Too right! It's difficult enough at the best of times, you have to put stuff on the floor and stand on one leg and use your knee to lean your notebook on!! I'm thinking now that if Jehovah really wanted us to go on the door-to-door work he would have created us with three arms!
Posts by Matty
'Nice' news article from Fl
by Max Divergent in.
here's a nice sickly sweet article from fl about the tireless efforts of the local neighbourhood witnessess working for your salvation despite terrible persecution... i really liked the bit where a lady who takes in stray cats and dogs also invited the jw's in!.
'Nice' news article from Fl
by Max Divergent in.
here's a nice sickly sweet article from fl about the tireless efforts of the local neighbourhood witnessess working for your salvation despite terrible persecution... i really liked the bit where a lady who takes in stray cats and dogs also invited the jw's in!.
Windchaser, how on earth is she supposed to use the counsel she had about gesturing at her last No3 carrying around that mess!
Six months? I once moved to "where the need wasn't great"! I left a congregation that got round their territory once every 14/15 months to a congregation that got through their maps once every 2 weeks! -
JW Russia Info
by messenger infor immediate release .
june 27, 2001. supreme court reverses order to liquidate jehovah's witnesses in kabardino-balkaria, russia.
nalchik, kabardino-balkariaon june 19, the supreme court of kabardino-balkaria, reversed a lower court's order to liquidate the congregation of jehovah's witnesses in the city of prokhladny and returned the prosecutor's application to liquidate for a new hearing.
Fair point Mike!
Anyway, I don't know what help they'll be Hauora but the contact address you are probably looking for is:
Jehovah's Witnesses St Petersberg,
Srednyaya 6,
St Petersburg,
RussiaTelephone: +7 (812) 434-38-50
Fax: +7 (812) 437-09-70 -
Alternative lyrics to kingdom songs
by Matty inhave you ever sung alternative lyrics to kingdom songs during a meeting or a convention?
to qualify they have to sound very similar to the actual words so you can get away with it without too much attention being drawn to yourself.
here are three examples, i'm sure there are many more, so please feel free to add!.
Thanks Ang for the links. Dolphman, can I continue in the theme you set?
Myriads and Myriads of rubbers
All clad in fetherlites
Each one electro-tested
Serving us every night
Myriads there are on Myriads
Truly a mighty shroud
In all the nations of the earth
We all are standing proud(127 Myriads of Brothers)
Incest accuse , witchunt?
by happy man inafter i have read a lot of this here, and evrything bill say, i must say this is a very delicat and difficult issu.
almost unbelevebel difficult.. i dont want to defend abusers, fare from that, i hate them,and think the best is to take ther balls away, but i think it is important that this not turns out to be a witchunt on men, like it was inn in sweden in the some time ago, some swedeish famus writer say this is the moderm times witchunt.. in 1600 children was turnig inn ther mothers and say they was witch, and they was burnd , who can go against children.. here some social educated peopel find when they ask children, that if they think wery carefull, they must remeber that some have abuse them when they was littel children, we have also some case where fadher was realesd from prison after the children confesd that they was lying.. so this writer say that men is modern times witch, if you understan what i meen.. intresting thaught on a very difficult issu, but i think it is easy that this thing can turn out to be a hunt .. wher even some innocent is condemd.
this was only my thaughts late inn the swedish summer .
The problem is very clear. If serious accusations are not handled by the proper authorities then the rumour mill can kick in. This is dreadful for all parties concerned. Unless these matters are handled by professionals and investigated thoroughly, nothing can be proven outright. Firstly, evil criminals can go unpunished, and on the flipside, innocent people's reputations can be destroyed.
Murder in honor
by happy man in.
in sweden we now have some very tragikal exampels on what happends in some musslim famylis, inn 3 cases, fadher have killd there one dotters , why?
they want marry a boy who not is musslim.. do you have the same thing in us, this is the biggest news inn sweden fore the moment.. i think it is starting upp to bee tuff to belong to a movment who is trying to follow the bibel or the koran to the last lettter.. here we have nothing yet about this pedofile things, nowan nows, only the catolic church is metioned inn the news media about this things.
It's the fastest growing religion in the UK as well. I find this very worrying.
Englishman's BBQ Pics
by Simon inok, until i check with everyone who is in them whether they are ok for their picture to be posted i will stick to 'safe' ones (ie.
people who have already posted their pics or said it was ok):.
mark aka celtic / invisible and englishman.. .
OUTLAW, Termite is very cute but unfortunately she's very married too!
How Pure Are You?
by MrMoe inomg i am like super wicked....
you are 29% pure!
Moe, do you mean "shocked" as in it was probably a really low purity figure? Or are you "shocked" at me being so ridiculously pure?!
To clarify, bear in mind my current status as an active life-long dub!
How Pure Are You?
by MrMoe inomg i am like super wicked....
you are 29% pure!
My result is far too embarrassing to broadcast, but lets just say I won.
Actually it was 81%!
Englishman's BBQ Pics
by Simon inok, until i check with everyone who is in them whether they are ok for their picture to be posted i will stick to 'safe' ones (ie.
people who have already posted their pics or said it was ok):.
mark aka celtic / invisible and englishman.. .
I've got a yellow square head, and ballistic is doing something weird with it that littletoe is finding funny!
Whoa Moe, 2001 posts - hail the new Emperor!!
(edited coz moe did two more posts since I said "Whoa Moe, You're nearly an emperor"!)
Edited by - Matty on 27 July 2002 10:55:12