i will be allowed to take them.. in october i will be flying to greece as my lovely daughter lives there and she will be giving birth to her 1st baby in october,i have to go she needs her mummy there.. qca1
My holiday this year will again be at the wonderful resort Costa Del Twickenham. Combined with a sumptuous feast of spiritual food, it’s a holiday that should not be missed. I will be able to see the incredible sights, such as the spectacular coach park with all the amazing variety of different busses; remarkable architecture and feats of engineering like the portable toilet block; I will also be doing some mountaineering – probably walking up to the third tier in the West stand – no mean feat. I might also visit the branch of Tesco next door.
Wow – I’m sure you are jealous.
Brothers and Sisters are constantly talking about 69! was the year of the "Peace on Earth" International Convention, and in the UK it was held at Wembley Stadium.
well last night finally did it for me.. i was over at stephanie's house, just as friends, and i was on the net while she was doing homework and was in the chat room and she got on the phone.
it sounded like it was mandy.
ooh my god did i freak.
Phew ((Katie)), you definitely know how to freak us out! Yes, theres a nut called non_trias_theos who is giving us all a bit of fun now.