Hey, they were great Mary. I'll look forward to seeing your next post! Don't go away will you?!
You spelt humour like me, I'm confused - I automatically presumed you were from the US?!
going to the assembly this year?
are you ready to fall asleep by 10:05am when the opening song and prayer are over?
wonder how you'll ever make it to 5 o'clock without losing it?
Hey, they were great Mary. I'll look forward to seeing your next post! Don't go away will you?!
You spelt humour like me, I'm confused - I automatically presumed you were from the US?!
in all seriousness, i would like to know from anybody in this forum if anybody on here had ever experienced such an "annointing".
even though i do not believe in the tower and its teachings for a couple of years now, i would always question the supposed "feelings" an "annointed" person was suupposed to have.
in light of younger people claiming to be of this "annointed class" in recent years, i question their motive and all of those that were older which were most likely "annointed'".. thanks
When I asked one of the "Anointed Class", "How do you know you are one of the Anointed", she replied "How do you know that you aren't?". I understand this is a stock reply.
Well, I certainly had no desire at that time to be floating off up to heaven when I died, I wanted to stay on terra firma and so I guessed she felt just the same way but the other way round.
well, i had taken alot of notes from the district assembly, and i ripped them out of my notebook and gave them to christine (so my parents couldn't see them) well here they are:.
(this was me the first day before it started.
it's more like a diary entry).
I've have notebook conversations with people during the convention, but never any like that! Katie, you are quite something, thank you for that!
I've got my convention coming up soon, and I'll go along with what you say about looking at it as a vacation. I hope it will be my last.
is it true that the society has done away with blood cards?.......and if so how do you know?
Jehovah's Witnesses are still required to carry the No Blood Card. They will still have the one that was signed at the beginning of 2001 though. No instructions have been given to them as to them being scrapped.
Edited by - matty on 27 June 2002 13:48:12
child shares milk with 'holy' temple rats
a child has been sharing milk from a bowl with a group of "holy" rats at an indian temple.. hundreds of rats live undisturbed at the karni mata hindu temple in deshnoke, rajasthan.. .
it's known locally as "rat temple".. the high priests protect the rats because their bodies are thought to house the souls of dead worshippers.. there are special holes allowing the rats to move around the temple.. it's said if you spot a white rat, you'll have good luck.
I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in
Just what God needs
One more victim
We must have standards in our new religion. Anyone caught listening to that cheap wannabe-tori Dido must be disfellowshipped.
Listening to Fiona Apple is approved, because we've had some "new light", but only under supervision.
Edited by - matty on 26 June 2002 19:14:47
i was just thinking back to my kh days and religion in general, and what boggles my mind as a non god believer is how people need and want to worship what they believe?
i just can never see myself wanting or needing this!
it just freaks me out man.
I keep being reminded of man's inherent need to worship. Do I feel an overwhelming urge to prostrate myself in front of God, fawning and wailing in appreciation of the gift of life? Do I really have to? It's just not me, it's not my thing at all.
Not that I'm not showing appreciation or anything, but at this stage of my life I'm finding it hard to be grateful for the life that I've had. Or perhaps I'm just a dumbass whiner. Ask me again some other time when I'm not feeling sorry for myself!
germany is in the final of the soccer world championship in japan/south korea.
the game will be broadcasted at 1.00 p.m., german time.
there are five dc this weekend (but only two of german language.).
I'm glad Brazil won today, as I always consider Turkey as just being the German B team. Germany vs Germany Lite wouldn't be too interesting to me as a final.
child shares milk with 'holy' temple rats
a child has been sharing milk from a bowl with a group of "holy" rats at an indian temple.. hundreds of rats live undisturbed at the karni mata hindu temple in deshnoke, rajasthan.. .
it's known locally as "rat temple".. the high priests protect the rats because their bodies are thought to house the souls of dead worshippers.. there are special holes allowing the rats to move around the temple.. it's said if you spot a white rat, you'll have good luck.
Moe, what can I say!
SpiceItUp, it was the God video. It was the one that she does different religions, yeuch those rats!!
I worship Tori Amos now. I'm an Amos Witness.
Doh! Why can't I check my spelling before I press 'reply to topic'!
Edited by - matty on 26 June 2002 16:16:10
there was never a time in my life when i felt more alone than when the first wife moved out, unannounced.
i came home from work one day and the house was practically empty and she hadn't said a single word.
it was a betrayal/disappointment/disloyalty that, truth be told, i still have not recovered from and probably never will.
Thank you so much for those reflections, they were brilliant!
That song is about Quentin Crisp, of whom I am a massive fan. The parallels that you brought out about alienation really ring true. Perhaps some people here might want to post their favourite Crisp quotes.
"If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style."
"My function in life was to render clear what was already blindingly conspicuous."
"Never keep up with the Joneses! Drag them down to your level: it's cheaper!"
"...this idea that love overtakes you is nonsense. This is but a polite manifestation of sex. To love another you have to undertake some fragment of their destiny."
i was laying in bed last night thinking how lucky i am that i havent had to undergo the mental torture of attending the district convention.
then i started reminiscing about the old days and i suddenly remembered those ridiculous tickets you had to buy to pay for food.
they were those brown cheap cardboard type efforts with i think 10 tickets per sheet.
Yes, it was crafty that they changed the colour every year to stop you using your old tickets! The circuit assembly ones were different too!