This will serve to unbury the post and add something based on my mail.
Click on the envelope to the left to see my hotmail address, and feel free to use it; others are. Authentic COs/DOs have no trouble in identifying themselves; it is easy to spot the fakes. A quick response to mail:
I perhaps did not make it clear that I myself am involved with both presentations. I would not do so unless it were being done thoroughly, with input from Brooklyn as well. A real question is, "Since no one wants to protect pedophiles, why the code of silence?" "Why the appeal to protect the organization, to avoid reproach on Jehovah's name?" That area can still use input and insight. By the way, do remember the offical teaching is that Jehovah's name does not need to be "vindicated."
The door to your input will close soon, one program is wrapping up.
I strongly urge you to take a look at the thread "So Confused" by "troubled" this morning. Not exactly unfamiliar to you, is it? You see huge numbers of persons just like that, and this sweet person thinks she is all alone. You know better. If you are reading this, you are not blaming the elders or yourself. You know where the problem lies.
It is easy to look at other religious organizations and generalize "they have the same problem." Let me tell you that the lowliest janitor in most churches has to take a course in sexual harassment and abuse issues. One major denomination insists that anyone on any committee or who does any kind of teaching also take such enlightened training. The simple rule is: NO SECRETS
For one inquirer: Yes, I am continuing to supply my own personal information and input; I am no mere vehicle. As to 'you show me yours and I'll show you mine,' that's a done deal.
I really wish the organization had revisited the issue, got rid of the legalism, and said, 'Our policy has been well meaning in intent but unChristian in point of fact in some egregious cases. We're working at changing that.' Who could argue well with that? Instead they are pulling up the drawbridges over the moat, insulating themselves yet further.
And they worry about decreases? How many of your wives say to you, "Something is not right in the organization." What is indeed impeding the free flow of holy spirit."
You are in my prayers,
Field service not too satisfying today, apparently? Shame on me for the cheap jibe. I'm quite sympathetic, I know how you feel.