Sorry about the delay, I just plain forgot! If I promise something like this again and don't deliver the goods, please feel free to e-mail me a reminder.
As you can see below, the article is being studied in two parts, and is basically going to be in the same format as the Watchtower study. I think this is unprecedented for a service meeting item.
If there is anyone here who isn't familiar with service meeting items, the articles are often done in a question-and-answer format, but questions are not printed in the Kingdom Ministry, the questions are worked out by the speaker. Sometimes the KM asks for specific paragraphs to be read, but it is rare that all paragraphs are asked to be read.
August 2002 "Our Kingdom Ministry" Page 2
Week Starting August 19
18 min: "Displaying Christian Loyalty When a Relative Is Disfellowshipped."* (Paragraphs 1-8) To be handled by a well-qualified elder, using the questions that are provided. Have each paragraph read aloud by a brother who is a capable reader.
Song 136 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting August 26
18 min: "Displaying Christian Loyalty When a Relative Is Disfellowshipped."* (Paragraphs 9-14) To be handled by a well-qualified elder, using the questions that are provided. Have each paragraph read aloud by a brother who is a capable reader.
Song 125 and concluding prayer.
Edited by - matty on 7 July 2002 8:36:50