LOL, that brings back memories. I would try to be fast and be at the person before the name was called. It wasn't really that hard usually. You just follow the conductor's eyes. But sometimes you'd get someone who would look in one direction and call on someone they had seen in another direction. Then sometimes only one person would raise their hand so of course, you'd start heading in that person's direction. I would also make a point of looking up and down the rows of the side of the hall where I was standing and noting who was sitting were, especially the people who commented a lot, in order to lessen the chance that I couldn't find someone when the conductor called their name.
I looked a few posts on the other thread. I handled the mike at halls that had poles and at halls that had just the mike which you passed down the row. And yes when we had the polls there were always those who would grab it. But generally if I had to reach and extend a bit with the pole, I would be happy to let the person hold part of the weight. The last hall I attended had some wireless mikes. That was nice. No cords to trip over.