I never cease to be amazed at the quality of thoughtful mail many of us get. One question that keeps coming up is in regards to sourcing in-depth reference material. I regularly cite the Nourishment for the Spirit thread.
If you would like to explore discussion regarding clergy/penitent privilege extended all churches that practice sacramental confession, you might want to read the paperback
Confidentiality and clergy: Churchs, Ethics and the Law,
William Rankin, Morehouse Publishing, 1990
If you want to examine the issues from a more general
perspective of legal aspects and history, in greater detail
Religious Organizations and the Law, Vol. 2
William W. Bassett, West Group Publishing, 1997
ISBN: 0836611195
Most of us are so steeped in the monolithic viewpoint it is hard to recognize that there is a great variance among priests--recall the USA Today article that appeared on this board recently. We are quick to think in terms of rigid policy.
Many individual states exempt child abuse from the clergy/penitent privilege that is awarded to the confessional. Not all priests recognize the reservation of that privilege in the first place.
***A reminder may be in order that if you put someone's e-mail address in your book and send out forwarded mail to everyone in it, MSN hotmail may toss it into the Bulk folder. (Translation: Max can use this as an excuse if he misses something.)
This is not to add to threads already ongoing, just to inform. I'll bump it from time to time for awhile.