i would encourage you to broaden your search past the "ex-witnesses" though. this site is not the end all be all of life outside of the jw org. id search other translations of the bible, historical accounts, dates, other religions, etc, etc.
I am. I enjoy the translation "New Living Translation". The way it is laid out in English, it's easier to understand. I also compare the scriptures that I look up with the other translations used in "The Bible Gateway" at http://bible.gospelcom.net/
I have read many things into the historical accounts. Some things I believe are exagerated like Rutherford's drinking. For example, everyday I drink half a glass of merlot before I go to sleep. I also enjoy a cold refreshing beer (specially in the Texas heat). Would this make me a drunkard 50+ years after my death? Well, what I'm saying is that I don't believe all the second, third, fourth hand stories. But at least I do look into it. Regarding dates, well I'm still looking into it. I think bottom line is Bible chronology vs. secular chronology, so then it's a choice of who to believe.
Regarding the disfellowshipping issue and the shunning part, I do believe what the Bible says regarding it. That might come off as parroting JW doctrine, but to me it is clearly put in the Bible. I know Jehovah wants me to be clean (morally), and I do too because that brings me happiness.