Lisa, in a perfect world you would be right. The problem is that this is not a perfect world. A wrongdoer is disfellowshipped because the congregation needs to be cleansed in the eyes of Jehovah. It is not a "time out" as if saying, o.k. you are disfellowshipped for 6 months and then you come back. No, the person must be repentant and must have turned from his sinning path.
I have not decided to clean up my life because I was disfellowshipped, but because I love Jehovah and I want to please him. But how did I realize this? Because the disfellowshipping was such a shock to me that it made realize what is more important.
Shunning creates lying, extortion, reviling in the form of gossip and a number of other forms of unkindness.Joel, you can't honestly say this about every case. I'm sure it happens in some congregations. But overall it does not. Have you not been present where a disfellowshipped person is reinstated? Brothers and sisters hugging, crying with joy.
Moral power comes from God and morality is therefore a personal issue between God and each individual.This is true and most Witnesses will agree with you. But, what about when it involves the congregation? There are many examples in the Bible where the actions of one individual would affect the whole nation of Israel. The congregation must deal severely with those that are unrepentant and do not abandon their sinful ways.
I have a very high set of ethics that center around honesty and kindness.And you are to be commended for this. You are very kinds in your posts on this board. I know you are making an effort to be accepted by Jehovah. But we can not just excuse ourselves and ignore his laws.