Princess, it's very easy to look at things unemotionally from an outsiders point of view isnt it? When you fall for someone you do dumb things, like trust them for instance! It can affect anyone at any age.
Posts by Matty
i have been seeing a jw
by chineseprincess infor about 2 months i have been seeing a jw male.
he is as sweet as can be.
he just makes my heart melt.
When Doves Cry - Lyric Symbolism
by MrMoe inheard it on the radio today, so i wanted to share it with you all.
it is my opinion that some of the more talented music artists write far more than snazzy lyrics, the songs are packed with symbolism.
take example this song.
Thank you MrMoe! I must admit that before your brilliant post the only part of this song that stuck out to me is the bit that goes Maybe you're just like my mother, She's never satisfied, that was really for obvious reasons!!!
Those lyrics are shouting out for something arent they? Other lyrics like you turn on the telly and every other story, is telling you somebody died, sister killed her baby cause she could afford to feed it, and we're sending people to the moon, are crying out about the unfairness in the world. You can understand why he was attracted to the Jws really can't you?
Edited by - matty on 10 June 2002 16:1:30
A Sister Speaks Out!
by silentlambs inthe following is a letter i recieved to day on the silentlambs email.
it seems brothers and sisters are becoming more willing to speak out on this matter.
I agree, it's written with real passion and fury, as if she wants to snatch the GB 'from the fire'. I wonder how many similar letters they are getting that aren't cc'd to Bill?
Edited by - matty on 10 June 2002 15:29:50
A Sister Speaks Out!
by silentlambs inthe following is a letter i recieved to day on the silentlambs email.
it seems brothers and sisters are becoming more willing to speak out on this matter.
I think the exclamation marks sum up her anger and frustration, its as if shes shouting, 'look, wake up for goodness sake!!'
Edited by - matty on 10 June 2002 15:9:13
A Sister Speaks Out!
by silentlambs inthe following is a letter i recieved to day on the silentlambs email.
it seems brothers and sisters are becoming more willing to speak out on this matter.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses have a habit of using too many exclamation marks?!! Surely not?!!!
i have been seeing a jw
by chineseprincess infor about 2 months i have been seeing a jw male.
he is as sweet as can be.
he just makes my heart melt.
Princess, thanks for getting back to us. You are a worry, what are we to do with you?!
Keep in touch.
Admit doubts
by Realist inwould a jw ever admit that s/he has doubts about the wt teachings?
do they have the order to pretend they believe everything or could they discuss what bothers them?.
i assume they have to pretend they think everything is dandy and the teachings logical when they speak with elders or other witnesses.
Thank you so much for that, that was, in my best JW lingo "thought provoking"!
As you can appreciate, I am still in the process of re-examining all of my beliefs, and trying to work out who I am!
The definition of faith is a real biggie!
devil in church
by carolbell ini was watching my daughters children last year.
thy were going to vacation bible school.
my son who is a j.w.
I guess most kids find those big gothic churches a bit spooky, but when I was a child, I was genuinely terrified of churches, I thought of them as being like Dracula's castles - full of demons and stuff! I didn't want to go too near one in case a crazy person came out and dragged me in.
On reflection I now know that I was the crazy person, not the poor churchgoers. It just goes to show what you can do to a young child's mind!
Admit doubts
by Realist inwould a jw ever admit that s/he has doubts about the wt teachings?
do they have the order to pretend they believe everything or could they discuss what bothers them?.
i assume they have to pretend they think everything is dandy and the teachings logical when they speak with elders or other witnesses.
ashi, I agree... there's something sinister and creepy about it. I think most people who want to leave the witnesses really struggle with those words.
Admit doubts
by Realist inwould a jw ever admit that s/he has doubts about the wt teachings?
do they have the order to pretend they believe everything or could they discuss what bothers them?.
i assume they have to pretend they think everything is dandy and the teachings logical when they speak with elders or other witnesses.
Absolutely Mark, it's a part of you, you lose your identity if you have doubts! If there is one scripture that is thrust down our throats more than anything on this subject then it's Hebrews 11:1, which defines faith as "the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld."
There is absolutely no room for doubt and uncertainty here in this scripture. Faith and doubt are the two opposite extremes of the belief spectrum. Essentially, If you have true faith, then you believe like that it's already happened. I have understandably found this very difficult. Having this totally acquiescent confidence in the future is the witnesses form of Nirvana! How many Witnesses have achieved this position? It seems like it has been achieved by all of them that I know! I live in a bullsh*tters paradise.